Month’s Update
EB07 : Mystical Magus updated!
Japanese Promo Cards updated!
BT13 : Catastrophic Acheter du Viagra sans ordonnance Outbreak updated!
TD12 : Dimensional Brave Kaiser updated and completed!
EB07 : Mystical Magus updated!
Japanese Promo Cards updated!
BT13 : Catastrophic Acheter du Viagra sans ordonnance Outbreak updated!
TD12 : Dimensional Brave Kaiser updated and completed!
Hello everyone !
After a lot of work, I am announcing today that I will take some rest during the two next months. Not only as a choice but I probably will also be unable to update the blog daily with Cards of the Day and other news as I will not be at home (or too much busy) until the end of August.
That being said ! I will still try to update the whole website with the upcoming Trial Deck 12 (Dimensional Brave Kaiser), EB07 (Mystical Magus) and BT13 (Catastrophic Outbreak) if needed ! I will also try to be available during the release of KeroKero Aces. Until then, I wish everyone to spend the best summer as possible in the wait of September ! See ya’, buddies !
Salut tout le monde !
Après un bon paquet de boulet, j’annonce aujourd’hui que je vais prendre du repos pour les deux prochains mois. Ce n’est pas seulement un choix mais je serai aussi dans l’incapacité de mettre à jour le blog quotidiennement avec les Card of the Day ou autres news. Je ne serai effectivement pas à la maison, ou bien trop occupé – ce jusqu’à la fin du mois d’août.
Cela étant dit ! J’essaierai tout de même de mettre à jour le site avec les prochains Trial Deck 12 (Dimensional Brave Kaiser), EB07 (Mystical Magus) et BT13 (Catastrophic Outbreak) si nécessaire ! J’essaierai également d’être disponible durant les sorties des KeroKero Ace. Jusqu’à ce moment, je souhaite à tout le monde de passer le meilleur été possible d’ici septembre ! Tchao les amis !
Silver Thorn Assistant, Ionera
銀の茨のお手伝い イオネラ Silver Thorn Assistant, Ionera
Grade 0/Pale Moon – Warbeast/5000 Power/10000 Shield
[AUTO]: Forerunner (When a unit of the same clan rides this unit, you may call this unit to (RC))
[AUTO]: [Put this unit into Soul] When this unit boosts a « Silver Thorn » Vanguard and the attack hits a Vanguard, you may pay cost. If paid, look at the top 2 cards of your deck, select up to 1 « Silver Thorn » unit from those cards, and put it into soul. Put the remaining cards to the bottom of the deck.
« The dream time, it’s starting, it’s starting! »
“ペイルムーン”の興業先で「ルキエ」より銀茨を賜った彼女の従僕。 念力で手を触れずに物を動かす念動力(サイコキネシス)の使い手。 人の姿をしているが、元々は亜人では無く栗鼠のような幻獣だった。 興業中に舞台裏で起きた事故によって瀕死の重傷を負ったが、「ルキエ」の気まぐれで銀茨の力を授けられ、すんでのところで一命を取り留めたという。 急に大きな魔力を持ってしまった為に元の姿に戻れなくなってしまったが、彼女自身は全く気にしておらず、命の恩人である「ルキエ」の後を公私問わずついて回っていた。 従僕の中で最も早く主の異変に気が付き、以来警戒しながらも彼女の身を案じ続けている。 自由を奪われ無理矢理従わされる仲間達を見て涙する日々はとうに過ぎた。 だから、彼女は泣かずに待ち続ける。 優しいあの人を取り戻してくれる、まだ見ぬ勇者の到着を。
A servant of « Luquier » who was given a Silverthorn in celebration of the new ownership at « Pale Moon ». She is a user of Psychokinesis, which allows her to move objects without using her limbs. Though she looks human, she was originally a magical beast, such as a squirrel, not a humanoid. When she was seriously injured due to an accident backstage at the circus, on the verge of death, she was given the power of the Silver Thorns on a whim of Luquier’s, allowing her to survive just in time. Due to the incredible surge in magical power, she became incapable of returning to her original form, but she didn’t mind, instead dedicated her entire life to accompanying and attending to Mistress Luquier, who saved her life. She was the first of the servants to notice what happened to her mistress, and remains quite anxious to the changes in her, making her more cautious. She has cried as she has watched her friends lose their freedom with each day, forced to follow her mistress. So now, she’ll wait, refusing to shed any more tears. She waits for the day an unseen hero will arrive, and turn her mistress back to the gentle person she was before.
「ルキエ」より銀の茨とその力の一部を賜り、彼女に永遠の忠誠を誓った従僕達の総称。 経緯は様々で、望んで彼女に降った者もいれば、魅了(チャーム)や実力行使で無理やり従わされた者もいる。 従僕となった者は「ルキエ」と同じ系統の魔術の一端を行使できるようになるが、彼女の命令があった際はそれを最優先で実行しなければならないという制約を設けられる。
The Silver Thorn Servants is
The general name for the servants who have sworn eternal loyalty to their mistress, Luquier, who has bestowed upon them Silver Thorns and a fraction of her own power. Their circumstances differ, as some of them came to her, desiring servitude, while others were forcefully converted to her side by the use of her « Charm ». Those that became her servants are able to use a fragment of the same magic as Mistress Luquier, provided there is one major restriction: They must follow her orders with top priority, and fulfill them as soon as possible.
Revenger, Dark Bond Trumpeter
撃退者 ダークボンド・トランペッター Revenger, Dark Bond Trumpeter
Grade 1/Shadow Paladin – Angel/6000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO]:[Counter Blast (1)] When this unit is placed on (VC) or (RC), cialis prix if you have a «Shadow Paladin» vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, search your deck for up to viagra sans ordonnance
one grade 0 card with « Revenger » in its card name, call it to (RC) as [Rest], and shuffle your deck.
« Yeah… … I called. Do your best. »
侵略者の魔手より聖域を守護する事を誓った戦士「撃退者」。 存命の内乱参戦者の中では最年少だが、胸に秘めた強固な覚悟は「撃退者」としての其れに他ならない。 奈落竜の支配から解かれた後、多くの人々を傷つけたという現実と向き合えずにいたが、復活した「ブラスター・ダーク」の下、“シャドウパラディン”が再集結した事を知り、今の自分が何を為すべきかを思い悩む。 意を決して訪れた新生“シャドウパラディン”で「ブラスター・ダーク」より伝えられたのは新たなる影の騎士の使命――聖域を蝕む侵略者、“リンクジョーカー”の討滅。 この戦いが今までのどの戦より過酷なものになる事を理解していながら、それでも彼女は迷わず「撃退者」となる道を選んだ。 彼女は決めたのだ。 あの日、目の前で大空へと羽ばたいていった白い少女のように、今度は自分も誰かを守る為に飛び立つのだ、と。
A warrior of the « Revengers », who have vowed to protect the Sanctuary from the clutches of the invaders. Although she’s one of the youngest from the civil war who is still alive, this is meaningless in the face of the determination she carries as a Revenger. After being released from the control of Phantom Blaster, she was unable to accept she caused so much pain and suffering, but when « Blaster Dark » returned, knowing the Shadow Paladins would be reunited once more, she worried about what she should do. Ultimately, she made up her mind upon hearing the new mission of the reborn Shadow Paladins from Blaster Dark, who appeared with grim determination: The defeat and destruction of Link Joker, the despicable invaders who would ruin and undermine the Sanctuary. While she understood this fight would be harsher than any fight before, she didn’t hesitate when she chose to become a Revenger. She decided to. On that day, like the white girl before her who flapped her wings into the sky, she flew off this time with the determination to protect someone, something, she cared about.
神聖国家ユナイテッドサンクチュアリの裏舞台で暗躍する影の騎士団“シャドウパラディン”の中でも、強い覚悟を持って侵略者から国を守る事を決意した者達によって構成された部隊。 名誉も武勲も表沙汰にならず、おのずと危険な任務も増えていく為、構成員は少ない。 しかし、その全てが比類なき意志と信念を掲げる精鋭である為、統率の取れた完成度の高い部隊となっている。
The Revengers
Among the ranks of the « Shadow Paladins », who work behind the scenes in the unseen side of the holy nation of « United Sanctuary », the Revengers are a unit composed of those with incredible determination to protect their country from invaders by any means necessary. Their numbers are few, since they deal with incredibly dangerous missions that are only likely to increase, and their honor nor distinguished services for their country will never be known to the people. However, because all of them are elites carrying unparalleled determination and conviction, they have become a nearly complete fighting force under the proper leadership.
Evil Claw Star-vader, Niobium
凶爪の星輝兵 ニオブ Evil Claw Star-vader, Niobium
Grade 2/Link Joker – Cyber Beast/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC): When your opponent’s rear-guard becomes locked due to any of your card’s effect, if you have a «Link Joker» vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.
« Its strange claws tear apart the space-time continuum, causing the world to be torn asunder. »
侵略者“リンクジョーカー”の先兵「星輝兵」。 ここ数百年の間に製造された比較的新しいタイプのサイバロイドで、人間の外観的特徴を最も多く受け継いだ世代の兵士。 Type-FEMALE本来の持ち味である速度を損なった代わりに、Type-MALEに匹敵する程の膂力を手に入れた攻性特化機で、自分か相手が機能停止するその時まで、鉄をも叩き割る拳を延々と打ち込んでくる。 この腕力だけでも十分脅威だが、加えて「パイロクロウ」という強力な武装を所持する。 消費が激しい為に命中予測が8割を超えた時以外使用許可が下りないが、虚無(ヴォイド)の力を傷口に固定し、数時間は治癒不可能となる傷をつける恐ろしい兵器である。 “リンクジョーカー”に蹂躙された戦地跡には、破損し停止した彼女達が多く見られる。 本体の回収はされない。 使い古しの駒は全てを失った星と共に、ただ無為に朽ちていく。
One of the « Star-vaders », the vanguard of the invaders known as « Link Joker ». It is a relatively new type of Cyberoid made in the last few hundred years, a model of soldier that inherited human-like characteristics. The Type-FEMALE generally rely on speed, while TYPE-Male rely on muscular strength. But Niobiums are an attack based model designed to keep swinging their iron smashing fists until they or the opponent falls. While its strength is danger enough, it also is equipped with weapons called « Pyroclaws ». Because its power consumption it is intense, it is not allowed unless there’s an 80% or greater chance of hitting, but it is a weapon that uses the power of Void itself that causes uncurable, untreatable wounds that last for hours. Many of these robots that have been damaged or just plain stopped are seen left on the battlefields that were overrun by Link Joker. Their bodies aren’t recovered. They just ultimately stop, slowly rot, and fade away, on worlds that have basically lost everything.
「虚無(ヴォイド)」の化身にして惑星クレイを脅かす侵略者、“リンクジョーカー”の先兵。 原生生物を調査して強者のデータを収集、可能なら素体そのものを支配下に置く事を主目的とし、その過程で収集に値しないと判断された対象を消去しているとみられる。 クレイには存在しない数多の技術を保有し、「呪縛(ロック)」と呼ばれる未知の力を自在に操る。
The Star-Vaders are…
The vanguards of « Link Joker », the invaders threatening the planet Cray who are the embodiment of « Void ». Protist-like micro-organisms collected and examined the data of the planet’s strongest, and were further programmed to take control of the bodies of worthwhile subjects, while those deemed useless or weak are to be erased. Among the various technologies and powers unknown to the planet of Cray, one of those is the strange, unknown power called « Lock ».
House of Amon, Vlad Specula
アモンの眷族 ヴラド・スペキュラ House of Amon, Vlad Specula
Grade 1/Dark Irregulars – Vampire/6000 Power/0 Shield
[CONT]: Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with « [CONT]: Sentinel » in a deck)
[AUTO]:[Choose a «Dark Irregulars» from your hand, and discard it] When this unit is placed on (GC), you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your «Dark Irregulars» that is being attacked, and that unit cannot be hit until end of that battle.
« Hahhah! I will not allow such attacks! »
虚無(ヴォイド)の力で「魔神」へと変貌した「アモン」の新たな眷族。 掌から発する魔力の波動で、 「ラスターシュピーゲル」という魔法盾を自由自在に操作する事ができる。 この盾はクレイに存在する物質では無く、異界から精神体だけを顕現させた邪悪な精霊であり、彼の魔力が尽きない限りおよそ無限に喚び出す事が可能だという。 若輩ながらも強い力を持つ魔族として、昨今よく名を聞くようになったヴァンパイアの一人だったが、その勇名が災いして魔神となった「アモン」の支配下におかれてしまった。 眷族となった者には、重い制約と共に主の力の一部を行使する自由を与えられる。 哀しみや憤りは感じていなかった。 借り物とはいえ飛躍的に向上した自身の力に、若き魔族は感動を禁じ得なかった。 目先に転がる力に溺れてしまった魔神の奴隷。 彼が己の過ちに苦悩する日は訪れるのだろうか。
A new servant of Amon’s, after he was transformed and twisted by the power of Void into a sort of demonic god. Through a magical wave from his hand, he is able to control the magical shield « Raster Spiegel » (Grid Reflector). This shield isn’t made of any substance that exists on Cray, it is an evil spirit from another world that manifests as a spirit or ghost, that can be summoned infinitely as long as the magic doesn’t run out. As one of the Mazoku (inhabitants of the Demon World), he is incredibly strong despite his youth, and as he is one of the most famous vampires, that fame led to him ending up under the control of Amon, who had become a god among demons. Those that become Servants are given the freedom to use a portion of their master’s power, though with some heavy restrictions. He does not feel sorrow or resentment. As a result, his power has improved dramatically, despite being borrowed, this young monster could not help but show his excitement. The slave of the demonic god has been indulging himself in that power, finding himself addicted to it, only thinking of the here and now. One wonders if the day will come that he’ll regret his mistakes…
高位魔族の刻印をその身に刻まれた者達の総称。 強大な力を持つ一部の魔族は己の血肉を媒介とした儀式を介し、他者の身体に自身を象徴する証を刻んで服従させる事ができる。 力の弱い者・意思の弱い者の中には儀式の対象となった事にすら気づけない者もいるという。 「強靭な精神力を得る」または「主以上の力を得る」、この二択以外に眷族化を破る術は存在しない。
Servant is…
The generic term for those who have had the mark of high ranking demons carved into their bodies. Through a ritual, a being of the Demon World can give a portion of their powers to others by carving seals and emblems, that represent itself, into the body of others. It’s said those that don’t recognize they would be chosen for it, such as the weak or feeble minded, are the ones most commonly chosen. Reasons for becoming a servant other than « Gain greater spiritual strength and force of will » or « Gain power equal to or greater than that of their master » don’t exist.
Star-vader, Nebula Lord Dragon
星輝兵 ネビュラロード・ドラゴン Star-vader, Nebula Lord Dragon
Grade 3/Link Joker – Cyber Dragon/11000 Power/No Shield
[CONT](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):During your turn, your front row « Link Joker » get [Power]+3000 for each of your opponent’s locked units.
[ACT](VC):[Counter Blast (2)]Choose one of your opponent’s rearguards in the back row, and lock it.
(Locked cards are turned face down, and cannot do anything. Turn them face up at the end of its owner’s turn)
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit without a same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
« The laws of this world have been locked. I am the new law. »
侵略者“リンクジョーカー”の先兵「星輝兵」にして、主にドラゴンエンパイア、ダークゾーン侵略の指揮を取る指揮官。 何よりも効率を重んじ、犠牲や破壊を伴う策略は当然の事、最も合理的だと判断すればどれだけ残虐な計画であろうと躊躇い無く実行に移す冷徹な戦士。 自ら進んで「虚無(ヴォイド)」の力を受け入れた者だが、およそ感情があると推測させる行動を一切行わない為、自我が存在するのか定かでは無い。 また、全軍への指令を伝える時以外は口を開かず、滅多に耳にする事の出来ないその声は、緩急が全く無い機械のように無機質な物だという。 喜びも悲しみも憎しみも恐れも無い。 彼の内には何も無い。 本隊から発信される新たな任務だけが、唯一無二とも言える行動原理。 正義よりも悪よりも恐ろしい無の化身達を引き連れ、虚ろを宿した黒輪の竜は速やかに行動を開始する。
He is the commander of the advance forces of the invaders, « Link Joker », known as the « Star-vaders », who is in charge of the invasion of Dragon Empire and Dark Zone. Obsessed with efficiency more than anything, he is fine with plans that involve sacrifice and destruction, as he’s a cool-headed warrior who won’t hesitate with a brutally cruel plan, if he judges it the most reasonable course of action. He is one of those who chose to accept the power of « Void » of his own free will, but because nothing he does seems to have any feelings or emotions to it, it isn’t clear if his sense of self remains. Also, he never opens his mouth, except when to issue commands to the entire army, so it is a voice that is rarely heard, and when it is, it is an emotion-less almost mechanical, non-living voice. There is neither joy nor sorrow nor hatred nor fear in it. There is nothing inside him. New orders from the main force are his guiding principles. The hollow dragon of the black rings begins to act, accompanied by the embodiments of the void that are far more terrifying than any evil or any sort of justice.
「虚無(ヴォイド)」の化身にして惑星クレイを脅かす侵略者、“リンクジョーカー”の先兵。 原生生物を調査して強者のデータを収集、可能なら素体そのものを支配下に置く事を主目的とし、その過程で収集に値しないと判断された対象を消去しているとみられる。 クレイには存在しない数多の技術を保有し、「呪縛(ロック)」と呼ばれる未知の力を自在に操る。
The Star-Vaders are…
The vanguards of « Link Joker », the invaders threatening the planet Cray who are the embodiment of « Void ». Protist-like micro-organisms collected and examined the data of the planet’s strongest, and were further programmed to take control of the bodies of worthwhile subjects, while those deemed useless or weak are to be erased. Among the various technologies and powers unknown to the planet of Cray, one of those is the strange, unknown power called « Lock ».
Revenger, Raging Form Dragon
撃退者 レイジングフォーム・ドラゴン Revenger, Raging Form Dragon
Grade 3/Shadow Paladin – Abyss Dragon/11000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Choose three of your rear-guards with « Revenger » in its card name, and retire them] At the end of the battle that this unit attacked, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose up to one card named « Revenger, Raging Form Dragon » from your hand, ride it as [Stand], choose your vanguard, and that unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.
[AUTO](VC):[Counter Blast(1)] When this unit attacks, you may pay the cost, if you do, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit without a same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
« We are the ones living in the shadows. Together, our souls shall unite as one to defeat you! »
侵略者の魔手より聖域を守護する事を誓った戦士「撃退者」。 憤怒を体現したかのような風体の老竜戦士。 「ファントム・ブラスター・ドラゴン」が守護竜として君臨していた時代に仕えていた偉大な騎士だったが、彼が堕ちた際に袂を別っている。 別れの際に彼が放った闇の力に侵されアビスドラゴンへと変貌してしまい、世の全てに幻滅して帝国兵に討ち取られそうになったところを、次代の守護竜となる「ソウルセイバー・ドラゴン」によって救われた。 その後、聖域を守る為に再起する事を誓い、肉体と精神に負った傷を癒す為に永き眠りについたという。 しかし、時を経て目覚めた彼は守護竜の騎士ではなく影となる道を選んだ。 それは、一寸とはいえ闇を拒めなかった彼なりのけじめだったのかもしれない。 闇は闇らしく、絶望を以て絶望を征す。 聖域に降りかかる全ての厄災に、怒れる影は等しく絶望を授ける。
A warrior of the « Revengers », who have vowed to protect the Sanctuary from the clutches of the invaders. He is an ancient Dragon Warrior who looks like he is the embodiment of wrath and rage. He was a great knight who served in the days when « Phantom Blaster Dragon » reigned as the Guardian Dragon, so when Phantom Blaster fell, the two of them parted ways. However, he ended up getting taken over by the power of darkness that overtook him when he parted from his friend, he turned into an Abyss Dragon, he found himself completely disillusioned with the entire world and nearly let himself be killed by soldiers of the Empire, but was saved by « Soul Saver Dragon » who has become the next generation’s Guardian Dragon. Afterwards, he swore he would one day again protect the Sanctuary, and fell into a seemingly eternal slumber in order to heal the wounds inflicted to his body and soul. However, upon awaking he chose the path that lead to him becoming a shadow, not a knight of the Guardian Dragon once more. It might be his way of admitting he can’t entirely refuse the darkness. While the darkness is darkness, he has decided to conquer despair with despair. To all the disasters that would befall the sanctuary, this raging shadow will grant them despair equal the despair they would give others.
神聖国家ユナイテッドサンクチュアリの裏舞台で暗躍する影の騎士団“シャドウパラディン”の中でも、強い覚悟を持って侵略者から国を守る事を決意した者達によって構成された部隊。 名誉も武勲も表沙汰にならず、おのずと危険な任務も増えていく為、構成員は少ない。 しかし、その全てが比類なき意志と信念を掲げる精鋭である為、統率の取れた完成度の高い部隊となっている。
The Revengers
Among the ranks of the « Shadow Paladins », who work behind the scenes in the unseen side of the holy nation of « United Sanctuary », the Revengers are a unit composed of those with incredible determination to protect their country from invaders by any means necessary. Their numbers are few, since they deal with incredibly dangerous missions that are only likely to increase, and their honor nor distinguished services for their country will never be known to the people. However, because all of them are elites carrying unparalleled determination and conviction, they have become a nearly complete fighting force under the proper leadership.
Witch of the Cursed Charms, Edin
呪札の魔女 エーディン Witch of Cursed Cards, Edin
Grade 3/Shadow Paladin – Elf/10000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (2) & choose two of your «Shadow Paladin» rear-guards and retire them] At the beginning of the guard step of the battle that this unit is attacked, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your opponent’s rear-guards that is not boosting or attacking, and retire it.
[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.
« I’m not some limp-wristed frail princess. Let me prove it to you. »
毎日を自儘に生きるダークエルフの魔法学者。 戦闘に関して普段は消極的に臨んでいるが、研究の邪魔をする不逞の輩には一切容赦しない。 研究に善悪という概念を持ち込まない性格の為、各地で重用される素晴らしい発明品を発表した次の日に、とんでもない事件の発端となった禁呪を試してしまった事などがざらにあったという。 叙勲と同じ数だけ投獄された変わり者として一時は国中を騒がせていたが、ある時ぱたりと消息を絶つ。 しばらくして“シャドウパラディン”に所属していた事があきらかになるが、歴史の表舞台から消える事を選んだ影の騎士団に、彼女がどのような経緯で入団したのかは未だ明かされていない。 しかし、これだけ時代と環境が変わっても、彼女は何も気にせず研究を続けている。 数奇な経歴を持つ者が多いこの団は、彼女にとって案外居心地のいい場所なのかもしれない。
A Dark Elven magical scholar who lives every day without a care. Although she frowns at getting dragged into battle, she has absolutely zero tolerance of anyone who would be insubordinate to her in the realm of research. Because she has the sort of personality that doesn’t consider good or evil while researching, she has a habit of announcing a wonderful invention in several places, and then things go to hell when someone tries out the forbidden curses she came up with, causing a terrible incident. While decorated and honored with awards, she was imprisoned at the same time, and has not been heard from for a long time. While it was ultimately revealed that she joined the Shadow Paladins, the circumstances behind it are unknown, just merely she decided to become one of the knights of the shadows that have chosen to vanish from the official annuls of history. Even though the times and her circumstances have changed, she still continues to study without much concern. This group of people with checkered pasts may unexpectedly be a cozy place for her.
Silver Thorn Dragon Queen, Luquier « Reverse »
銀の茨の竜女帝 ルキエ “Я” Silver Thorn Dragon Queen, Luquier « Reverse »
Grade 3/Pale Moon – Elf/11000 Power/No Shield
[ACT](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (1) & Choose one of your «Pale Moon» rear-guards and lock it] Choose one «Pale Moon» from your soul, call it to (RC), and that unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.
(Locked cards are turned face down, and cannot do anything. Turn them face up at the end of its owner’s turn)
[CONT](VC):If you have a card named « Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier » in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+2000.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit without a same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
« Reverse. You, too, shall become my servant. »
「虚無(ヴォイド)」の化身“リンクジョーカー”の力により、存在を歪められた「ルキエ」の姿。 この時の公演が海岸線付近の街で行われていた為、ダークゾーン侵攻時の最初の標的として上陸してきた“リンクジョーカー”の軍団に強襲されてしまう。 微笑を湛えた余裕ある様相は消え失せ、暴君もかくやと言わんばかりの傲岸不遜かつ非道な言動と行動を繰り返す姿は、まさに狂帝と呼ぶに相応しい。 従わぬ者は暴走寸前まで強化された魅了の魔眼の力で強制的に支配下に置き、彼女は“ペイルムーン”の支配を率先して執り行うようになる。 「従う者には支配者の悦楽を、刃向う者には逃れられぬ隷属を」。 血のような紅色に変わった髪を翻して、怖気が走る程の冷たい声色で彼女はそう言い放った。 黒き力に彩られた舞台に狂える艶笑が響く。 女帝の狂気は、未だ止まらず。
This is Luquier after being twisted by the power of the avatar of Void, « Link Joker ». Because she was in the middle of a performance in a coastline city, she was caught in the midst of a fierce attack by the forces of « Link Joker » after they came ashore and began their invasion of « Dark Zone ». Her flexible and composed aspects that filled others with smiles simply vanished, replaced by an extremely haughty and unjust way of speaking and acting that has resulted in many considering her an utter tyrant, and she is now fittingly called « The Mad Queen ». Anyone who refuses to follow her is forcibly placed under the control of her magical eye – its power now completely out of control, and as a result has taken control of Pale Moon by her own hands. « Those who follow me will know pleasure from their mistress, while those who dare oppose me shall know inescapable slavery. » As she swore this in a voice so cold that it made people run, her hair turned the color of red blood. She smiles with an insane, seductive smile as the stage is colored by black energies. The madness of her majesty has not yet ended.