Card of the Day! 19/06/2013

19 juin 2013 a 8 h 52 min

Twilight Baron

トワイライトバロン Twilight Baron
Grade 3/Link Joker – Cyber Golem/10000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):When this unit attacks a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.
[AUTO](RC): When this unit attacks a vanguard, if you have a «Link Joker» vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of the battle

« Delete the world, Twilight Fall! »

“リンクジョーカー”が誇る制圧戦用半有機戦闘兵器「サイバーゴーレム」。 型式番号は「CG-00110003」、識別コードは「TwilighT-BaroN」。 純粋に強い力を持つ戦士達のデータはサイバロイドでは無く、破壊を専任とするサイバーゴーレムにインプットされる事が多い。 彼は元々先兵である「星輝兵」に配備された戦士では無く、本隊から直接遣わされた正規の援軍である。 スターゲート侵略が円滑に進行したのは、彼のようなサイバーゴーレムの力によるところが大きい。 殲滅兵器「カラミティ・ブリンガー」の出力を限界まで引き上げて放出する砲撃、「トワイライト・フォール」に薙ぎ払われた都市は、数秒前の喧騒が嘘のように静まり返る。 そこには、何も残らない。 瓦礫も、草木も、獣も、人も。 日没と共に大地が静寂に包まれるように、黄昏の巨人が去った後にはただ沈黙だけが置き去りにされる。

A Cyber Golem, a semi-organic fighting machine designed to take complete control of warfare that is the pride of « Link Joker ». Its model number is the « CG-0011003 », and its identification code is « TwilighT-BaroN ». It does not contain the data of powerful soldiers like the Cyberoids, no, Cyber Golems have destruction and working round the clock input into them. It is not a warrior that was deployed with the front-line troops, « Star-Vader », it is a regular reinforcement unit sent directly from the main forces. The Invasion of « Star Gate » has proceeded smoothly, largely in part due to the power of Cyber Golems like it. By pushing its weapon « Calamity Bringer », which is designed to exterminate and annihilate, to the limits of what it can unleash, it brings about « Twilight Fall », cutting down an entire city in its wake, reducing the hustle and bustle from moments earlier to an eerie silent calm. Nothing is left. Rubble? Plants? Animals? People? All gone. All that’s left is a land covered in silence and twilight, and after the titan of twilight leaves, all that’s left is silence.

Card of the Day! 18/06/2013

18 juin 2013 a 8 h 13 min

Barcgal Liberator

ばーくがる・解放者 Barcgal Liberator
Grade 1/Gold Paladin – Hi-Beast/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC):When an attack hits a vanguard during the battle that this unit boosts a unit named « Blaster Blade Liberator », look at up to three cards from the top of your deck, search for up to one card with « Liberator » from among them, call it (RC) as [Rest], and put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order.

« Fighting together with the legendary sword. That is every knight’s dream. »

新たなる仲間と共に黄金騎士団の一員として復帰したハイドッグ部隊古参のエース。 三英雄が封印された後、国の行く末に不安を感じながらも本国の防衛にあたっていたが、その弱った心が隙を生み、任務の最中に愛剣を破壊されてしまう。 戦意を喪失し、半機械化した半身の機能を停止する寸前まで衰弱していたが、復活した「ブラスター・ブレード」の計らいにより、気力を取り戻す事になる。 その計らいとは、彼の砕け散った剣の修復――加えて、生まれ変わった剣には、勇気を力へと変える簡易型のブラスター・ブレードシステムが取り入れられていた。 かつての主より賜り、新たな主の手により生まれ変わった忠義の証。 今、彼の心は常に主達と共にあり、勇気に満ち溢れている。 黄金に輝く解放者の剣は、もう二度と、その輝きを失わない。

The senior ace of the High Dog corps who returned as a member of the Gold Paladins, alongside new friends. After the three heroes had been sealed, he continued to protect his country, but he was increasingly insecure about the country’s future, and as his heart weakened, by chance, one day, his favorite sword was shattered while in the call of duty. There and then, he lost the will to fight, and his heart weakened so much, the mechanical half of his body refused to continue functioning. Under the discretion of the revived « Blaster Blade », he regained his willpower. As well, his sword was repaired…. no, it was reborn, as it now was based the simplistic « Blaster Blade System », which converts courage into power. Given to him by his former master, its rebirth is the proof of loyalty by his new master. Now, with his master always inside his heart, he is brimming with courage. This sword of the Liberators, which shines like gold, will never lose its luster.

神聖国家第二正規軍“ゴールドパラディン”の中から選ばれた、国と星を守る使命を騎士王より託された者達の総称。 悪しき者の手から全てを解き放つという意を込めて「解放者」と名付けられた。 称された者は周囲から新時代の導き手と呼ばれている。 “ゴールドパラディン”の若き戦士達が構成の中心だが、歴戦の勇士である“ロイヤルパラディン”の戦士からもある程度抜擢されているという。

The Liberators
The general term for those chosen from the second standing army of United Sanctuary, « The Gold Paladins », they are the few that the King of Knights has entrusted with the mission of protecting not only the Sanctuary, but the entire world of Cray. They were named the « Liberators » because they liberate all who have been ensnared by the schemes of the wicked. Those with the title are said to be the guiding hand of the new era. At the center of the group are the young warriors who saved the day, known as the « Gold Paladins », but some of their number are battle-scarred veterans who were handpicked for the job.

Card of the Day! 17/06/2013

17 juin 2013 a 8 h 03 min

Star-vader, Mobius Breath Dragon

星輝兵 メビウスブレス・ドラゴン Star-vader, Mobius Breath Dragon
Grade 2/Link Joker – Cyber Dragon/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](VC):When this unit’s attack hits a vanguard, choose one of your opponent’s rear-guards, and lock it.
(Locked cards are turned face down, and cannot do anything. Turn them face up at the end of its owner’s turn)

« A deviation from the rules. That is Lock. »

侵略者“リンクジョーカー”の先兵「星輝兵」。 ドラゴンと銘打たれているが、クレイに住む竜とは起源そのものが違う生命体であり、浸蝕が進んだ事でより異質な形体へと変貌しつつある。 鱗では無い骨のような外殻で全身を固めており、全身の至る所に“リンクジョーカー”特有の能力、「呪縛(ロック)」を使う為の力の源を溜め込んでいるという。 異物に遮られるまでいつまでも誘導を続け、一時的ではあるが相手の力や動作などの一切を封じる強力なブレスを吐く上、敵が複数の場合は指揮官を執拗に狙うようコントロールされている厄介な存在。 歪な眼に宿るのは、意思を持つ生命の光では無く、機械の如く無機質で不気味な輝き。 肉体を蝕まれ、精神を侵され、何もかもを失った彼らの行きつく先は次の戦場か、それとも死によってのみ訪れる永遠の安寧か。

« Star-Vaders » are the vanguard of the invaders known as « Link Joker ». It’s called a Dragon, but it’s actually a life form different in origin from the Dragons living on Cray, but due to advancing corruption, it has changed into its current, different form. Its entire outer body is encased in a shell that is more like bone, rather than scale, and its entire body is filled with a source of power that allows it to use the ability unique to « Link Joker », « Lock ». Lock temporarily interrupts foreign matter, preventing the enemy from using their power or moving, but while temporary, Link Joker keeps using it over and over to control troublesome beings, allowing them to smash at the enemy commander, if there is more than one foe. Inside its twisted eyes, there is no hint of the light of life possessing a sense of purpose, no, its eyes shine bright like those of a machine’s. The body is corrupted, the soul is erased, will the next battlefield be where it loses the rest of its « self », or will that be where it receives final peace?

「虚無(ヴォイド)」の化身にして惑星クレイを脅かす侵略者、“リンクジョーカー”の先兵。 原生生物を調査して強者のデータを収集、可能なら素体そのものを支配下に置く事を主目的とし、その過程で収集に値しないと判断された対象を消去しているとみられる。 クレイには存在しない数多の技術を保有し、「呪縛(ロック)」と呼ばれる未知の力を自在に操る。

The Star-Vaders are…
The vanguards of « Link Joker », the invaders threatening the planet Cray who are the embodiment of « Void ». Protist-like micro-organisms collected and examined the data of the planet’s strongest, and were further programmed to take control of the bodies of worthwhile subjects, while those deemed useless or weak are to be erased. Among the various technologies and powers unknown to the planet of Cray, one of those is the strange, unknown power called « Lock ».

[Booster Pack] BT13 • Catastrophic Outbreak

14 juin 2013 a 15 h 41 min












Japanese Name:
Translation:Catastrophic Outbreak
Release Date:September 13th, 2013 (JP)

Contenu :

– Inclut 101 cartes (101 nouvelles cartes et ? cartes réimprimées) – 8x RRR, 12x RR, 22x R, 60x C + 12x SP
– Inclut du support pour Nubatama, Link Joker, Dimension Police, Great Nature, Aqua Force, Angel Feather, Granblue et Nova Grappler

Cardlist :

Voir la suite de [Booster Pack] BT13 • Catastrophic Outbreak

Cards of the Day! 14/06/2013

14 juin 2013 a 8 h 09 min

Twin Blade Hollow, Binary Star

虚ろの双刃 バイナリスター Twin Blade Hollow, Binary Star
Grade 1/Link Joker – Cyberoid/8000 Power/5000 Shield

« Neither magic nor science can prove its existence. Link Joker is a strange and bizarre army. »

封印していた三英雄の生体データから生み出された半有機合成生命体の試験体。 しかし、クレイの戦士達の手によって封印が解かれてしまい、データ解析が不十分だった為、その力は想定の4割を下回り、オリジナルには到底及ばないという結果に終わっている。 失敗とはいえ今までの量産型に比べれば破格の性能を誇り、今後この新型サイバロイド「バイナリスター」は、改良が済み次第量産ラインに回される事が確実とされている。 彼らの次の標的は解析が進んでいる2つの国家とその隣国、すなわちユナイテッドサンクチュアリ、ドラゴンエンパイア、ダークゾーン。 彼ら末端の兵士には感情も感傷も無い。 より正確に解析を行い、より効率的に障害を排除するのみ。 弱者には死を穿ち、強者には従属を強いる。 これが、彼らの不文律なのである。

An experimental half-organic artificial life form that was created from the bio-metric data of the three heroes who were sealed away. However, because the seal was broken by the warriors of Cray, the data analysis was hardly complete, resulting in its power being less than 40% of what was expected, obviously making it incredibly inferior. The new model of Cyberoid « Binary Star », is proud of its abilities despite being a failure for mass production, but it is expected once improvements can properly be made, it will definitely be mass produced. After finishing their analysis in the two current nations, they plan to analyze the neighboring nation – in other words, they are analyzing United Sanctuary, Dragon Empire and Dark Zone. Their perfected soldiers will have neither emotion or sentiments. By analyzing closer, they can more effectively remove these obstacles. The weak will be ripped apart and killed, while the strong become their slaves. This is Link Joker’s unwritten rule.


Soaring Star-Vader Commander, Krypton

飛将の星輝兵 クリプトン Soaring Star-Vader Commander, Krypton
Grade 2/Link Joker – Cyberoid/10000 Power/5000 Shield

« Having invaded Star Gate, they are an army that should not exist on this planet, in this universe, or in this space-time continuum. »

侵略者“リンクジョーカー”の先兵「星輝兵」。 スターゲート侵攻の一番槍となった半有機兵士「サイバロイド」で、他者との対話等、意思疎通を行う為の機能を完全にシャットアウトされている。 三英雄にかけた封印を破られ、クレイをより危険視すべきと判断した“リンクジョーカー”は、ついに星そのものの侵略を開始する。 標的となった最初の地は、他国と諍いの少ない南方の大国、スターゲートだった。 巨大な施設が多く存在するこの地域は民間人が一か所に密集しやすく、制圧を行う際に都合の良い条件が揃っていたのである。 突如現れた謎の軍勢に不意をつかれたスターゲートの2つのクランは、幾つかの地域を放棄して撤退せざるを得ない状況に陥った。 他国への通信手段を途絶し、瞬く間に一国家の半分近くの領土を掌握した「星輝兵」達は、本格的な惑星侵略へと乗り出す。

« Star-Vaders » are the vanguard of the invaders known as « Link Joker ». He is a semi-organic soldier known as a « Cyberoid » that are spearheading the invasion of Star Gate, though his ability to interact or understand others have been completely shut out. When the Seal on the Three Heroes was finally broken, « Link Joker » judged Cray as even more dangerous than they ever expected, and finally decided to begin their invasion on the planet. Their first target was the southern super-nation that had little trouble with the other nations, « Star Gate ». In this nation, there are a lot of huge facilities, where civilians could easily be crowded into one place, making it extremely convenient as they planned to bring it under their control. The two main clans of Star Gate were caught off guard when this mysterious army suddenly appeared, resulting in them having no choice but to abandon some areas to the invaders. By disrupting communications to the other nations, the « Star-Vaders » were able instantly seize nearly half the territory of Star Gate, and now plan to begin a full-scale planetary invasion.

「虚無(ヴォイド)」の化身にして惑星クレイを脅かす侵略者、“リンクジョーカー”の先兵。 原生生物を調査して強者のデータを収集、可能なら素体そのものを支配下に置く事を主目的とし、その過程で収集に値しないと判断された対象を消去しているとみられる。 クレイには存在しない数多の技術を保有し、「呪縛(ロック)」と呼ばれる未知の力を自在に操る。

The Star-Vaders are…
The vanguards of « Link Joker », the invaders threatening the planet Cray who are the embodiment of « Void ». Protist-like micro-organisms collected and examined the data of the planet’s strongest, and were further programmed to take control of the bodies of worthwhile subjects, while those deemed useless or weak are to be erased. Among the various technologies and powers unknown to the planet of Cray, one of those is the strange, unknown power called « Lock ».

[JAP] Cardfight Pack Vol.10

13 juin 2013 a 8 h 40 min

Cardfight Pack Vol. 10

Voici la nouvelle série de cartes promotionnelles disponibles dans les tournois japonais !

Here is the new promo card series, which are available in japanese tournaments !

PR/0132 PR
バトルシスター きゃんでぃ Battle Sister, Candy
Grade 1/Oracle Think Tank – Elf/6000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO]:[Counter Blast (1)] When this unit is placed on (VC) or (RC), if you have an «Oracle Think Tank» vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, put the top card of your deck into your damage zone, and at the beginning of your end phase, choose a card from your damage zone, return it to your deck, and shuffle your deck.

PR/0133 PR
呪槍の撃退者 ダーマッド Curse Spear Revenger, Diarmuid
Grade 3/Shadow Paladin – Human/10000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Choose one of your rear-guards with « Revenger » in its card name, and retire it] When this unit attacks a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, this unit [Power]+5000/[Critical]+1 until end of that battle.
[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.

PR/0134 PR
グラファイトキャノン・ドラゴン Graphite Cannon Dragon
Grade 3/Kagero – Flame Dragon/10000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC/RC):[Counter Blast (1)] When this unit attacks, you may pay the cost. If you do, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.

PR/0135 PR
星輝兵 ダークバンド・ドラゴン Star-Vader, Dark Band Dragon
Grade 3/Link Joker – Cyber Dragon/10000 Power/No Shield
[ACT](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (1) – Cards with Star-Vader in its card name] Choose one of your opponent’s rear-guard in the back row, and lock it.
(Locked cards are turned face down. Turn them face up at the end of the owner’s turn.)
[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, if the number of rear-guards you have is more than your opponent’s, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.

PR/0136 PR
倦怠のサキュバス Fatigue Succubus
Grade 2/Dark Irregulars – Succubus/8000 Power/5000 Shield
[CONT](VC/RC):If the number of «Dark Irregulars» in your soul is ten or more, this unit gets [Power]+4000.

涙滴の水将 カルロス Marine General of the Teardrop, Carlos
Grade 2/Aqua Force – Aquaroid/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](VC/RC): When this unit’s attack hits a vanguard, if you have an «Aqua Force» vanguard, choose a card from your damage zone, and turn it face up.

Card of the Day! 13/06/2013

13 juin 2013 a 8 h 32 min

Tear Knight, Lucas

ティアーナイト ルーカス Tear Knight, Lucas
Grade 2/Aqua Force – Aquaroid/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](VC/RC):[Counter Blast (2)] When this unit’s attack hits, if you have an «Aqua Force» vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card.

« A trident in an underwater battle is both the basis and a mystery. »

海軍“アクアフォース”の中尉にして、執行部隊「ティアーナイト」の一員。 トライデントは地上での戦闘に不向きである為、主武装としての採用率が低い。 しかし、水中ではハイドロエンジンの特性を引き出しやすい武器とされており、実地訓練の際は全ての訓練生が小型トライデントの携帯を義務付けられるという。 彼はそんな訓練生時代よりこの武器を愛用している稀有な戦士である。 一心不乱にひたすら基礎訓練だけを行ってきた愚直な彼と、水中戦闘の基本となる水槍術は相性が良く、いつしかその刺突のスピードは海軍随一と言われる程にまで昇華された。 彼はこれ以外の武器を扱えない。 だからこそ、刺突の速度と正確さだけは誰にも負ける気がしないのだという。 銃器が一般化した昨今にあっても、彼は得物を突き出す事だけを考えて戦う。 速く、より速く、誰よりも速く、と。

A first lieutenant in the navy « Aqua Force », he is a member of the enforcement squad « Tear Knights ». Because the trident is unsuited for battles on land, it is rarely used as a primary weapon. However, it’s considered to be a weapon hat easily draws out the best traits of the Hydro Engine while underwater, and it’s said all soldiers, while training, are required to train with a small sized trident. He is a rare soldier who got to know and love the weapon while originally training. Honest to a fault, he done the basic training over and over to the point it’s part of his heart and soul, and as a result, he is very very good at using underwater spears, lances and pole-arms that form the basis of underwater combat, and before anyone realized it, he has become so sublime, that his thrusting speed is some of the best in the entire navy. He’s incapable of using weapons other than this one. That’s why he refuses to lose to anyone in terms of speed and accuracy of goring and piercing. Even in this era where firearms are the norm, he just thinks about showing off his weapon of choice. He is fast, faster and faster than anyone else.

Card of the Day! 12/06/2013

12 juin 2013 a 7 h 48 min

Liberator, Cheer-Up Trumpeter

解放者 チアーアップ・トランペッター Liberator, Cheer-Up Trumpeter
Grade 0/Gold Paladin – Angel/5000 Power/10000 Shield
[AUTO]: Forerunner (When a unit of the same clan rides this unit, you may call this unit to (RC))
[ACT](RC):[Put this unit into your soul] Choose one of your vanguards with « Liberator » in its card name, and until end of turn, that unit gets « [AUTO](VC):When a «Gold Paladin» is placed on (RC) from your deck, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of turn. ».

« Every~one, it’s a wonderful day! Let’s cheer up! »

神聖国家第二正規軍“ゴールドパラディン”の「解放者」の一人。 羽付きトランペットは聖楽兵装で、有事はベルから光の鞭が飛び出す戦闘形態へと変形する。 正式な兵装を持つ戦士ではあるが、本人にとっての一番の仕事は騎士団の「目覚まし」であり、主に新人たちの宿舎を巡って毎朝トランペットを吹き鳴らしているという。 また、柔和で温かい空気を帯びている為か、人だけでなく動物や精霊にも好かれる体質をしており、任務外の時間にはシルフやハイビースト達と戯れる姿がよく目撃される。 侵略者の被害を最も被りやすいのは、自身を守る術を持たない小さな動物達。 そんな彼らを守る為、優しい彼女は「解放者」となった。 平和になった森で、再び皆が穏やかな時間を過ごせるよう、小さな天使は戦いの調べを奏でる。

One of the « Liberators » of the United Sanctuary’s second standing army « Gold Paladin ». Her feathered Trumpet is a sacred musical weapon, that, in an emergency, can change into its combat mode, a whip of light coming out of its bell. Though she’s a warrior with an actual weapon, she’s best at being the Paladins’ « Alarm Clock », and is said to blow her trumpet every morning, mostly in the barracks and lodgings of the rookies and newbies. Also, because she has such a warm, gentle atmosphere to her, she are liked not only by humans but animals and spirits as well, and outside of missions, she’s been seen playing with High Beasts and Sylphs from time to time. Small animals that cannot protect themselves are the ones that have suffered the most at the hand of the invaders. To protect them, despite being so kind, she became a Liberator. In order to make the forests peaceful once more and bring back those halycon days stolen from everyone, this little angel plays her song of war.

神聖国家第二正規軍“ゴールドパラディン”の中から選ばれた、国と星を守る使命を騎士王より託された者達の総称。 悪しき者の手から全てを解き放つという意を込めて「解放者」と名付けられた。 称された者は周囲から新時代の導き手と呼ばれている。 “ゴールドパラディン”の若き戦士達が構成の中心だが、歴戦の勇士である“ロイヤルパラディン”の戦士からもある程度抜擢されているという。

The Liberators
The general term for those chosen from the second standing army of United Sanctuary, « The Gold Paladins », they are the few that the King of Knights has entrusted with the mission of protecting not only the Sanctuary, but the entire world of Cray. They were named the « Liberators » because they liberate all who have been ensnared by the schemes of the wicked. Those with the title are said to be the guiding hand of the new era. At the center of the group are the young warriors who saved the day, known as the « Gold Paladins », but some of their number are battle-scarred veterans who were handpicked for the job.

Card of the Day! 11/06/2013

11 juin 2013 a 6 h 59 min

Star-Vader, Dust Tail Unicorn

星輝兵 ダストテイル・ユニコーン Star-Vader, Dust Tail Unicorn
Grade 0/Link Joker – Cyber Beast/5000 Power/10000 Shield
[AUTO]: Forerunner (When a unit of the same clan rides this unit, you may call this unit to (RC))
[ACT](RC):[Counter Blast (1) & Put this unit into your soul] If you have a «Link Joker» vanguard, and your opponent has a unit locked, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your opponent’s rear-guards, and lock it.
(Locked cards are turned face down. Turn them face up at the end of the owner’s turn.)

« Ah, even Sacred and Demonic Beasts can be twisted. »

侵略者“リンクジョーカー”の先兵「星輝兵」。 “リンクジョーカー”によって存在を歪められた他星の幻獣の成れの果て。 無機質な外殻に覆われた今の姿からは、美しい白毛を蓄えていた一角獣であった事など想像も出来ない。 自我は欠片も残っておらず、身体に纏わりつく黒輪から発せられる命令に従って行動している。 不吉な輝きを発する角に触れると、黒輪が放つ呪縛の力の干渉を受け、しばらくの間身動きが取れない状態に陥るという。 この幻獣のように、以前の面影を全く残さない状態まで黒輪の侵蝕が進んでしまった場合、元の姿に戻ったという前例は無い。 侵蝕によって半永久的に動き続けられる身体を手に入れてしまった彼らは、粉微塵に破壊されるその時まで、攻撃の手を休める事は無い。 休める事は、出来ない。

The Vanguard of the « Star-Vaders » of the invaders known as « Link Joker ». It is the mere shadow of a mythical beast from another world that has been twisted and corrupted beyond recognition by « Link Joker ». It’s almost impossible that in place of its inorganic armor that it was once a Unicorn with beautiful white hair. No fragments of its original sense of self remain, and acts only according to the orders given to it from the Black Rings clinging to its body. Those touched by its sinister glowing horn, due to the cursed power of the Black Rings, fall into a paralyzed state, unable to move for a while. There is no precedent that a mythical beast like it will return to its original form once the corruption of the Black Rings has reached the point where no remnants of the original being remain. Those corrupted to this point have a body that never stop moving, never resting even in the face of being attacked, until their bodies collapse into fragments. It can never rest again.

「虚無(ヴォイド)」の化身にして惑星クレイを脅かす侵略者、“リンクジョーカー”の先兵。 原生生物を調査して強者のデータを収集、可能なら素体そのものを支配下に置く事を主目的とし、その過程で収集に値しないと判断された対象を消去しているとみられる。 クレイには存在しない数多の技術を保有し、「呪縛(ロック)」と呼ばれる未知の力を自在に操る。

The Star-Vaders are…
The vanguards of « Link Joker », the invaders threatening the planet Cray who are the embodiment of « Void ». Protist-like micro-organisms collected and examined the data of the planet’s strongest, and were further programmed to take control of the bodies of worthwhile subjects, while those deemed useless or weak are to be erased. Among the various technologies and powers unknown to the planet of Cray, one of those is the strange, unknown power called « Lock ».

[Card Game] Late 2013’s Releases

10 juin 2013 a 16 h 57 min

Et voici le planning des sorties de la seconde moitié de l’année 2013 !
And here is the scheduling of late 2013’s releases !

Extra Booster Pack Vol. 4: Infinite Phantom Legion
Release date: September 06, 2013

Extra Booster Pack Vol. 5: Celestial Valkyries
Release date: September 06, 2013

Trial Deck Vol. 8: Liberator of the Sanctuary
Release date: October 04, 2013

Trial Deck Vol. 9: Eradicator of the Empire
Release date: October 04, 2013

Booster Pack Vol. 10: Triumphant Return of the King of Knights
Release date: October 25, 2013

Booster Pack Vol. 11: Seal Dragons Unleashed
Release date: December 13, 2013