Card of the Day! 12/04/2013

Sanctuary Guard Dragon
サンクチュアリガード・ドラゴン Sanctuary Guard Dragon
Grade 3/Royal Paladin – Cosmo Dragon/11000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):During your turn, this unit gets [Power]+3000 for each of your grade 1 or less «Royal Paladin» rear-guards.
[AUTO]:[Choose a «Royal Paladin» from your hand, and discard it] When this unit placed on (VC), you may the cost. If you do, search your deck for up to one grade 1 or less «Royal Paladin», call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit that doesn’t belong to the same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
« Leave. evildoer! I am the sword, the Dragon who protects the Sanctuary! »
かつて人と竜の双方が争う事無く暮らす国を作り上げた、偉大なる聖域の守護竜。 「白竜王」と呼ばれていた事が古書に記されている。 数多の国民から絶大な支持を受けており、史上類を見ない程に長く治世を行った稀代の名君。 しかし、彼が王座に就いてから千余年、竜族の中に生まれた一人の野心家によって、王国は崩壊を迎える。 内乱によって人と竜の関係は急激に悪化し、国は二分化。 戦いに長ける竜族とそれに加担した一部の人間が領土の大半を獲得し、戦いを望まぬ聖域の民は西方への撤退を余儀なくされた。 彼は幾度も命を賭して戦い、聖域と多くの人々を救ったが、代償に肉体を失い、その知識を次代の守護竜へ、力と剣を自らの子孫達へ託したという。 名君「白竜王」の魂が滅びる事は無い。 その血と志が受け継がれる限り、決して――。
The guardian Dragon who helped to build the Grand Sanctuary, a land where human and dragons used to live together, side by side. He was the « White Dragon King » written of in legend. He was a rare enlightened monarch supported by many people, having reigned so long that almost no one can compare in the annals of history. However, after a thousand years since he ascended to the throne, there was an ambitious child born from the Dragon Tribe who pushed his kingdom towards collapse. The relationship between the humans and dragons quickly disintegrated, leading to a civil war, splitting the country in two. The dragon tribes and a sparing group of humans that were good at fighting took most of the land, but the remaining people of the Sanctuary, disinterested in fighting, retreated to the West. He risked his life over and over to save the Sanctuary and its people, but in the end it cost him his body, knowing this, the next generation of Guardian Dragons, his descendants, were entrusted with his power and his blade. The soul of the virtuous ruler, The White Dragon King, will never be destroyed. As long as his blood and his will are carried down, he will… …