Rising Ripple, Baorus
高まる波紋 パヴロス Rising Ripple, Baorus
Grade 2/Aqua Force – Aquaroid/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[CONT](VC):If you have a card named « Silent Ripple, Sotileo » in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+1000.
[AUTO](VC):When this unit’s attack hits a vanguard, if you have a card named « Silent Ripple, Sotileo » in your soul, choose one of your «Aqua Force» rear-guards, [Stand] it, and that unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of the turn.
« My sword is the spray! It’s impossible to escape fast enough! »
海軍大佐「ジノビオス」の部隊に所属する伍長。 飛沫のように変幻自在な高速剣の使い手。 現部隊に異動する前は、高い戦闘能力を買われて執行部隊「ティアーナイト」に所属していたが、感情過多で非情になりきれない性格が災いして任を解かれてしまう。 その後、様々な部隊を転々としていたが、当時中佐であった「ジノビオス」の下で軍の思想に縛られない自由な戦い方を許され、本来の実力を如何なく発揮できるようになった。 周囲の味方を巻きこないようにという配慮から単騎での突貫を好むが、読みが甘い為に危険に晒される事も多く、同部隊の「ソティリオ」によく諫められている。 その剣は水中にあっても速度を落とさず、振るえば振るう程加速する。 一見はもちろん、二度三度見たところで到底捉える事など出来ないだろう。
A corporal attached to Marine Captain Genobios’ unit. He’s a master of high-speed sword-fighting which is as ever-changing as the spray of the sea. Before being transferred to his current unit, he was a part of the Executive Unit, « The Tear Knights » » for his high level fighting abilities, but ultimately was relieved of his responsibilities because of his emotional personality that prevented him from becoming ruthless enough. After that, he was moved around various units, ultimately ending up with Genobios, who was a commander at the time, who allowed him to fight the way he liked without any concerns of the navy, which allowed him to show his true skills without anything. He’s prone to jumping into things in a cocksure manner, not considering what’s going on around him, which often puts him in danger because of he can’t read the atmosphere worth a damn, so he is often snapped at by « Sotorio », a fellow soldier in his unit. His sword doesn’t slow down even underwater, in fact, the more he swings it, the faster it gets. Of course, at first glance, you won’t see it, you need to see it happen two or three times.

Roaring Ripple, Genobios
轟く波紋 ジノビオス Roaring Ripple, Genobios
Grade 3/Aqua Force – Aquaroid/10000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO] (VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage): [Counter Blast (2) & Choose a card named « Roaring Ripple, Genovious » from your hand, and discard it] At the close step of the battle that this unit attacked a vanguard, if the number of «Aqua Force» you have as [Rest] in your front row is three, you may pay the cost. If you do, [Stand] all of your «Aqua Force» rear-guards.
[CONT](VC):If you have a card named « Rising Ripple, Baorus » in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+1000.
RR: « For the sake of absolute justice! Arise, child of the blue dragon! »
SP: « Stand up, men, in the name of justice! Order of Justice! »
絶対正義を提唱しながらも、兵の個性を尊重する心優しき“アクアフォース”の大佐。 類稀な統率力と智謀を駆使して幾つもの死線を潜り抜けてきた名軍師。 正義とは自分自身が定めた正しき行いであると信じ、冷徹非情になる事を強要する軍の常識をあまり快く思っていない。 その為、一部の佐官・将官らの不興を買い、一時は生還率が低いとされる地域へ更迭されたが、小規模の損害で同地域の制圧を完了、結果的に彼の能力を軍内部に強く知らしめることになったという。 彼は部下に「正義とは何か」と問う。 しかし答えは求めない。 その問いを投げ、自身の正義について今一度思案させる事が目的だからである。 強大なる侵略者の蛮行を阻止する為、「轟く波紋」は己の正義を執行する。 同じ思いを胸に秘めた、同じ正義を掲げる部下達と共に。
A captain in Aqua Force who advocates absolute justice, while having a gentle enough heart that he respects the individuality of his men. He is called « The Strategist » because he’s a very rare sort who is capable of making full use of his leadership while while coming up with brilliant schemes, which has allowed him to escape the jaws of defeat many times. Believing that doing the right thing is itself Justice, he doesn’t follow the Navy’s common belief that one must be cruel and ruthless. As a result, he’s prone to incurring the wrath of some of the other field officers and admirals, and at one point was sent off on a suicide mission where the rate of success for taking the area was nearly 0%, and ultimately took complete control of the area with almost no loss of life. As a result, it’s said he showed the full depth of his skills to those inside the Navy. He asks his subordinates « What is Justice? ». But they don’t have to answer. That’s because the point is to make them give up on the question, and think about, again and again, what « Justice » is to them. In order to stop the horrific acts of the savage Invaders, the « Roaring Wave » will follow his own Justice. All of them carrying the same feelings in their hearts, he and his men sally forth, all armed with the same « Justice ».