Prophecy Celestial, Ramiel
神託の守護天使[プロフェシー・セレスティアル] レミエル Prophecy Celestial, Ramiel
Grade 3/Angel Feather – Angel/11000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage): When a «Angel Feather» rides this unit, choose up to one card from your damage zone, put it into your hand, put the top card of your deck into your damage zone, choose one of your vanguards, and that unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.
[AUTO](VC): When this unit attacks a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit that does not belong to the same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
« You will love everything that exists! Believe, for this is the words of the oracle! »
蒼き翼を持つ特殊医療部隊「瑠璃色の守護天使(ラピスラズリ・セレスティアル)」の現副隊長。 広げると身長の4倍にもなる巨大な翼を持つ上位天使。 秩序を重んじる厳格で聡明な女性だが、それ故に戦に巻き込まれ傷つけられた人々を救いたいという想い、そして無慈悲な破壊を行った敵に対する義憤が、強い献身の志を持つ守護天使達の中でも並外れて強い。 些か考え無しだが不思議なカリスマを持つ部隊長に敬服しており、つい緩まってしまう部隊の空気を引き締める役を率先して担う。 宝具「双聖鋏(ディヴァイン・シザース)」は罪深き邪悪の使者をことごとく切り裂く。 狡猾なる悪鬼羅刹に与えられるのは、「愛」という名のひどく痛烈な衝撃である。
The current sub-commander/vice-captain of the Special Medical Team « Lapis Lazuli Celestial » whose members are marked by their blue wings. She’s a high-ranking angel with humongous wings that are 4 times the size of the rest of her body when they’re fully unfurled. She’s also a strict and intelligent woman with a respect for law and order, which is why she constantly thinks about helping those caught up and injured by wars, and has righteous indignation against enemies who destroy things ruthlessly, resulting in her being exceptionally strong among the Celestials due to her strong will and devotion. She tends to admire her commanding officer/captain, who possesses incredible charisma, without thinking too much, and as a result, feels compelled to make sure the unit feels more tight-knit. The Relic « Divine Scissors » is capable of dissecting any herald of sin and evil. It’s a scathing shock called « Love » that hits even the most cunning diabolic fiend.
強い献身の志と、それを全うできるだけの能力を持つ者だけが所属を許される“エンジェルフェザー”の特殊医療部隊。 適性審査を通過し、且つ配属を希望する者は、天使長の洗礼を受けることで古き翼を捨て、新たなる翼「瑠璃の翼(ラピスラズリ・ウィング)」を賜る事になる。 その異常なまでの使命感に畏怖と敬意を込めて、「命を救う命知らず達(レックレス・セイバーズ)」と呼ばれる事もある。
The Lapis Lazuli Celestials are…
A Special Medical Team in « Angel Feather » whose members are deeply committed to their work and must have the skills to match that commitment. Those that pass the aptitude test and want to be assigned must discard their old wings during their baptism by the Archangels, gaining new « Lapis Lazuli Wings ». They are sometimes known as the « Reckless Saviors » due to their intense sense of duty that is both inspiring and terrifying.

Adamantine Celestial, Aniel
盤石の守護天使[アダマンタイン・セレスティアル] アニエル Admantine Celestial, Aniel
Grade 1/Angel Feather – Angel/6000 Power/0 Shield
[CONT]:Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with « [CONT]:Sentinel » in a deck)
[AUTO]:[Choose one «Angel Feather» from your hand, and discard it] When this unit is placed on (GC), you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your «Angel Feather» that is being attacked, and that unit cannot be hit until end of that battle.
« The Admantine Celestial is as firm as a rocky mountain. »
蒼き翼を持つ特殊医療部隊「瑠璃色の守護天使(ラピスラズリ・セレスティアル)」の一員。 永久不変鉱石の名を称号に戴く中位天使で、今でこそ名の知れた守護天使だが、以前は平凡な看護師だった。 「瑠璃色の守護天使」の発足を聞き志願したが、防御魔法以外の技能が基準値を下回っていた為、審査に落ちてしまう。 己の力不足を嘆き消沈していた彼女だが、審査結果を確認した部隊長直々の推薦という思わぬ形で、部隊への配属が決定した。 その後の彼女の成長ぶりは目覚ましく、全技能が基準値を超えるのにそう時間は掛からなかったという。 差し伸べられた手の尊さ、その事をよく知る彼女こそ、誰よりも守護天使と呼ばれるに相応しいのかもしれない。
A member of the Special Medical Team « Lapis Lazuli Celestial » whose members are marked by their blue wings. She is a mid-ranking angel who has been bestowed with a title related to unchangeable ores, but while she’s a renowned Celestial now, she used to be nothing more than a run-of-the-mill nurse. Upon hearing about the formation of the Lapis Lazuli Celestials, she applied, but because her skills outside of defensive magic were sub-par, she failed the exam. Although she was depressed over her own inadequacy, she received a direct recommendation from the commanding officer who saw her exam results, resulting in her being assigned to the team. Her growth since then has been incredible, even though it appears she didn’t take any time to make sure her skills surpassed the standards expected. The preciousness of her hand outstretched, for those who know her, shows that she might be more worthy than anyone else to have the title of « Celestial ».