Card of the Day! 06/02/2013

6 février 2013 a 8 h 30 min
王道の解放者(リベレイター) ファロン Royal Liberator, Farron
Grade 2/Gold Paladin – Giant/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have a vanguard with « Liberator » in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.
« Walking forth, straight ahead, that is the righteous path. The future lies ahead on that path. »
“ゴールドパラディン”が正規軍となった後に配属された「解放者」にして爵位を持つ貴族階級の騎士。 が、周囲に余計な気遣いをさせない為、詳細な身分は騎士王と一部の団員以外には明かしていない。 礼儀正しい物腰と厳かな外見から一見すると近寄りがたい印象を受けるが、素は非常に気さくで話しやすい好青年である。 彼もまた、争いの無い世界を目指し奮起する王の姿に惹かれた者の一人。 生まれも身分も関係ない。 騎士団の戦士となるのに必要なものは平和を願う心、ただそれだけなのである。
A knight, born from an aristocratic line, who gained the title « Liberator » and was being assigned to the Gold Paladins after they became a standing army. Because he doesn’t want anyone around him to excessively worry, due to his status as a noble, he refuses to reveal the truth about himself to anyone but the King and those who need to know. While you’re likely to get the impression he’s unapproachable due to his polite demeanor and solemn appearance, he is in fact a nice young man who is quite friendly and extremely easy to talk to. Also, he was one of those attracted to the King who aspires to create a world without war or strife. Where neither pedigree nor position matters. To become one of the Paladins, all you need is a heart that yearns for peace.
神聖国家第二正規軍“ゴールドパラディン”の中から選ばれた、国と星を守る使命を騎士王より託された者達の総称。 悪しき者の手から全てを解き放つという意を込めて「解放者」と名付けられた。 称された者は周囲から新時代の導き手と呼ばれている。 “ゴールドパラディン”の若き戦士達が構成の中心だが、歴戦の勇士である“ロイヤルパラディン”の戦士からもある程度抜擢されているという。
The Liberators
The general term for those chosen from the second standing army of United Sanctuary, « The Gold Paladins », they are the few that the King of Knights has entrusted with the mission of protecting not only the Sanctuary, but the entire world of Cray. They were named the « Liberators » because they liberate all who have been ensnared by the schemes of the wicked. Those with the title are said to be the guiding hand of the new era. At the center of the group are the young warriors who saved the day, known as the « Gold Paladins », but some of their number are battle-scarred veterans who were handpicked for the job.

Card of the Day! 05/02/2012

5 février 2013 a 8 h 00 min
恐怖政治[レインオブテラー] テルミドール Reign of Terror, Thermidor
Grade 0/Spike Brothers – Demon/5000 Power/10000 Shield
[AUTO]: Pioneer (When another unit from the same clan rides this unit, you may call it to (RC))
[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts a «Spike Brothers» normal unit rear-guard, you may have that the boosted unit get [Power]+3000 until end of that battle. If you do, at the beginning of close step of that battle, put this card on the bottom of your deck.
« Those that play against him know the true meaning of terror. »
ギャロウズボールチーム“スパイクブラザーズ”のセンター。 力、体格、捕球能力など全てが平均的であり、一見無個性な選手に思えるが、その正体は過去幾つもの策謀を巡らしてチームを勝利に導いてきた影の功労者。 その作戦は味方を犠牲に勝利を掴む残虐なものばかりだが、真に恐ろしいのは利用された選手ですら彼の計である事に気付けないという点である。 時にはボールを持ち、時には走り、時には突き飛ばされる、選手としては平凡以下の男。 十重二十重に被った化けの皮の内側を知る事が出来たのは、もう口を開く事の無い還らざる選手達だけだと言う。
The Center of the « Spike Brothers » Gallowsball Team. His strength, physique and catching ability are all center of the road, and nothing about him, personality-wise, stands out. but hidden behind all that is the shadow of a major contributor who has used countless strategies to lead the team to victory. Those tactics are the tactics of one who would offer his allies up to the slaughter if it meant victory, but the real horror, that should scare you stiff, is his ability to manipulate and use players on either side to achieve his aims. When he has the ball, he sometimes gets to run, he sometimes get tackled, he’s just a completely less-than-average player. Those who can see past the smoke and mirrors, and see what lurks truly inside, are never allowed to return and open their mouths.

[BT11] Promotional Picture !

4 février 2013 a 14 h 26 min

And here is the very first promotional picture for the upcoming Booster Pack 11 : Seal Dragon Unleased at April 24th ! Wow ! That is some dragon !

Clans included : Angel Feather, Aqua Force, Genesis, Kagero, Narukami, Tachikaze

Card of the Day! 04/02/2013

4 février 2013 a 11 h 30 min
バッドエンド・ドラッガー Bad End Dragger
Grade 3/Spike Brothers – Demon/11000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage): When a «Spike Brothers» rides this unit, you may choose one of your vanguards, that unit gets [Power]+10000, and gets « [AUTO](VC):When your «Spike Brothers» rear-guard attacks, that unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle, and at the beginning of the close step of that battle, put that unit on the bottom of your deck. » until end of turn.
[AUTO](VC): When this unit is boosted by a «Spike Brothers», this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit that doesn’t belong to the same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
« These are at-the-last-minute, deadline tactics. These are the game! »
“スパイクブラザーズ”新進気鋭のランニングバック。 今のチームに配属される以前から悪名高い競技集団を転々としていた過去を持つ。 人を傷つける事と自身が傷つく事、どちらも大歓迎というその嗜好は悪魔の中ですら狂者と言われる程で、破れば最悪命を落としかねない裏社会の不文律すらも易々と反故にする危険な存在。 彼の生は死の隣にあり、彼はそれを「最高にスリリングな駆け引き」といい楽しむ。 己の命を賭けた残機0のゲームに、BADEND以外の終幕は有り得るのだろうか。
The Spike Brothers’ new, up-and-coming Running Back. In the past, before being assigned to the Spike Brothers, he meandered through various sleazy teams, The extent of how much he’s willing (and enjoys) to hurt himself and others is considered to be out-and-out insane by other devils, and if he snaps, it is an unwritten rule in the underworld that whoever stands in his way will suffer a horrifying, terrible death in the worst ways possible. His life, which constantly stands at the edge of the abyss of death, has resulted in him saying he enjoys « really thrilling tactics ». Against him, you’re caught in a situation where you have no chance left and you’re betting your life on a single chance… … is it possible for this nightmare scenario to end in any manner other than the worst possible BAD END?

Card of the Day! 01/02/2013

1 février 2013 a 9 h 26 min
純真の宝石騎士[ピュアハート・ジュエルナイト] アシュレイ Pure-Heart Jewel Knight, Ashlei
[AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):When a «Royal Paladin» rides this unit, you may choose one of your vanguards, that unit gets [Power]+10000/[Critical]+1 until end of turn.
[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit that doesn’t belong to the same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
« This will be the foundation for the future! Pure Foundation! »
“ロイヤルパラディン”の精鋭、「宝石騎士」を束ねる騎士団長。 決して曇る事の無い白き真珠の「魔宝石」を持つ。 “ゴールドパラディン”が第二正規軍として認められた直後、とあるエルフの里から騎士王の下に遣わされた騎士であり、その剣の腕は騎士団最強と名高い「ブラスター・ブレード」に匹敵するという。 しかし、人を疑う事を知らない性格の為、悪辣な輩に取り入られないよう、側近たちが常に目を光らせている事は本人だけが知らないらしい。 彼女の力の源は「信頼」。 自身の、仲間達の力を信じ、戦う。 唯ひたすらに勝利を、そしてその先にあるであろう平和を求めるその心こそが、悪しきを祓う輝きと力を生み出すのだ。
A head knight attached to the Jewel Knights, the elite of the Royal Paladins. She possesses Magical Jewels, specifically untarnished white pearls. Right after the « Gold Paladins » were recognized as the second standing army, the King of Knights called for knights from a certain elven village, whose skills with swords are comparable to the illustrious and powerful « Blaster Blade », one of them being her. However, because she has a personality that doesn’t suspect people, she hasn’t gained the favor of unscrupulous fellows, but her close aids and associates always keep a watchful eye on her, since she doesn’t understand being taking advantage of. The source of her powers is « Trust ». She fights believing in her own power and the power of her comrades. Her heart, single-mindedly after victory, yearns for nothing more than peace, radiating a glow and strength that expels wickedness.
神聖国家第一正規軍“ロイヤルパラディン”の精鋭騎士に与えられる称号の一つ。 選ばれた者は魔力を込めた煌びやかな宝玉、「魔宝石」が埋め込まれた装具を身に着ける為、騎士団一華やかな部隊としても有名。 所属するのは、伝統ある騎士の御業に魔法という超常の力を足した戦いを主流とする者達であり、その装具と戦法から「魔宝騎士」と呼ばれる事もある。
The Jewel Knights
One of the titles handed out to elite knights in the first army of United Sanctuary, « Royal Paladin ». Those chosen wear and use armor and equip that are covered in gorgeous gemstones and jewels containing with magical power known as Magical Jewels, causing them to also be known as the most fabulous and glamorous knights in the army. Those who belong to their numbers combine the traditional style of a knight along with the additional supernatural power of magic, and are nicknamed the « Knights of the Magical Treasures » due to their equipment and the tactics they employ using them.

Card of the Day! 31/01/2013

31 janvier 2013 a 7 h 35 min

憤怒の騎士 アグラヴェイル Knight of Fury, Agravain
[AUTO](VC):At the beginning of your main phase, Soul Charge (1), and this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of turn.
[ACT](VC):[Soul Blast (8) & Counter Blast (5)] Until end of the game, this unit gets [Critical]+1, and gets « [CONT](VC):This unit gets [Power]+1000 for each of your «Gold Paladin» rear-guards ».

« (RR):Wipe that smile off your face. Vendetta Berserk! »
« (SP):I will return it with a billion times the power! Take this, Vendetta Berserk!! »

攻撃的なシルエットの全身鎧を纏った“ゴールドパラディン”赤獅子団の重剣士。 先の内乱の頃から“シャドウパラディン”に属していたが、「ブラスター・ダーク」の封印により行動の指針を失った騎士団に失望し、より戦の多い環境を求めて“ゴールドパラディン”への配属を志願した。 英雄達に対して畏敬の念は持っていないが、その実力は高く評価しており、剣を交える機会を虎視眈々と狙っていたという。 唯々己が剣を振るえる場を求めて彷徨い続けるのみの存在。 彼は獅子では無く、獅子の皮を被った悪鬼羅刹なのかもしれない。

A heavy swordsman of the Gold Paladins’ Red Lion Corps, who wears body armor that gives off an aggressive silhouette. During the civil war, he was a member of the Shadow Paladins, and was saddened when their numbers lost their way due to the sealing of Blaster Dark, causing him to volunteer to join the Gold Paladin to find somewhere where he could fight more. He has no reverence for heroes, but he always appreciates someone with skill, and is more than willing to wait to cross swords with them. He continues to wander, looking for somewhere where he can swing his swords. Rather than being a lion, he might be a ferocious man-eating demon wearing the skin of a lion.

聖域の護り手である七聖獣を象徴に掲げる“ゴールドパラディン”7つの部隊の一つ。赤獅子団は戦闘、特に攻撃面に特化した戦士が所属する団である。 騎士出身の者が最も少なく、気性の荒い団員が多い為に独断先行も多いが、7団中最大の戦果を上げているのも事実である。団員は現団長である「エイゼル」によって救われた者、負かされた者、理由は違えど彼に惹かれて配属を希望した者ばかりであり、主従の絆は他の団以上に深く強い。

Red Lion Corps
is the name of one of the Gold Paladin corps, carrying the symbol of one of the seven sacred beasts that protects the Sanctuary. The Red Lion Corps heavily consists of soldiers who specialize in offensive assaults. Their number consists of the least amount of former knights, with most of the group being made of hooligans prone to doing whatever they want, but they are also the group, that out of all seven, has made the biggest gains. Those among the Red Lion Corps who were saved or defeated by Ezel, the current leader, found themselves attracted to him and joined in hopes of being assigned under him, resulting in a lord-and-retainer esque bond that is stronger than ones in the other corps.

Card of the Day! 30/01/2013

30 janvier 2013 a 9 h 03 min

大望の宝石騎士[ドリーミング・ジュエルナイト] ティファニー Dreaming Jewel Knight, Tiffany
[AUTO]: Pioneer (When another unit from the same clan rides this unit, you may call this card to (RC)).
[ACT](RC):[Put this unit into your soul] Choose up to two of your rear-guards with « Jewel Knight » in its card name, and those units get [Power]+3000 until end of turn.

« I never miss, yo! Get ready! »

“ロイヤルパラディン”の精鋭、「宝石騎士」の一人。 山吹色の「魔宝石」を持つ。 昨今任命された「宝石騎士」の中では最も幼いが、大男顔負けの腕力を誇る。 が、じっとしていられない気質の為に規律違反が絶えず、実力に比例する素行の悪さで上層の騎士達を悩ませる問題児でもある。 問題を起こせば当然先輩騎士からの説教が待っているので、ほとぼりが冷めるまで逃げ隠れる毎日を送っていたが、最近は高位騎士の「アシュレイ」や「サロメ」が捜索に加わっている為、毎回すぐに捕獲されてきついお灸を据えられているとの事である。

One of the « Jewel Knights », the elite of the Royal Paladins. She possesses bright golden-yellow magical jewels. Although she’s the youngest « Jewel Knight » to currently be appointed, she’s incredibly proud of her brute strength that can put even giants to shame. But she’s always getting in trouble due to having a restless personality, making her a problem child for the higher ranking knights due to how bad she is, despite how strong she is. Because she gets a lecture from the other knights if she causes trouble, Tiffany is prone to running away and hiding until people lay off about it. Though, recently, high-ranking knights like Salome and Ashlei have joined in the search for her, resulting in her getting caught almost immediately, which leads to even more scolding.

神聖国家第一正規軍“ロイヤルパラディン”の精鋭騎士に与えられる称号の一つ。 選ばれた者は魔力を込めた煌びやかな宝玉、「魔宝石」が埋め込まれた装具を身に着ける為、騎士団一華やかな部隊としても有名。 所属するのは、伝統ある騎士の御業に魔法という超常の力を足した戦いを主流とする者達であり、その装具と戦法から「魔宝騎士」と呼ばれる事もある。

The Jewel Knights
One of the titles handed out to elite knights in the first army of United Sanctuary, « Royal Paladin ». Those chosen wear and use armor and equip that are covered in gorgeous gemstones and jewels containing with magical power known as Magical Jewels, causing them to also be known as the most fabulous and glamorous knights in the army. Those who belong to their numbers combine the traditional style of a knight along with the additional supernatural power of magic, and are nicknamed the « Knights of the Magical Treasures » due to their equipment and the tactics they employ using them.

Card of the Day! 29/01/2013

29 janvier 2013 a 8 h 12 min
伏竜の抹消者 リンチュウ Eradicator of the Crouching Dragon, Rin Chou
[AUTO]: Pioneer (When another unit from the same clan rides this unit, you may call it to (RC))
[AUTO](RC):[Counter Blast (1) & Put this unit into your soul] When an attack hits a vanguard during the battle that this unit boosted a unit with « Eradicator » in its card name, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your opponent’s grade 1 or less rear-guards, and retire it.
« Only a fool mistakes a dragon’s child for a lizard. »
「伏竜」と呼ばれる若き「抹消者」。 人と竜人の間に生まれたドラゴンのクォーターであり、感情が昂ると体組織の一部が変形して竜人に近い姿になる。 母から受け継いだ雷を纏う左腕と、父から託された竜剣の力を借り、少年時代から多くの武勲を立ててきた彼の唯一の不運は、今まで自身の心を震わす程の強者に巡り会え無かった事だろう。 故に彼はその才を持て余し、戦いへの意欲を徐々に失いつつあった。 「伏竜」――類い稀なる才を秘めながらも未だ羽ばたかぬ竜を喩えた言葉。 だが竜はいずれ必ず飛び立つ。 眠れる才に火が灯る日は、近い。
A young Eradicator known as the Crouching Dragon. Born from a human male and a dragon female, he is genetically 1/4th Dragon, and as a result, when his emotions run high, part of his body transforms, transforming him into a dragon-like humanoid. His left arm is wrapped in lightning from his mother, while he wields the power of the Dragon Sword his father entrusted him, he has not suffered much despite having a distinguished military record since childhood, with his only real despair not being able to find anyone strong enough to make his heart pound. Unsure what to do, he has gradually lost the desire to fight. His title of « Crouching Dragon » is mean to indicate he is like a dragon that has not flapped its wings for the first time, or to put it more simply, there is some sort of extraordinary talent hidden within him. But that dragon will fly soon. The day when his talent erupts like a blazing fire is nearly at hand…
ドラゴンエンパイア二大柱軍が一つ“なるかみ”の戦士達の中でも、特に帝国に忠実な者達で構成された特殊部隊。 帝国に仇為す者を文字通り「抹消」する事を目的としており、平時が如何に平和的な者であっても、任務中は非情な選択が取れるよう特別な訓練を受けている。 なお、任命された者は自身が「抹消者」の称号を持っている事を、上層部と同部隊の者以外に知られてはならない。
The Eradicators
The Special Forces consisting of the most faithful and loyal in all the empire, made up of warriors from one of the two major military pillars of the « Dragon Empire », Narukami. Their mission is to literally « eradicate » any who would cross the empire, and no matter how peaceful things get, they are specially trained to be as cruel and ruthless as needed to get things done. As well, those appointed with the title « Eradicator », only their superiors and other Eradicators know who they are, with their fellow troops unaware as to their true rank.

Card of the Day! 28/01/2013

28 janvier 2013 a 10 h 33 min
抹消者 ガントレッドバスター・ドラゴン Eradicator, Gauntlet Buster Dragon
Grade 3/Narukami – Thunder Dragon/11000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):When you use a unit’s effect to send an opponent’s rear-guard to drop zone, during this turn, this unit gets [Power]+3000/[Critical]+1.
[ACT](VC):[Counter Blast (2) – Cards with « Eradicator » in their card name] Your opponent chooses one of his or her rear-guards, and retires it.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit that doesn’t belong to the same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
« Crush! Everything! Gigasparkle Buster! »
巨大な手甲と稲妻を連想される鋭角が特徴的な“なるかみ”の「抹消者」。 その荒々しい姿に違わず、自らの力を誇示する事を誰よりも好む、好戦的などという言葉では表せない程の狂戦士であり、以前は「壊し屋」とも呼ばれていた。 基本的に「抹消者」は忠誠心と強さの2点を評価される事で賜る称号だが、彼はその強さのみで栄えある称号を受けた異色の戦士なのである。 肉体的な強さなど真の強さでは無いと言う者もいる。 しかし、飽くなき強さへの欲求は、時に精神の強さなど軽く凌駕する程の驚異的な力を発揮するのだ。
An « Eradicator » of Narukami with sharp horns shaped like thunder bolts who wears gigantic gauntlets. This savage form is not very off, as he’s the sort of guy who loves to show off his strength, a berserker with a war-like mouth and personality, hell, he used to be known as the « Wrecker » and « Prince of Destruction ». Those who receive the title « Eradicator » gain it for two reasons: Loyalty or Strength, he is unique in that he gained the title on the merits of strength alone. There are those who say brute force is not true strength. However, his insatiable desire for strength, causes him to show off incredible strength that surpasses any form of strength of will and spirit.
ドラゴンエンパイア二大柱軍が一つ“なるかみ”の戦士達の中でも、特に帝国に忠実な者達で構成された特殊部隊。 帝国に仇為す者を文字通り「抹消」する事を目的としており、平時が如何に平和的な者であっても、任務中は非情な選択が取れるよう特別な訓練を受けている。 なお、任命された者は自身が「抹消者」の称号を持っている事を、上層部と同部隊の者以外に知られてはならない。
The Eradicators
The Special Forces consisting of the most faithful and loyal in all the empire, made up of warriors from one of the two major military pillars of the « Dragon Empire », Narukami. Their mission is to literally « eradicate » any who would cross the empire, and no matter how peaceful things get, they are specially trained to be as cruel and ruthless as needed to get things done. As well, those appointed with the title « Eradicator », only their superiors and other Eradicators know who they are, with their fellow troops unaware as to their true rank.

Planning des sorties Vanguard 2013

28 janvier 2013 a 10 h 05 min

Voila un petit planning des sorties en version anglaise à venir pour 2013

  • [TD03/TD04] Trial Deck Vol. 3: Golden Mechanical Soldier / Vol. 4: Maiden Princess of the Cherry Blossoms : 25 janvier 2013
  • [BT05] Booster Pack Vol. 5: Awakening of Twin Blades : 22 février 2013
  • [EB01] Extra Booster Pack Vol. 1: Comic Style Vol. 1 : 29 mars 2013
  • [TD07] Trial Deck Vol. 7: Descendants of the Marine Emperor : 19 avril 2013
  • [BT08] Booster Pack Vol. 8: Blue Storm Armada : 3 mai 2013
  • [BT09] Booster Pack Vol. 9: Clash of the Knights & Dragons : 28 juin 2013
  • [EB06] Extra Booster Pack Vol. 6: Dazzling Divas : 26 juillet 2013

A noter qu’un tapis Majesty Lord Blaster sera distribué pour l’achat de 4 boites BT05 Awakening of Twin Blades

Modification du 28 janvier 2013 : ajout des dates précises de sorties et de l’extra booster EB06.

Voici également le planning des sorties japonaises jusqu’à cet été !

  •  [EB06] Extra Booster Pack Vol. 6: Dazzling Divas : 26 mars 2013
  •  [BT11] Booster Pack Vol. 11 : Seal Dragon Unleashed : 27 avril 2013
  •  [TD11] Trial Deck Vol. 10 : Revival of Blaster Dark : TBA