Card of the Day! 15/04/2013

Pathetique Jewel Knight, Owain
悲愴の宝石騎士[パセティック・ジュエルナイト] オウェイン Pathetique Jewel Knight, Owain
Grade 2/Royal Paladin – Human/8000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](VC/RC):When this unit attacks, if the number of rear-guards you have is more than your opponent’s, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.
« A knight must smile. In order to defeat an enemy by preventing tragedy. »
旧 き時代、「白竜王」と共に聖域を守るため戦った聖槍の騎士。 「宝石騎士」という称号を賜った最初の騎士の一人であり、露草色の「魔宝石」を持つ。 身の丈5倍以上の巨人族すらも一人で打ち負かす槍の名手で、当時の“ロイヤルパラディン”の中でも指折りの実力者だった。 反乱が勃発し、西方に撤退した後も民と国を守るべく賢明に戦ったが、第59次防衛戦の際に敵陣に深入りし、消息不明となる。 最後に彼を見た兵士は言った。 「戦の前、彼はいつも悲しそうに笑っていた」と。 幾多の同胞を失い、それでもなお敵を討ち国を守る為に戦い果てた悲しみの戦士。 人々はその生涯を称えると共に、その悲しくも誇り高き生き様を忘れぬ為、「悲愴の騎士」と呼び伝えたという。
A knight of the holy lance who fought to protect the Sanctuary during ages long ago, side by side with the White Dragon King. He was one of the first knights to be granted the title of « Jewel Knight », as he carried a dew-green Magical Jewel. As a master of spears and lances, he was able to defeat giants that were more than five times his size, and was one of the most influential of the Royal Paladins of that era. When the rebellion broke out, even as the people withdrew to the west, he wisely fought to protect them, but during the 59th defense retreat, he dove deep into the enemy’s side, and he’s been missing ever since. According to what the last soldier that saw him… « Before the battle, he was laughing sadly ». Having lost so many friends and comrades, the sorrowful soldier probably died in the name of vengeance, fighting to protect his country. It’s said that he was called the « Pathetique Knight », so that people would honor his life and never forget his proud, yet sad, way of living.
神 聖国家第一正規軍“ロイヤルパラディン”の精鋭騎士に与えられる称号の一つ。 選ばれた者は魔力を込めた煌びやかな宝玉、「魔宝石」が埋め込まれた装具を身に着ける為、騎士団一華やかな部隊としても有名。 所属するのは、伝統ある騎士の御業に魔法という超常の力を足した戦いを主流とする者達であり、その装具と戦法から「魔宝騎士」と呼ばれる事もある。
The Jewel Knights
One of the titles handed out to elite knights in the first army of United Sanctuary, « Royal Paladin ». Those chosen wear and use armor and equip that are covered in gorgeous gemstones and jewels containing with magical power known as Magical Jewels, causing them to also be known as the most fabulous and glamorous knights in the army. Those who belong to their numbers combine the traditional style of a knight along with the additional supernatural power of magic, and are nicknamed the « Knights of the Magical Treasures » due to their equipment and the tactics they employ using them.