Cards of the Day! 25/04/2013

Crow Witch, Chamomile
烏の魔女 カモミール Crow Witch, Chamomile
Grade 2/Genesis – Human/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO]:[Counter Blast (1)] When this unit is put into the drop zone from your soul, if you have a «Genesis» vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, call this unit to (RC).
« Don’t talk about secrets. … Don’t you know? Crows are pretty clever. »
情報収集を行う上で最適なステータスを持つ“ジェネシス”の魔女。 動物や機械に自分の分身を宿らせ、その視聴覚を共有する能力「共鳴(レゾナンス)」の使い手。 共鳴能力保持者には大抵一人につき一体の使役獣(幻獣・機獣・精霊など)がつくが、驚異的な演算能力を誇る彼女は同時に複数個体の感覚を制御する事が可能であり、同時共鳴可能対象は数十体にも及ぶという。 機密の獲得が数万の兵を得る事と同義と言われ、1KBの電子文書が戦の優劣を決めた前例もある現代戦。 精神感応を応用した機密の奪取、敵地での偽情報の流布や不安感の扇動――戦士達が血肉をすり減らし刃を交える舞台の裏では、魔女部隊を中心とした壮絶な情報戦が常に繰り広げられている。
A Witch of « Genesis », who is the most skilled at collecting information. She is a master of « Resonance », which fill machines and animals with a sort of other self, allowing her to hear what they hear and see what they see. Most users of Resonance can only resonate with one creature at a time (be it Mythical Beast, mechanical animals, or some sort of Spirit), she boasts the ability to control the senses of multiple creatures at a time, resonating with dozens of creatures at once. In this age of modern warfare where a 1 KB file can change the tide of battle, She is said to be able to get the same amount of classified information a group of 10,000 soldiers would typically be needed to acquire. She also steals classified information using telepathy, while using it to instigate anxiety and spread false information among enemy ranks… … In the backstage of the battles where soldiers clash swords, spilling blood, there are brutal wars over the flow of information that the witches are always fighting.

Witch of Frogs, Melissa
蛙の魔女 メリッサ Frog Witch, Melissa
Grade 1/Genesis – Human/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO]:[Counter Blast (1)] When this unit is put into the drop zone from your soul, if you have a «Genesis» vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, call this unit to (RC).
« Frog. Hatch. Go. Return. Is there really magic in words? »
祠神「ヘカト」に仕える“ジェネシス”の魔女。 蛙の型を為した神「ヘカト」の御使いである事、それを模した使機神を行使する事から、蛙の魔女と呼ばれている。 主な使用魔法は「言霊(スピリットワーズ)」であり、自分の発言に魔力を込める事で、その言葉の意味を形にする事ができる。 しかし、複雑な形状をした物質の具現化や、あまりに抽象的な事象を起こす事等は、魔力総量の都合で出来ないらしい。 言霊使いはその魔法の性質ゆえに誰よりも言葉を大切にする。 彼女と会話する際は、間違ってもおかしな言葉を使わないよう、細心の注意を払った方が良いだろう。
A witch of « Genesis » who serves the minor goddess « Heqet ». She is called the Frog Witch due to being a messenger of the frog-like goddess « Heqet », along with using mechanical frogs built in her image. Her chief form of magic is Cray’s form of Kotodama: Spirit Words, which is essentially magic placed in her words, giving shape and substance to whatever she says. However, she doesn’t have the magical power or resources to create anything *too* complex or an event that’s *too* bizarre. A user of Spirit Words values words more than other people would, because of the shape of their magic. You should pay attention when talking to her, to make sure you don’t use any funny words or use words in the wrong way.