[Extra Booster] EB02 • Banquet of Divas

11 novembre 2012 a 17 h 47 min
OCG Name:
歌姫の饗宴 (ウタヒメのキョウエン)
Utahime no Kyouen
Banquet of Divas
Release Date:
March 10th, 2012 (JP)
November 3, 2012 (EN, Singapore)
November 9, 2012 (EN, International)

Contenu :

• Total de 35 cartes différentes (2x RRR, 55x RR, 8x R, 20x C) + 1x SP (Parallèle)
• Chaque carte de ce pack est une Unit « Bermuda Triangle ».
• Cette extension rend un Deck uni-clan « Bermuda Triangle » possible.
• Les 4 cartes « Bermuda Triangle » du Booster Set 2: Onslaught of Dragon Souls sont réédités pour cette extension : Top Idol, Aqua ; Top Idol, Flores ; Blazer Idols et Bermuda Triangle Cadet, Caravel
• Chaque display de l’édition anglaise de cette extension comprendra les 3 cartes suivantes :

Voir la suite de [Extra Booster] EB02 • Banquet of Divas

[Trial Deck] TD04 • Maiden Princess of the Cherry Blossoms

11 novembre 2012 a 17 h 15 min
Japanese Name:
Maiden Princess of the Cherry Blossoms
Release Date:
July 16th, 2011 (JP)
January 25, 2013 (ENG)

Contenu :

• C’est un Deck construit de 50 cartes.
• Le thème de ce Deck tourne autour des Units Oracle Think Tank.
• Ce Deck contient exclusivement le Clan Oracle Think Tank.
• Il y a 5 cartes exclusives au Trial Deck et 3 cartes Holo par Deck.

Les cartes exclusives au Trial Deck sont :

• Goddess of Flower Divination, Sakuya
• Meteobreak Wizard
• Sword Dancer Angel
• Dark Cat
• Battle Sister, Maple

Galerie d’images TD04

Card List :

TD04/001 Oracle Guardian, Apollon x4
TD04/002 Goddess of Flower Divination, Sakuya x1
TD04/003 Meteobreak Wizard x2
TD04/004 Oracle Guardian, Wiseman x4
TD04/005 Security Guardian x4
TD04/006 Sword Dancer Angel x2
TD04/007 Oracle Guardian, Gemini x4
TD04/008 Dark Cat x4
TD04/009 Weather Girl, Milk x4
TD04/010 Battle Sister, Maple x2
TD04/011 Luck Bird x3
TD04/012 Oracle Guardian, Nike x4
TD04/013 Dream Eater x4
TD04/014 Victory Maker x4
TD04/015 Lozenge Magus x4

Voir la suite de [Trial Deck] TD04 • Maiden Princess of the Cherry Blossoms

[Trial Deck] TD03 • Golden Mechanical Soldier

11 novembre 2012 a 17 h 08 min

Japanese Name:
Golden Mechanical Soldier
Release Date:
July 16th, 2011 (JP)
January 25, 2013 (ENG)

Contenu :

• C’est un Deck construit de 50 cartes.
• Le thème de ce Deck tourne autour des Units Nova Grappler.
• Ce Deck contient exclusivement le Clan Nova Grappler.
• Il y a 5 cartes exclusives au Trial Deck et 3 cartes Holo par Deck.

Les cartes exclusives au Trial Deck sont :

• Gold Rutile
• Death Metal Droid
• Super Electromagetic Lifestorm, Storm
• Oasis Girl
• Battering Minotaur

Galerie d’images TD03

Card List :

TD03/001 Gold Rutile x1
TD03/002 Death Metal Droid x2
TD03/003 Mr Invincible x4
TD03/004 King of Sword x4
TD03/005 Super Electromagnetic Being, Storm x2
TD03/006 NGM Prototype x4
TD03/007 Tough Boy x4
TD03/008 Oasis Girl x4
TD03/009 Screamin’ and Dancin’ Announcer, Shout x4
TD03/010 Queen of Heart x3
TD03/011 Battering Minotaur x2
TD03/012 Shining Lady x4
TD03/013 Cannon Ball x4
TD03/014 Round Girl, Clara x4
TD03/015 Battleraizer x4

Voir la suite de [Trial Deck] TD03 • Golden Mechanical Soldier

[Trial Deck] TD02 • Raging Dragon Of The Empire

11 novembre 2012 a 16 h 56 min
Japanese Name:
Raging Dragon Of The Empire
Release Date:
February 26th, 2011 (JP) and December 3rd, 2011 (EN)

Contenu :

• C’est un Deck construit de 50 cartes.
• Le thème de ce Deck tourne autour des Units Kagero.
• Ce Deck contient exclusivement le Clan Kagero
• Il y a 7 cartes exclusives au Trial Deck et 3 cartes Holo par Deck.

Les cartes exclusives au Trial Deck sont :

• Dragon Monk Goku
• Demonic Dragon Berserker, Yaksha
• Berserk Dragon
• Flame of Hope, Aermo
• Demonic Dragon Madonna, Joka
• Lizard Runner, Undeux
• Demonic Dragon Mage, Rakshasa

Galerie d’images TD02

Card List :

TD02/001 Dragonic Overlord x2
TD02/002 Dragon Monk, Goku x1
TD02/003 Demonic Dragon Berserker, Yaksha x4
TD02/004 Dragon Knight, Nehalem x4
TD02/005 Berserk Dragon x 4
TD02/006 Wyvern Strike, Tejas x4
TD02/007 Embodiment of Armor, Bahr x4
TD02/008 Dragon Monk, Gojo x2
TD02/009 Flame of Hope, Aermo x4
TD02/010 Demonic Dragon Madonna, Joka x2
TD02/011 Wyvern Strike, Jarran x2
TD02/012 Lizard Runner, Undeux x1
TD02/013 Dragon Dancer, Monica x4
TD02/014 Lizard Soldier, Ganlu x4
TD02/015 Dragon Monk, Genjo x4
TD02/016 Demonic Dragon Mage, Raksha x4

Voir la suite de [Trial Deck] TD02 • Raging Dragon Of The Empire

[Extra Booster] EB01 • Comic Style Vol.1

11 novembre 2012 a 16 h 37 min
OCG Name:
Comic Style Vol.1
Release Date:
December 3rd, 2011

Contenu :

Total de 35 cartes différentes (2x RRR, 55x RR, 8x R, 20x C) + 1x SP (Parallèle)
• Comprend des Units originales tirées du Cardfight!! Vanguard Manga publié dans KeroKero Ace et Comp Ace
• Battleraizer et Lozenge Magus (version Trial Decks) sont rééditées en C dans cette extension
• Changement de brillance pour les R et plus
• La couverture de l’extension montre l’art SP de Sage of Guidance, Zenon et Perfect Raizer

[Booster] BT02 • Onslaught of Dragon Souls

11 novembre 2012 a 16 h 12 min

OCG Name:
竜魂乱舞 (りゅこんらんぶ)
Ryūkon Ranbu
Onslaught of Dragon Souls
Release Date:
May 28th, 2011 (JP)
March 3, 2012 (EN, Singapore)
March 10, 2012 (EN, International)

Contenu :

Total de 80 cartes différentes (8x RRR, 12x RR, 20x R, 40x C) + 12x SP (Parallèle)
L’illustration du booster est composée des Blazing Coe Dragon, Iron Tail Dragon et Gatling Claw Dragon de Toshiki Kai.
Slogan du booster : « Image this! The fight between rampaging dragons! »
• Le thème de ce booster tourne autour des Dragons et de la Soul, se concentrant sur la Soul Charge et sur le Soul Blast.
• De nouveux clans sont introduits dans ce booster, « Bermuda Triangle » et « Great Nature ».
• Davantage de Trigger Units sont introduits dans ce booster, rendant les Decks « Spike Brothers » et « Granblue » possibles.
• Les premiers effets tenant rigueur des races des Units apparaissent dans ce booster.
• Les cartes de ce booster sont apparues dès le 17ième épisode. Le booster existe également dans l’animé sous le même nom. Cependant, 2 des cartes de cette extension (Silent Tom et Winder Dragon, Skyptero) ont fait une apparition prématurée dans l’animé avant l’épisode 17.
• Les RRR de cette extension ont une brillance différente de la BT01. Plutôt que des blocs, ils ont une série de lignes horizontales et verticales
• Les R ont aussi une brillance différente ; plutôt qu’un effet « glace brisée », ils ont une série de points dispersés au hasard.
• Cette extension comprend 10 clans différents : Spike Brothers, Granblue, Royal Paladin, Bermuda Triangle, Oracle Think Tank, Nova Grappler, Tachikaze, Megacolony, Great Nature et Kagero.
Galerie d’images BT02

Voir la suite de [Booster] BT02 • Onslaught of Dragon Souls

[Booster] BT01 • Descent of the King of Knights

11 novembre 2012 a 15 h 41 min

Japanese Name:

Release Date:

 Descent of the King of KnightsMarch 12th, 2011 (JP)
December 3, 2011 (EN, Singapore)
December 10, 2011 (EN, International)

Contenu :
Total de 80 cartes différentes (8x RRR, 12x RR, 20x R, 40x C) + 12x SP (Parallèle)
L’illustration du booster est composé de Aichi Sendou et King of Knights, Alfred
Le slogan du booster : « Imagine this!! The magnificent Holy Knights!!« 
• Les nouveaux clans introduits ici :Nova Grappler》, 《Spike Brothers》, 《Megacolony》, 《Tachikaze》, 《Nubatama》, 《Granblue》, 《Dark Irregulars》 《Oracle Think Tank
• Se concentre sur les cartes « Royal Paladin », « Kagero », « Oracle Think Tank », « Nova Grappler » apparues dans l’animé, de l’épisode 1 à l’épisode 13

[Booster] BT03 • Demonic Lord Invasion

11 novembre 2012 a 15 h 15 min

Japanese Name:
魔侯襲来 (まこうしゅうらい)
Makō Shūrai
Demonic Lord Invasion
Release Date:
August 6th, 2011 (JP)
August 4th, 2012 (EN, Singapore)
August 11th, 2012 (EN, International)

Contenu :

Total de 80 cartes différentes (8x RRR, 12x RR, 20x R, 40x C) + 12x SP (Parallèle)
L’illustration du booster est composée de Aichi Sendou et Grim the Ripper
Le slogan du booster est « A black void which distorts light! The power of darkness shall consume all in its path! »
• De nouveaux clans « Pale Moon » et « Dimension Police » sont introduits
• Davantage de Trigger Units sont inclus, rendant les Decks « Tachikaze », « Pale Moon », et « Dark Irregulars » possibles.
• Inclut davantage de cartes avec des effets Soul Charge et d’autres effets comptant le nombre de cartes dans le Soul
• Ce set inclut 8 clans différents. Il y a des cartes pour Dark Irregulars, Pale Moon, Tachikaze, Royal Paladin, Oracle Think Tank, Nova Grappler, Dimension Police et Kagero.
English Version : Pour chaque achat de deux displays de l’extension anglaise, il vous sera offert une Deckbox « Goddess of the Full Moon, Tsukuyomi » dessinée par Hiroyuki Takei, dans la limite des stocks disponibles

Tag Fight Rules (English Version)

11 novembre 2012 a 14 h 53 min

Version Française Ici !

Thanks to FreedomDuo for the original post.

1. Form a team of 2
2. Each player must have 1 deck
3. Players may decide if they want to discuss
or look at each other’s hand during the game
before the game starts.
Basic rules

Starting hand: 5
How to win: 
Team with a combination of  9 or more
damages lose the game
Team with the fighter that have 0 card
left in his/her deck lose the game
Tag fight rule

1. Each fighters have 1 field but the damage
zone will be shared by the team
e.g. Fighter on the right can use the damage
zone of the fighter on the left
e.g. In order for the heal trigger to activate 
total damages between the teams will be
used as comparison instead of individual
e.g. Limit break activates by the total amount
of damages of both players
2. Fighters can only attack the opposing fighter

3. When being attacked the team mate may call
a unit onto the guardian zone from hand to help
*Intercept is NOT allowed

4. Counterblast and Soulblast cost are shared
between the team members.
e.g. Soul saviour dragon needs to SoulBlast 5
to activate it’s skill, fighter may soulblast 3 from
his/her own soul and use soulblast 2 from his/her
team mate’s soul.

Starting the game

1. 4 players will play a game of scissors
paper stone to decide the first fighter
2. From a team like the one above Team A
(Misaki, Kamui) and Team B (Aichi, Kai) 
the sequence will be from Kamui > Kai >
Misaki > Aichi > Kamui…. in a figure 8.

3. The first 3 fighters can not attack, in the
scenario like above Aichi will be the first
fighter to attack in this fight.

How to read the card text

1. [Your] will means the fighter who’s using that
unit, player can not select your team mate as a
e.g. Isolde’s skill « [Auto]: {Discard a <>
unit from your hand} When this unit is called onto the
Guardian circle you may pay the cost, select  1 of
your <> that was attacked, the unit
selected will not be hit during this battle. » Player
can not use this skill and target an unit on your
team mate’s field.
e.g. Silent tom’s skill « [Continuous](V/R): During the
battle where this unit attacks and you have an
OracleThinkTank VG, your opponent can not normal
call a G0 into the Guardian zone » Your opponent’s
team mate CAN help to guard with G0a

2. [All players] will be targetting all 4 fighters
e.g. Dark cat’s skill  » [Auto] : When this unit gets ride
or called onto a VG or RG circle and you have an
OracleThinkTank VG, all players may draw 1 card »
All 4 players may draw 1.

Thanks to FreedomDuo Vanguard for the rules.

Règles Standard Fight (English Version)

11 novembre 2012 a 14 h 43 min
A deck must consist of exactly 50 cards. (This number includes your starting vanguard)
A deck may not contain more than 4 of any individual card.
A deck must contain exactly 16 Trigger Units.[1]
A deck may only contain 4 cards with the Heal trigger.
A « Flash Deck » can only have 25 cards total and it can be played in a « Flash Fight » with « Flash Fight Rules ».
Game Layout
Your Deck should be placed on one side of the game area. When you Draw a card, you take the top card from your deck into your hand. If you have no cards left in your deck at any point in the game, you lose immediately.
The Drop Zone (discard pile) should be a separate pile of cards. When you Retire a card, you move it to the Drop Zone. When you Heal Damage, you move cards from the Damage Zone to the Drop Zone.
The Damage Zone is a small stack of discarded cards that must be kept separate from the Drop Zone. Cards in the Damage Zone represent damage to your Vanguard. If there are ever six or more cards in your Damage Zone, you lose the game.
The main play area consists of two rows of three spaces. The row nearer the opponent is the Front Row and the other row is the Back Row. The Vanguard Circle is the middle space of the Front Row. It may hold multiple cards in a stack. The top card in the Vanguard Circle is your Vanguard. Any cards stacked below it are your Soul. Your Vanguard is not part of your Soul. If there is only one card in the Vanguard Circle, that card is your Vanguard and there are no cards in your Soul.
The other five spaces in the main area are Rear-Guard Circles. These can usually only hold a single card each.
The Trigger Zone is a temporary area where cards are placed while their effects are being resolved. Its location is unimportant. If you are making a Drive Check, you move cards from your Deck to the Trigger Zone and from there to your hand. If you are making a Damage Check, you move cards from your Deck to the Trigger Zone and from there to the Damage Zone.
The Guardian Circle is a temporary area where cards are placed during combat. It is normally located in front of the Front Row. Cards are played here during combat and then retired to the Drop Zone.
Starting a Game
1. Each player chooses a Grade 0 unit from their deck and places it face-down on the Vanguard Circle. That card will be their first Vanguard.
2. Decide randomly who goes first. The player who goes first cannot attack on their first turn.
3. Both players shuffle their deck and draw 5 cards.
4. Mulligan: If a player doesn’t like their hand, they can discard any number of cards from it back into the deck, reshuffle the deck, then draw new cards until they have 5 cards in their hand again. The new hand must be kept.
5. Both players, at the same time, turn their Vanguards face-up.
Victory Conditions
To win a Cardfight! Vanguard match you must inflict 6 damage to your opponent’s Vanguard. Damage to their Vanguard is represented by cards in their Damage Zone.
If a player ever has 6 or more cards in their Damage Zone, they lose.
If a player has no cards in deck at any point of the game, they lose.[1]
 Stand Phase
All of your Rested  Units return to the  position (unless they are prevented from doing so by a card ability).
Draw Phase
Draw 1 card from your Deck and add it to your hand. If you cannot do this because there are no cards in your deck to draw, you lose.
Ride Phase
You may place a unit from your hand on top of your existing Vanguard. The covered Vanguard card becomes part of your Soul. The new unit must be of the same grade, or one grade higher, than your current Vanguard. You can only do this once per turn. You do not have to Ride if you don’t want to. Riding does not heal any damage to your Vanguard.
(Some cards allow you to Superior Ride. Superior Ride is usually found in two forms: a unit with a skill that allows you to ride another unit from your Deck, Hand or Drop Zone, like the effects of Blazing Core Dragon, Dragon Knight, Aleph, or a unit that allows you to ride itself onto a Vanguard if it is of a certain grade and if a certain condition is fulfiled, like Demonic Dragon Berserker, Yaksha and Spirit Exceed. A Superior Ride can Ride any unit, unless specified over the current Vanguard regardless of either units Grade, unless specified. Also, Superior Rides are not limited to once per turn, and doing a regular Ride does not affect your ability to perform a Superior Ride. If a Superior Ride is performed at the beginning of the Ride Phase a regular Ride may still be performed, unless otherwise stated.)
Main Phase
Place a Unit with a Grade that is either the same as the Vanguard’s or lower in a Rear-Guard circle. You may Call as many times as you want in a turn. Unless stated on the card, there is no cost to Call a unit. You may Call a unit into a Rear-Guard Circle that is already occupied, but if you do, you must Retire the unit already there (ie, move it to the Drop Zone).
(Some cards allow you to Superior Call. This is a Unit skill which selects another Unit from either the deck or drop zone and allows you to Call it, for example Hi-Dog Breeder Akane (Deck) and Captain Nightmist (Drop Zone). When you Superior Call, you can Call a unit even if its Grade is higher than that of your Vanguard.)
You can move your Rear Guard units back or forward between the Front Row and the Back Row. Units cannot move from side to side and cannot move into or out of the Vanguard Circle. Thus if a Unit is on the Circle behind the Vanguard, it cannot move at all. Two Rear Guards in the same column may switch places.
Use card abilities
Card abilities which are described as being used in the main phase can be used at this point.
End the Main Phase
When you have taken all the actions you want to in the Main Phase, the Battle Phase starts and the main phase is over.
Battle Phase
In the Battle Phase you can make as many attacks as you wish provided you have units that can attack. Once you have started the Battle Phase you cannot go back to the Main Phase or take Main Phase actions (so you cannot attack with a unit and then Demote it)
To initiate an attack select a Standing unit in the Front Row and Rest them . Then declare an Opponent’s Front Row card to be the Target of the Attack (unless otherwise stated on the attacking unit’s card).
If you have a card Standing in the Back Row directly behind the attacker you chose, and they have the « Boost » icon, you can also Rest them to add their Power to the Attacker’s Power for the attack.
 Guardian Call:
The opponent can Call Guardians from their hand to protect the Unit under attack. The opponent may play any number of cards from their hand to add their Shield power to the power of the unit under attack. The Shield power is found in the yellow square on the left side of the card. Some units have no Shield Power and cannot be called as Guardians. The Guardians must also have a grade equal to or lower than that of your Vanguard. Called Guardians should be placed in the Guardian Circle to keep track of the during the fight. There is no cost to Call Guardians, but all called Guardians will be retired to the Drop Zone at the end of the battle.
The opponent may also use the ‘Intercept’ ability (specific to Grade 2). If you have a unit in a Rear-Guard Circle in the Front Row that has the Intercept ability, you may move them from there to the Guardian circle and their Shield will be added to your unit’s power as well. Just like other Guardians, they will be retired to the Drop Zone after the battle. Units with Intercept can intercept even if they are Resting. You cannot Intercept with your Vanguard and thus having an Intercept icon gives no benefit to a Vanguard.
Drive Check:
If you attacked with your Vanguard, you perform a Drive Check.
Reveal the top card of your Deck and place it temporarily in your Trigger Zone. If the card is a Trigger Unit and is of a Clan that is also in your Vanguard or Rear-Guard, then its Trigger effect activates. Regardless of whether the card is a Trigger Unit or not, add the card to your Hand after resolving it.
All Trigger Units share a common effect: they give +5000 power to any Unit on the field that the Player selects for the rest of the turn. You may add the power to the attacking Vanguard to attempt to land a hit during the current attack, or to boost other Units.
There are four possible effects a Trigger Unit can have:
Critical – You add one to the Critical of any unit on the board, until the end of your turn. You may choose to give the Critical and +5000 to different Units.
Draw – You draw a card into your hand.
Stand – You Stand a Resting Rear-Guard.
Heal – You move one card of your choice from your Damage Zone to your Drop Zone if the number of cards in your damage zone is greater than or equal to your opponent’s.
If your Vanguard has the Twin Drive icon, two Drive Checks are performed. If a trigger is activated by the first check, the effects of the trigger must be completely resolved before a second trigger is drawn. For example, when a draw trigger is activated, the player draws a card and allocates the damage boost to his units before drawing the second trigger. The Twin Drive icon has no benefit to any unit that isn’t played as a Vanguard.
Battle Outcome:
To determine the winner of the Battle compare the total Power of the two cards.
If the Attacking unit’s Power is less than that of the Target, the attack fails. The Attacking Unit does not suffer any damage or other penalty.
If the Attacking unit’s Power is equal to or higher than that of its target, the attack is a success. If the target was a Rear-Guard, it Retires and is sent to the Drop Zone. The attack is then over. The Critical value of the Attacking unit does not matter if the Target was a Rear-Guard. If the attack was a success and the target was a Vanguard, the opponent must make a number of Damage Checks equal to the Critical value of the attacker. To make a Damage Check, the opponent moves a card from their Deck to the Trigger Zone. If the card is a Trigger Unit and is of a Clan that is also in your Vanguard or Rear-Guard, then its Trigger effect activates. Triggers have the same effect as they do for a Drive Check. The Trigger Unit does not have to be the same Clan as the Target.
After the Trigger effect is resolved (if there was one), the card is moved into the Damage Zone. This process is repeated as many times as the attacker has Critical value. Each Trigger must be completely resolved before the next Damage Check begins.
If a Damage Check reveals a Trigger Unit that gives a +5000 Bonus to a unit, you can use it on the Target if you want to but it will not change the fact that they have lost the current battle. However, it can protect them against future attacks in the same turn.
If a Damage Check reveals a Heal trigger you may move a card from the Damage Zone to the Drop Zone before placing the Trigger Unit in the Damage Zone if the number of cards in your Damage Zone is greater than or equal to your opponents. This means that if you have 5 cards in your Damage Zone and you make a Damage Check and get a Heal Trigger, you may heal damage before placing the card in your Damage Zone and thus avoid it being the sixth card to be placed there.
End of Attack Phase:
Guardians that were called, or that intercepted, are retired (moved to the Drop Zone). If there are Units on the Front Row that can still attack, you can attack again with them. Declare their targets and repeat the process.
  End Phase
Declare the end of your Turn before switching to the Opponent’s turn.