Cards of the Day! 21/11/2012

21 novembre 2012 a 8 h 13 min

バーストライザー Burstraizer
Grade 1/Nova Grappler – Battleroid/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[ACT](VC/RC):[Counter Blast(1)] This unit gets [Power]+1000 until end of turn.

« This Raizer is able to turn his fighting power into real fighting strength. »

ライザーシリーズの開発中期に造られた準汎用バトロイド。 初期タイプの直系である「ライザーカスタム」を除くと、「バトルライザー」の形状・機構を最も色濃く踏襲して製造されている。 操縦者の精神状態を読み取り、それを力へと変換する「TC(Tension Conversion)システム」の搭載を初めて行ったタイプとして、機体性能以上にこの斬新なシステムが評価されていた。 その後、TCシステムは様々な改良を加えられ、後期に開発されたほぼ全てのライザーに搭載される事になる。

A Semi-Generic Battleroid built in the middle of the Raizer series’ development. Excluding the direct descedant of the prototypes, « Raizer Custom », it is one of the most heavily manufactured Raizers based on the shape and parts of « Battle Raizer ». With its ability to read the mindstate of its driver, it works in conjunction with the « TC (Tension Conversion) System » installed inside it, transforming that state of mind into actual physical power, and so novel was it, that it was more examined and reviewed than the machine’s peformance specs. After most of the bugs and quirks in the TC System were fixed and improved upon, it was made standard in almost all later Raizer models.


What is the Raizer Series?
The main concept of the « Raizer » Battleroids and their successors is versatility, so it can by driven by any pilot. The first time they were introduced for live combat was with the BR1-0021, commonly known as « Battle Raizer », which has had many successive models. But this flexibility which was an initial concept was removed in the second half of development, as more highly efficient builds were manufactured, resulting in many custom-made vehicles constantly participating in the Nova Grappler league.

トランスライザー Transraizer
Grade 2/Nova Grappler – Battleroid/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC) or (RC), reveal the top card of your deck. If the revealed card is a grade 1 or 2 «Nova Grappler», call that card to (RC), and if it is not, shuffle your deck.

« This Raizer continues to send hope to his friends fighting on the frontline. »

チーム戦がノヴァグラップルの主流となった時期に量産された汎用バトロイド。 他の機体を補佐する事を目的とした支援専用機であり、必要最低限の武装しか持たない為、単体での戦闘は不向き。 しかし、装備の重量をこそぎ落とした分、機動力と運用時間が向上しており、武器・エネルギータンク・スペアパーツ、果ては小型機体の運搬までも低燃費かつ素早く行える機体となっている。 また、操縦者を選ばないと言われる程に操作系が簡略化されており、中期のライザーシリーズの中で最も汎用性が高い機体と評されている。

An all-purpose Battleroid that was mass-produced at the same time Team Fights became a mainstream activity in Nova Grappler matches. Because its body was exclusive designed for the purpose of helping others in the match, and it’s armed with as little weapons as required, it simply is completely unsuited for battle. Due to so much equipment weight being dropped (Weapons, Energy Tanks, Spare Parts) its operating time and mobility increased, resulting in quick movement and low fuel consumption, and even the ability to carry small machines. Also, because it doesn’t need a driver, and it has a simpler operating system, it has been called the most versatile vehicle built in the middle of the Raizers’ development.

Some BT09 • Clash of the Knights & Dragon news

20 novembre 2012 a 10 h 44 min

Salut tout le monde ! On va faire bref, aujourd’hui nous apprenons l’identité d’une carte de l’extension Clash of the Knights & Dragons qui nous turlupinait depuis assez longtemps :

Aussi, si cette carte nous fait immédiatement penser à Spectral Duke Dragon, sachez que… Son nom est totalement différent : « Convicting Dragon, Chrome Jailer Dragon » !

Ce qui nous laisse le listing suivant :

BT09 001 – Covert Demonic Dragon, Magatsu Storm
BT09 002 – Blue Storm Supremacy Dragon, Glory Maelstrom
BT09 003 – Goddess of the Sun, Amaterasu
BT09 004 – Super Beast Deity, Illuminal Dragon
BT09 005 – Crimson Impact, Metatron
BT09 006 – Radiant Lion, Platinum Ezel
BT09 007 – Convicting Dragon, Chrome Jailer Dragon
BT09 008 – Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion THE BLOOD

A la prochaine pour plus de détails !


Hi everyone ! We’ll be quick : today we’re learning about one of the  cards featured in the BT09 • Clash of the Knights & Dragon set. If this card first makes us think about Spectral Duke Dragon, you’ll learn that… It’s not the case at all ! Its name is totally different ! That leaves us with :

BT09 001 – Covert Demonic Dragon, Magatsu Storm
BT09 002 – Blue Storm Supremacy Dragon, Glory Maelstrom
BT09 003 – Goddess of the Sun, Amaterasu
BT09 004 – Super Beast Deity, Illuminal Dragon
BT09 005 – Crimson Impact, Metatron
BT09 006 – Radiant Lion, Platinum Ezel
BT09 007 – Convicting Dragon, Chrome Jailer Dragon
BT09 008 – Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion THE BLOOD

« Sentencing Dragon, Chrome Jailer Dragon ! »

Stay tuned for more information !

Cards of the Day! 20/11/2012

20 novembre 2012 a 8 h 58 min

バトルシスター くっきー Battle Sister, Cookie
Grade 3/Oracle Think Tank – Elf/10000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):When this unit attacks a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.
[AUTO]:[Counter Blast (2)] When this unit is placed on (VC), you may pay the cost. If you do, draw two cards, choose a card from your hand, and discard it.

« So all of ya punks are my enemies? Heh! In that case, I’ll cut ya ta ribbons! »

戦闘教団に所属する生え抜きのエージェント、「バトルシスターズ」のメンバー。 近代兵器や異能で溢れる裏の世界を、抜き身の太刀一本で潜り抜けてきた猛者。 こと白兵戦に関しては天賦の才を持ち、特殊な機構を持つ武器の力に頼らない戦闘スタイルを貫く武人のような性格をしている。 任務時間外は一切問題も起こさず、積極的では無いにしろ他のメンバーとも交流を行う良識ある彼女だが、戦闘が始まると同時に生来の戦好きが表に出てしまい、後先考えずに手当たり次第敵に斬りかかる危険な一面も持っている。

A member of « Battle Sisters », a fighting religious order consisting of Sanctuary-born agents. This brave woman escaped from the criminal underworld, overflowing with state-of-the-art weapons and superhuman freaks, with just a sword. Gifted in the area of hand-to-hand combat, she has a militant personality and tends to avoid using weapons with any special mechanisms or devices. As well, she doesn’t mind overtime assignments, and her sensible, and relatively non-aggressive, personality allows her to take over and swap with other members, but due to her innate blood-lust for battle, when she’s on the clock, she has a habit of stabbing and slashing enemies without considering how dangerous it might be or the consequences she might suffer.

オラクルシンクタンクが罪人や悪徳企業の捕縛・抹消を目的として秘密裏に設立した戦闘教団「サンクチュアリ・ガーディアン」のエージェント部隊。 表向きは「教会」の所属となっているので普段は修道女の恰好をしている。 隊員全てが卓越した戦闘術・魔術の使い手だが、表沙汰に出来ない事情で配属されている場合が多い為か、癖の強い人物が非常に多い。

The Battle Sisters are…
An Agency that belongs to the fighting religious order « Sanctuary Guardians », they handle elimination and arrests as the Crime and Vice Division of Oracle Think Tank . They insist on dressing like nuns since they are members of the Church. All their members are experts in magic and combat techniques, though it’s not sure because they are involved in many situations that are kept out of the public eye, or because they consist of many strong woman with quirky and rather bizarre personalities.

バトルシスター くりーむ Battle Sister, Cream
Grade 1/Oracle Think Tank – Elf/6000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC):[Soul Blast (1)] When this unit boosts a unit named « Battle Sister, Cookie », you may pay the cost. If you do, the boosted unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.

« Oh for the love of… Yeah yeah, I get it. Should I clean things up? »

戦闘教団に所属する生え抜きのエージェント、「バトルシスターズ」のメンバー。 刃から発する超高熱で対象を焼き斬る特殊武装、分子振動刀を持つ。 元来世話好きであった事が災いして様々なトラブルメーカー達とペアを組まされており、メンバーの中では「ふろまーじゅ」に次ぐ苦労人である。 「くっきー」とは最初の任務を共にこなして以来何かと縁があるようで、現在も彼女にスイッチが入ってしまった後、冷静に状況を把握して事後処理を行う役を買って出ている。

A member of « Battle Sisters », a fighting religious order consisting of Sanctuary-born agents. With her molecular vibrating blades, she’s able to cut up her opponents and burn them at super-hot burning temperatures simultaneously. Originally, she was a total doormat, but after being partnered with various troublemakers prone to causing calamities and disasters, she has become one of the most world weary members of the order, surpassed only by « Fromage ». She seems to be tied to « Cookie » somehow, as ever since they first served together, the two seemed fated for each other, but afterward a mission or battle, she flips her switches, and offer to calmly and clearly analyze what went down, after the fact.

Ouverture du site

19 novembre 2012 a 17 h 17 min

Cardfight Vanguard est un nouveau site qui comme son nom l’indique sera centré sur les cartes Cardfight Vanguard.

Vous trouverez sur le site les dernières news Cardfight Vanguard. Notre équipe aura pour but de dénicher avant tout le monde les dernières infos de sorties de cartes, boosters ou trial decks.

Card of the Day! 19/11/2012

19 novembre 2012 a 8 h 08 min

日輪の女神 アマテラス Goddess of the Sun, Amaterasu
Grade 3/Oracle Think Tank – Noble/11000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC): Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (2)] When this unit’s attack hits a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, search your deck for up to one «Oracle Think Tank», reveal it to your opponent, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
[CONT](VC): If you have a card named « CEO Amaterasu » in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+2000.
[CONT](VC/RC): Leader (If you have a unit with a different clan from this unit, this unit cannot attack.)

« The sun, strict but loving, lights the way to a shining future. »

混乱を火種に広がり続ける戦争を終局へ導くべく、本来の力を解き放った「アマテラス」の姿。 幾星霜の時、自ら戦列に加わる事の無かった彼女だが、騎士たちを導く為に己が魂を燃やす英雄の姿に惹かれ、数千年ぶりに戦へと臨む事になった。 太陽の代弁者、日輪の女神の微笑みは嘆き悲しむ者に救済を、憤り荒ぶる者に安らぎをもたらす。 終戦後、戦の余韻に溺れる愚者が極僅かであったのは、まぎれも無くその笑顔の賜物である。 以降、彼女は社の運営を後任に託し、戦災に苦しんだ人々に救いをもたらす女神として世界各国を巡る事になる。

Amaterasu, In order to bring a close to the constantly widening and chaotic war, unleashed her true, original power, returning to her true form. For many years, she has not joined in the battle, but drawn by the burning soul of the Hero that lead the Paladins, but now, after thousands of years, she has decide to enter the fray. As the embodiment of the sun itself, Amaterasu’s smile brings ease to the grieving and calms resentful, savage hearts. Very few died in the final echoes of the war, so her smile was truly a gift and a blessing. Afterwards, she entrusted running the company to a successor, and decided to travel to every corner of Cray as a goddess who helps those who suffered from the horrors of war.

New pictures of BT09 !

17 novembre 2012 a 7 h 45 min
En première ligne, quelques Aqua Force, et des Narukami pour la deuxième !
At the front row (:p), some Aqua Force Units, and some Narukami for the back row !

[Booster] BT10 • Triumphant Return of the King of Knights

16 novembre 2012 a 16 h 45 min
Japanese Name:
騎士王凱旋 (きしおうがいせん)
Kishiou Gaisen
Triumphant Return of the King of Knights
Release Date:
February 16th, 2013
!Contenu :

• Il y aura un total de 102 cartes « (RRR x8, RR x12, R x22, C x60) + SP cartes x12 (Parallel). » dont 1 carte réimprimée
• Du support pour les nouveaux Trial Decks  Trial Deck 8: Liberator of the Sanctuary et Trial Deck 9: Eraser of the Empire.

Some informations :

This picture says that for each box bought in Japan, as a gift like the Soundtrack for the Blue Storm Armada set, you will get 1 of those promo cards !

Galerie d’images BT10

Voir la suite de [Booster] BT10 • Triumphant Return of the King of Knights

Card of the Day! 16/11/2012

16 novembre 2012 a 10 h 43 min

エクスカルペイト・ザ・ブラスター Exculpate the Blaster
Grade 3/Royal Paladin – Human/12000 Power/No Shield
[CONT](Hand):If you do not have a Grade 3 «Royal Paladin» vanguard, you cannot normal ride this card.
[CONT](VC):If you do not have a card named « Blaster Blade » in your soul, this unit cannot attack.
[AUTO]:When this card is placed on (RC), retire it.
[ACT](VC):[Counter Blast (3)] Until end of turn, this unit battles every unit on your opponent’s field in one attack.
[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, put all cards other than « Blaster Blade » from your soul into your drop zone, and this unit gets [Power]+2000 for each cards placed in the drop zone with this effect until end of that battle.
[AUTO](VC):At the beginning of the close step of the battle that this unit attacked, choose one card named « Blaster Blade » from your soul, ride it as [Rest], and put all cards from your soul into your drop zone.

« This light will… Remake this world consumed in darkness… … … »

影の騎士団との戦いの最中、無限の勇気の力により一時的に変貌を遂げた「ブラスター・ブレード」の姿。 影の戦士たちの心に、形は違えど同じ志を見た「ブラスター・ブレード」。 彼は気づく。 光無き所に影は無く、影無き所に光は灯らない事を。 光の使者となった彼の強く優しい輝きは、闇に染まった者を滅ぼすのではなく、光へと塗り替え暗き闇の衣を祓っていく。 その強き光に、国を思うかつての己を見た影の騎士は、光の騎士へ剣と覚悟を託した。 最後の闇を祓う為、戦いを終結へと導く為――若き英雄は眠れる力を解き放つ。

During a battle with the Shadow Paladins, « Blaster Blade » temporarily transformed due to the power of his infinite courage. The Shadow Paladins, sensed deep down that despite the change in appearance, he was the same « Blaster Blade ». He noticed this. Where there is no shadow, there is no light, and light cannot shine without a shadow to cast on. The powerful, but gentle, glow surrounding this messenger of the light does not destroy those corrupted by the darkness, but rather shatters the darkness consuming them and repaints them with light. In the presence of this mighty light, one of the Shadow Paladins saw his old self who thought about the Sanctuary first and foremost, and entrusted his sword and resolve to the Royal Paladins. In order to cleanse the final darkness, marching towards the final battle… … the young hero awakens a power that has laid dormant for ages.

Card of the Day! 15/11/2012

15 novembre 2012 a 11 h 52 min

バトルシスター まかろん Battle Sister, Macaron
Grade 2/Oracle Think Tank – Elf/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have a vanguard with « Battle Sister » in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.

« It’s written 本気 (The Real Deal), but it’s pronounced Macaron!! »

戦闘教団に所属する生え抜きのエージェント、「バトルシスターズ」のメンバー。 射程を犠牲にした分、驚異的な威力を誇るパイルバンカーを使う陽気な壊し屋。 幼い見た目に反してかなり古参のメンバーで、相当な場数を踏んでいる。 本人は自分の事を「知的で仕事もできる才女!」と豪語しているが、戦闘技術に関してはともかく頭の方はいまいちとは同僚の言。 腕は確かだが周囲へ与える被害も毎回甚大であり、「じんじゃー」と並んでリーダーの頭を悩ませる原因になっているらしい。

A member of « Battle Sisters », a fighting religious order consisting of Sanctuary-born agents. She’s a destructive lady who cheerfully uses extremely powerful Pile Bunkers that sacrifice range for raw power. Despite her childish looks, she’s a senior member with loads of experience. She tends to boast about herself that she’s a « Talented woman who is totes good at this egghead stuff », but word is among her colleagues that outside of fighting, she isn’t very bright at all. While she’s completely reliable, she amasses huge amounts of collateral damage, to the point she’s a major cause of concern to the leaders on levels only « Ginger » can equal.

オラクルシンクタンクが罪人や悪徳企業の捕縛・抹消を目的として秘密裏に設立した戦闘教団「サンクチュアリ・ガーディアン」のエージェント部隊。 表向きは「教会」の所属となっているので普段は修道女の恰好をしている。 隊員全てが卓越した戦闘術・魔術の使い手だが、表沙汰に出来ない事情で配属されている場合が多い為か、癖の強い人物が非常に多い。

The Battle Sisters are…
An Agency that belongs to the fighting religious order « Sanctuary Guardians », they handle elimination and arrests as the Crime and Vice Division of Oracle Think Tank . They insist on dressing like nuns since they are members of the Church. All their members are experts in magic and combat techniques, though it’s not sure because they are involved in many situations that are kept out of the public eye, or because they consist of many strong woman with quirky and rather bizarre personalities.

[Promo Card] Vanguard X MonColle Nico Live

14 novembre 2012 a 19 h 46 min

(The following information has been found by the FreedomDuo Vanguard blog)

Voici la news majeure en cette journée à l’occasion du Vanguard X MonColle Nico live diffusé au Japon !

Here is the major news of the day, through the Vanguard X MonColle Nico Live that aired in Japan today !

エクスカルペイト・ザ・ブラスター Excalypte the Blaster
Grade 3/Human – Royal Paladin/12000 Power/No Shield

[CONT](Hand):If you do not have a Grade 3 «Royal Paladin» vanguard, you cannot normal Ride this card.
[CONT](VC):If you do not have a card named « Blaster Blade » in your Soul, this unit cannot attack.
[AUTO]:When this card is placed on the (RC), retire it.
[ACT](VC):[Counterblast (3)] During this turn, this unit battles every unit on your opponent’s field in one attack.
[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, put all units other than « Blaster Blade » from your Soul into your Drop Zone, and this unit gets [Power]+2000 for each unit placed in the Drop Zone with this effect until end of that battle.
[AUTO](VC):At the end of the battle this unit attacked, choose one « Blaster Blade » from your Soul, Ride it as [Rest], and put all cards from your Soul into your Drop Zone.

Et voici trois autres cartes qui l’accompagnent !
And here are three other cards to go with it !

????? Daikengou
Gold Paladin/Grade 3/10000 Power/No Shield
Auto (V): [Discard an Gold Paladin unit from your hand] When this unit attacks you may pay the cost, this unit gets +6000 POWER during this battle
Auto (R): [Discard an Gold Paladin unit from your hand] When this unit attacks you may pay the cost, this unit gets +3000 POWER during this battle

Jumping Street Knight
Gold Paladin/Grade 1/7000/5000
Activate (V/R): [Counter Blast (1)] This unit gets +1000 POWER during this turn

Et voici la première carte « hybride » !
And the third one is the first hybrid card !

Coral Princess Tethys
Grade 1 / Estranger / POWER: 7000 / GUARD: 5000
[Activate](V/R):[Counterblast (1)]This unit gets POWER+1000 during this turn
[Continuous]: This unit is treated as an Aqua Force Unit.