Cards of the Day! 09/05/2013

Beginning Ripple, Alex
始まりの波紋 アレックス Beginning Ripple, Alex
Grade 0/Aqua Force – Aquaroid/4000 Power/10000 Shield
[AUTO]:When a card named « Silent Ripple, Sotileo » rides this unit, look at up to seven cards from the top of your deck, search for up to one card named « Rising Ripple, Baorus » or « Roaring Ripple, Genobios » from among them, reveal it to your opponent, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
[AUTO]:When a «Aqua Force» other than a card named « Silent Ripple, Sotileo » rides this unit, you may call this card to (RC).
« This small wave will soon cover the entire world. »
海軍大佐「ジノビオス」の細胞をもとに生成された新型アクアロイド。 階級は一等兵。 生み出されて間もない為、感情の起伏がほとんど無い。 身体を構成する水分の割合が98.5%を超える最新型で、水に溶ける身体を生かした破壊工作活動を得意とする。 戦士達が戦場に波を立てる前に状況を有利にしてくれる事から「始まりの波紋」と呼ばれる。 戦を生き延び多く物事を経験していく度、アクアロイドの心には自我が芽生えていくが、確固たる自我が築かれるまで健在でいられる兵士は多くない。 波紋とは、自分より大きな波と、堅牢な物とぶつかるだけで容易く飲み込まれてしまう儚い存在。 彼は波に飲まれ抗う術も無く消えゆく小さき者か、はたまた波をも飲み込む巨大な渦となり得る者か。 まだ見ぬ未来へ、生まれたての波が進んでいく。
A new Aquaroid produced based on the cells of the Navy Colonel « Genobios ». Their rank is Private First Class. Because he was just made, he has almost no emotions still. The latest model has a body that is more than 98.5% water, which because he can melt into water, he’s considered quite good at sabotage. He is known as the « First Wave » because he can change the outcome of a battle before the soldiers even arrive. If they continue to survive battles and experience many things, Aquaroids gain a sense of self, but sadly, there are not many soldiers who survive to gain a solid sense of self. For a ripple, there are bigger waves, making them an ephemeral existence that is swallowed up by something bigger. Is he a tiny thing that’ll disappear without a trace when it stands up against a mighty wave, or will he become someone who is akin to a great whirlpool that consumes the mightiest of waves? The newborn wave marches towards his unseen future.

Silent RIpple, Sotileo
静かなる波紋 ソティリオ Silent Ripple, Sotileo
Grade 1/Aqua Force – Aquaroid/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[CONT](VC):If you have a card named « Beginning Ripple, Alex » in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+1000.
[AUTO]:When a grade 2 «Aqua Force» other than a card named « Rising Ripple, Baorus » rides this unit, if you have a card named « Beginning Ripple, Alex » in your soul, look at up to seven cards from the top of your deck, search for up to one card named « Rising Ripple, Baorus » from among them, ride it, and shuffle your deck.
« Be… Be quiet! Will unrest become a wave? »
海軍大佐「ジノビオス」の部隊に所属する兵長。 音一つ立てない剣捌きから「静かなる波紋」の異名を持つ。 雑音を嫌い静寂を好む無口な少年だが、無愛想という訳では無く、必要な時はきちんとコミュニケーションも取れる優等生。 戦闘技能は高いが決定打に欠ける為、戦闘ではサポートに徹する事が多い。 突出しがちな隊員の多い部隊の制止役でもあり、戦況に関わらず単機駆けを行おうとする「パヴロス」は、いつも彼が諭しているらしい。 彼は音を嫌う。 音は心の乱れをそのまま相手に伝えてしまうから、水を通じればより顕著に伝わってしまうから。 波打つ事を忌避する波、「静かなる波紋」。 唯々静かに、音をたてない波は雑音を発する者を切り裂いていく。
A Lance Corporal who belongs to the unit of Naval Captain « Genobios ». He has the nickname of « Quiet Wave » due to the fact his sword makes no sound. A quiet boy who favors silence over noise, but he’s by no means blunt, as he’s an honor student can properly communicate when he has to. Highly skilled at battle, he lacks a clinching move, so he tends put his heart and soul into serving as support during battle. He also has a role of keeping the unit’s men in line, who are prone to getting out of hand, such as keeping « Parous » from charging first half-cocked regardless of the tactical situation, and is usually seen scolding him. Because sound just tells the enemy about the disorder in someone’s heart, as one can transmit information more conspicuously through water. The wave that evades a wave, that is the « Quiet Wave ». The wave that makes no sound can calmly cut those that make noise to pieces.