Cards of the Day! 27/05/2013

27 mai 2013 a 7 h 12 min

Blaster Dark Revenger

ブラスター・ダーク・撃退者 Blaster Dark Revenger
Grade 2/Shadow Paladin – Human/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO]:[Counter Blast (2)] When this unit is placed on (VC) or (RC), if you have a vanguard with « Revenger » in its card name, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your opponent’s rear-guards in the front row, and retire it.

« Praise is something the light receives. Shadows must follow the path they have to follow. »

黒き無貌の騎士団“シャドウパラディン”の騎士にして、「ブラスター・ブレード」を先導者として目覚めさせる鍵となった影の英雄。 再建した騎士団の戦士達と共に、密かに国を守り続けていたが、ある時見た事もない技術を持つ謎の戦士と遭遇し、辛くもこれを撃退。 クレイに侵略者の魔の手が迫りつつある事をいち早く察知した彼は、対侵略者専門の部隊「撃退者(リベンジャー)」の設立を進言し、隊の長に「モルドレッド」を立て、自らはその懐刀を装い侵略者の動向を探るべく行動を開始する。 称賛も、名誉も、栄光も望まない。 守るべき国を危機に晒してしまった――かつての過ちを二度と繰り返さない為に、覚悟の騎士は己の行くべき道を進む。

The hero of the shadows who was key to the awakening of the Vanguard « Blaster Blade », he is one of the knights of the formless black knights: « Shadow Paladin ». Along with the warriors of the rebuilt Shadow Paladins, he continued to protect the Sanctuary in secret, but in an encounter with a mysterious warrior possessing unknown technologies, he was barely able to repel them. Sensing the evil ambition of the invaders that were quickly approaching Cray, he established the « Revengers », a team specializing in repelling the Invaders, making « Mordred » their leader, while he took up the position of the group’s right hand man, and started acting by investigating the trends and movements of the invaders. He doesn’t expect praise, honor or glory or anything banal like that. All he cares about is fighting for his homeland that has been exposed to one crisis after another… … And in order to make sure he never repeats his mistakes again, the Knight of Resolve walks down the path that lays before him.

神聖国家ユナイテッドサンクチュアリの裏舞台で暗躍する影の騎士団“シャドウパラディン”の中でも、強い覚悟を持って侵略者から国を守る事を決意した者達によって構成された部隊。 名誉も武勲も表沙汰にならず、おのずと危険な任務も増えていく為、構成員は少ない。 しかし、その全てが比類なき意志と信念を掲げる精鋭である為、統率の取れた完成度の高い部隊となっている。

The Revengers
Among the ranks of the « Shadow Paladins », who work behind the scenes in the unseen side of the holy nation of « United Sanctuary », the Revengers are a unit composed of those with incredible determination to protect their country from invaders by any means necessary. Their numbers are few, since they deal with incredibly dangerous missions that are only likely to increase, and their honor nor distinguished services for their country will never be known to the people. However, because all of them are elites carrying unparalleled determination and conviction, they have become a nearly complete fighting force under the proper leadership.

Blaster Blade Liberator

ブラスター・ブレード・解放者 Blaster Blade, Liberator
Grade 2/Gold Paladin – Human/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO]:[Counter Blast (2)] When this unit is placed on (VC) or (RC), if you have a vanguard with « Liberator » in its card name, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your opponent’s rear-guards in the front row, and retire it.

« The light of courage illuminates the future! Shine forth, Blaster Blade! »

神聖国家第二正規軍“ゴールドパラディン”の騎士にして、一度は伝説の先導者として覚醒を果たした英雄。 騎士王たっての願いにより、正規軍となったて間もない“ゴールドパラディン”に所属を移し「解放者」の称号を受け、騎士団最強の剣士として見事復帰を果たす。 騎士王の懐刀としての任を全うしつつ、若き戦士達の指南を行うなど多忙な日々を送っていたが、そんな状況下にあっても、彼が自身の修練を怠る事は決して無かった。 今思えば、彼はその鋭敏な感覚で、クレイに蔓延りだした違和感を感じ取っていたのかもしれない。 そして、騎士王と共に“ジェネシス”に赴いた彼を待っていたのは、予見された未来の映像――「絶望」に堕ちたクレイの変わり果てた姿だった。 迫りくる脅威を祓い、未来の「絶望」を「希望」に変える為、光の勇者は再び、勇気の剣を手にする。

The hero who at one time awakened as the legendary « Vanguard », he has since been made a knight in the Sanctuary’s second standing army: « The Gold Paladins ». Despite his glorious return as the Knights’ greatest swordsman and being a part of the original army, in response to the wishes of his friend, the King of Knights, and having been bestowed the title of « Liberator », he transferred to the Gold Paladins. Fulfilling his duty as the right-hand man of the King of Knights, he spends day-in and day-out teaching the inexperienced young warriors, and despite all this, he still keeps up on his own training. In hindsight, this was a keen decision, as he might of been sensing the unease beginning to spread across Cray once more. Going with the King of Knights to « Genesis », what awaited the two of them was a vision of the future.. .. … It was an image of the whole of Cray fallen into the darkest depths of « Despair ». Carrying the sword of courage in his hand, the hero of light once again plans to expel the looming threat, and change the future of despair into a future of hope.

神聖国家第二正規軍“ゴールドパラディン”の中から選ばれた、国と星を守る使命を騎士王より託された者達の総称。 悪しき者の手から全てを解き放つという意を込めて「解放者」と名付けられた。 称された者は周囲から新時代の導き手と呼ばれている。 “ゴールドパラディン”の若き戦士達が構成の中心だが、歴戦の勇士である“ロイヤルパラディン”の戦士からもある程度抜擢されているという。

The Liberators
The general term for those chosen from the second standing army of United Sanctuary, « The Gold Paladins », they are the few that the King of Knights has entrusted with the mission of protecting not only the Sanctuary, but the entire world of Cray. They were named the « Liberators » because they liberate all who have been ensnared by the schemes of the wicked. Those with the title are said to be the guiding hand of the new era. At the center of the group are the young warriors who saved the day, known as the « Gold Paladins », but some of their number are battle-scarred veterans who were handpicked for the job.

Cards of the Day! 24/05/2013

24 mai 2013 a 7 h 02 min

Blaster Blade (FC01 SP version)

ブラスター・ブレード Blaster Blade
Grade 2/Royal Paladin – Human/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO]:[Counter Blast (2)] When this unit is placed on (VC), you may pay the cost. If you do, choose an opponent’s rear-guard, and retire it.
[AUTO]:[Counter Blast (2)] When this unit is placed on (RC), if you have a «Royal Paladin» vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose an opponent’s grade 2 or greater rear-guard, and retire it.

« Stand up, my avatar! »

神聖国家の正規軍“ロイヤルパラディン”の精鋭騎士。 偉大なる騎士王「アルフレッド」の懐刀にして友人でもある。 「勇気」を力に変える剣型兵装「ブラスター・ブレード」の力を最大限に発揮できるのは、騎士団の中で彼のみであったため、栄えあるその名を受け継ぐことになった。

The elite knight of United Sanctuary’s standing military « The Royal Paladins ». He is a friend and right hand man of the great King of Knights, « Alfred ». Since he was the only one among the Paladins who was capable of fully utilizing the might of the Sword-Type Weapon « Blaster Blade », which can transform power into courage, he was given the glorious title of that blade as his own.

尽きる事の無い正義の心と勇気を持つ光の騎士にして、神聖国家ユナイテッドサンクチュアリの英雄。 強敵との戦いの中、さらなる力に目覚め、一度はクレイ全ての民を導く存在と言われる伝説の「先導者」となった。 しかし、現在は別次元から突如襲来した謎の勢力に不意をつかれ、他の2人の英雄ともども何処とも知れぬ空間に封印されてしまっている。 彼らを助ける為に動く黄金の騎士団。 目的を同じくしながらも別行動を取る帝国。 その情勢にメスを入れる太古の海軍。 それぞれの思惑が交錯した「解放戦争」と呼ばれるこの戦いにも、ついに終局が訪れようとしていた。

The hero of the holy nation, « United Sanctuary », he is a knight of the light with a heart of justice and inexhaustible courage. During a fight against a powerful foe, he awoke even greater power inside himself, becoming the legendary « Vanguard » said to be able to lead all the people on the planet Cray. However, he was taken surprise by a mysterious force that suddenly attacked from another dimension, and was sealed in an unknown dimension along with the two other legendary heroes. As a result, the Gold Paladins are trying to help them. Meanwhile, the Dragon Empire has taken different actions, but with the same purpose. Meanwhile, the ancient navy has been investigate the situation thoroughly. The end is finally coming for this battle of different desires and expectations, that has come be known as « The War of Liberation ».

Blaster Dark (FC01 SP version)

ブラスター・ダーク Blaster Dark
Grade 2/Royal Paladin – Human/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[CONT](VC):If you have a card named « Blaster Javelin » in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+1000.
[AUTO]:[Counter Blast (2)] When this unit is placed on (VC), you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your opponent’s rear-guards, and retire it.

« Appear from the everlasting darkness, Dark Spirits! »

剣型兵装が求める勇気の力を発揮できずに、負の感情を増幅させた者が辿った悪鬼への道。 ただ一人、名を継いだ「ブラスター・ブレード」への憎しみは不発の兵装へと流れ込み、その感情が兵装の性質そのものを捻じ曲げてしまった。 「ブラスター・ダーク」の名を掲げ、奈落竜の名の下に、彼はついに因縁の相手との決着に赴く。

Incapable of demonstrating the strength needed to wield the Sword-Type Weapon that can change courage into power, this man ended up walking the road of evil, pushed by the intensifying of negative emotions inside his heart. His malice and hatred for the man who took on the name of « Blaster Blade » flowed into a dud of a weapon, which resulted in those emotions twisting the entire nature of the weapon itself. Taking on the name « Blaster Dark », in the name of the Dragon of Purgatory, he seeks to settle the chain of cause and effect with that man.

正規軍“ロイヤルパラディン”と袂を別った影の騎士団“シャドウパラディン”の戦士。 「ブラスター・ブレード」に執着し、彼に強い憎しみを抱いていたが、大戦時の決闘を通じて和解。 クレイを混乱に陥れようと本性を現した奈落竜を止める為、自らの命とも言える剣を「ブラスター・ブレード」に一時託した。 結果、先導者の覚醒の決め手となった事で、密かに英雄視される事になる。 大戦終了後は“シャドウパラディン”を再建し、一部戦士の悪行の抑止に努めていたが、先導者を目覚めさせた力を危惧した謎の勢力により、現在は異空間に封印されている。

The Warrior who left the standing army « Royal Paladins » for the knights of the shadows, « The Shadow Paladins ». Obsessed with the man « Blaster Blade », he held an intense grudge against him, but they ended up reconciling with one another in a duel during the Great War. In order to stop the Dragon of Purgatory, who showed his true colors, from dragging Cray into chaos and mayhem, he temporarily entrusted « Blaster Blade » with his own sword, the most important thing in the world to him. Watching the legendary Hero from the shadows, his actions became the thing that allowed for the awakening of « The Vanguard ». After the Great War, he sought to rebuild the « Shadow Paladins », striving to deter some of his men from falling back into old habits, but he ended up being sealed in an alternate dimension due to the power of a mysterious force that feared the awakening of « The Vanguard ».

[Kero Kero Ace] May 2013

23 mai 2013 a 18 h 13 min

Et voici la vague du mois, Shadow Paladins au menu !

And here is the month’s wave, here are Shadow Paladins !
幽幻の撃退者 モルドレッド・ファントム Illusion Revenger, Mordred Phantom
Grade 3/Shadow Paladin – Elf/11000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (1)] When a «Shadow Paladin» rides this unit, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your vanguards, that unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn, search your deck for up to one grade 2 or less «Shadow Paladin», call it to (RC), shuffle your deck, and that unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.
[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit that doesn’t belong to the same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
撃退者 レイジングフォーム・ドラゴン Revenger, Raging Form Dragon
Grade 3/Shadow Paladin – Abyss Dragon/11000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Choose three of your rear-guards with « Revenger » in their name, and retire them] At the beginning of the close step of the battle this unit attacked, you can pay the cost, if you do, choose up to 1 « Revenger, Raging Form Dragon » from your hand and ride it as [Stand], choose one of your Vanguards, and it gets [Power]+10000 until the end of turn.
[AUTO](VC):[Counter Blast(1)] When this unit attacks, you may pay the cost, if you do, this unit gains [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit that doesn’t belong to the same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)

Transient Revenger, Masquerade
Grade 1/Shadow Paladin – Human/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have a vanguard with « Revenger » in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.

Revenger of Nullity, Masquerade
Grade 2/Shadow Paladin – Human/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, if you have a vanguard with « Revenger » in its card name, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.

Black-Clothed Revenger, Tarutu
Grade 2/Shadow Paladin/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO] [Counter Blast (2)] When this Unit appears in the Vanguard or Rearguard Circle, if you have a « Shadow Paladin » Vanguard, pay the cost. If you do, look through your Deck for up to 1 Grade 1 or lower « Revenger » Card in your Deck, call that Unit to an unoccupied Reaerguard Circle, then shuffle your Deck.

Revenger, Dark Bond Trumpeter
Grade 1/Shadow Paladin/6000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO] [Counter Blast (1)] When this Unit appears in the Vanguard or Rearguard Circle, if you have a « Shadow Paladin » Vanguard, pay the cost. If you do, look through your Deck for up to 1 Grade 0 « Revenger » Card in your Deck, call that Unit to a Reaerguard Circle in Rest, then shuffle your Deck.

Revenger of Malice, Talin
Grade 1/Shadow Paladin/6000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC): [Soul Blast (1)] When this Unit boosts « Revenger, Raging Folm Dragon », you can pay the cost. If you do, the boosted Unit gains an additional 5000 [Power].
Morale Revenger, Dorin
Grade 1/Shadow Paladin – Human/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO]: When this Unit appears in (VC) or (RC) that happens to be in the same Column as « Blaster Dark Revenger », if you have a « Revenger » Vanguard, choose 1 card in your Damage Zone, flip it up.

Harbinger Revenger, Claudus
Grade 0/Shadow Paladin – Human/5000 Power/10000 Shield
[AUTO]: Pioneer (When another unit of the same clan rides this unit, you may call it to (RC))
Activate (RC): [Counterblast (1), Place this Unit in your Soul] If you have a Grade 3 or higher « Shadow Paladin » Vanguard, search your Deck for up to 1 « Blaster Dark, Revenger », call it to a Rearguard Circle, then shuffle your Deck.

Buranbau, Revenger
Grade 1/Shadow Paladin/6000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC): When this Unit boosts a « Shadow Paladin » Vanguard, if you have less Rearguards than your opponent, during this battle, the boosted Unit gains +4000 [Power].

Spinbau Revenger
Grade 0/Shadow Paladin – Hi-Beast/4000 Power/10000 Shield
[AUTO]: Pioneer (When another unit of the same clan rides this unit, you may call it to (RC))
[AUTO](RC):[Put this unit into your soul] When an attack hits a vanguard during the battle that this unit boosted a «ShadowPaladin» that has Limit Break 4, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card.

Demon World Castle, Zerschlagen
Grade 3/Shadow Paladin – Golem/10000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](RC): When a Grade 3 « Shadow Paladin » appears in the Vanguard Circle, this Unit gains +10000 [Power] this turn.

Coilbau, Revenger
Grade 2/Shadow Paladin – Hi-Beast/8000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](VC/RC): When this Unit attacks, if you have less Rearguards than your opponent, this Unit gains +3000 [Power] during this battle.

Revenger of Darkness, Mac Lir
Grade 1/Shadow Paladin – Human/6000 Power/0 Shield
[CONT]:Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with « [CONT]:Sentinel » in a deck.)
[AUTO]:[Choose a «Shadow Paladin» from your hand, and discard it] When this unit is placed on (GC), you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your «Shadow Paladin», and that unit cannot be hit until end of that battle.

Demon World Castle, Zweispeer
Grade 2/Shadow Paladin/8000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](VC/RC): [Counterblast (1) « Shadow Paladin »] When this Unit attacks, if you have a « Shadow Paladin » Vanguard, you can pay the cost. If you do, this unit gains 4000 Power this turn.
征天魔竜 ダンガリー « Unlimited » Demon Dragon Ruler of Heavens, Dungaree « Unlimited »
Grade 3/Narukami – Thunder Dragon/11000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter Blast(2) & Bind one card from the top of your deck] When this unit attacks a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose up to one of your opponent’s rear-guards in the front row, retire it, and this unit gets [Power]+2000 for each «Narukami» in your bind zone until end of turn.
[CONT](VC): If you have a card named « Sealed Demon Dragon, Dungaree » in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+2000.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit that doesn’t belong to the same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
Exorcist Mage, Dandan
Grade 0/Narukami – Human/5000 Power/1000 Shield
[AUTO]: Pioneer (When another unit of the same clan rides this unit, you may call it to (RC))
[CONT](RC): If you have a « Narukami » Vanguard, all other cards named « Dungaree » gain  » When this Unit appears in the Rearguard/Vanguard Circle, bind the top card of your Deck »
Lightning Hammer Wielding Exorcist Knight
Grade 1/Narukami – Human/4000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC): [Soul Blast (1)] When this Unit Boosts a Unit named « Dungaree », you can pay the cost. If you do, the boosted Unit gains +6000 [Power].
Lighning Ax Wielding Exorcist Knight
Grade 2/Narukami – Human/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC): When this Unit attacks, if you have a « Dungaree » Vanguard, this Unit gains +3000 [Power] during that battle
Masked King, Dantalian
Grade 3/Dark Irregulars – Human/11000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):When a «Dark Irregulars» rides this unit, choose one of your vanguards, and that unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn, and choose up to 3 of your « Dark Irregulars » Rearguards, during this turn, they gain « CONT (RC): This Unit gains +1000 [Power] for each « Dark Irregulars » in your Soul ».
[AUTO](VC): When this Unit attacks the Vanguard, Soul Charge 1, this Unit gains +1000 [Power] during this Battle.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit that doesn’t belong to the same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
« Amon » Dark Irregulars Triggers
House of Amon, Fate Collector
Grade 0/Dark Irregulars – Human/5000 Power/10000 Shield
[AUTO]: Pioneer (When another unit of the same clan rides this unit, you may call it to (RC))
[CONT](RC): If your Soul has 6 or more « Dark Irregulars » in it, this Unit gains « Auto (R): [Place this Unit in your Soul] At the end of a Battle in which this Unit boosts a « Dark Irregulars », you can pay the cost. If you do, draw 1 card.
House of Amon, Hell’s Deal
Grade 1/Dark Irregulars – Succubus/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO]: When this Unit appears in (RC), if you have an « Amon » Vanguard, Soul Charge (2).
House of Amon, Fuu Shinrin
Grade 1/Dark Irregulars – ???/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC): When this Unit attacks, if you have a « Amon » Vanguard, this Unit gains +3000 [Power] during that battle.
House of Amon, Hell’s Draw
Grade 2/Dark Irregulars – Succubus/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO]: When this Unit appears in (RC), if you have an « Amon » Vanguard, Soul Charge (2).
House of Amon, Ron Shinrin
Grade 2/Dark Irregulars – Succubus/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC): When this Unit attacks, if you have a « Amon » Vanguard, this Unit gains +3000 [Power] during that battle.
House of Amon, Vlad Specula
Grade 1/Dark Irregulars – ???/6000 Power/5000 Shield
[CONT]:Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with « [CONT]:Sentinel » in a deck.)
[AUTO]:[Choose a «Dark Irregulars» from your hand, and discard it] When this unit is placed on (GC), you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your «Dark Irregulars», and that unit cannot be hit until end of that battle.
Miracle Hop, Eva
Grade 3/Pale Moon – Elf/11000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):When a «Dark Irregulars» rides this unit, choose one of your vanguards, and that unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn, and gains « Auto (VC): [Choose 2 of your « Pale Moon » Rearguards, place them in the soul, when this Unit attacks, pay the cost. If you do, Choose up 2 « Pale Moon » in your Soul, and call them to seperate Rearguard Circles.
[AUTO](VC): When this Unit attacks the Vanguard, Soul Charge (1), this Unit gains +1000 [Power] during this Battle.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit that doesn’t belong to the same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
Elegant Elephant
Grade 1/Pale Moon – ???/6000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC):[Counter Blast (1)] When this unit boosts a «Pale Moon» that has Limit Break 4, you may pay the cost. If you do, the boosted unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.
Journeying Tone, Willy
Grade 0/Pale Moon – ???/4000 Power/10000 Shield
[AUTO]: Pioneer (When another unit of the same clan rides this unit, you may call it to (RC))
[AUTO](RC):[Put this unit into your soul] When an attack hits a vanguard during the battle that this unit boosted a «Pale Moon» that has Limit Break 4, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card.
Nightmare Doll, Chelsea
Grade 3/Pale Moon – Workeroid/10000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4: [Counter Blast (2), Choose 1 « Nightmare Doll, Chelsie » in your hand, discard it] At the end of a Battle in which this Unit attacks a Vanguard, you can pay the cost. If you do, choose up to 2 « Pale Moon » in your Soul, call them to seperate Rearguard Circles.
Tightrope Tumbler
Grade 1/Pale Moon – ???/7000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO]: When this Unit appears in (RC), if you have an « Amon » Vanguard, Soul Charge (2).
Tightrope Holder
Grade 2/Pale Moon – ???/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO]: When this Unit appears in (RC), if you have an « Amon » Vanguard, Soul Charge (2).
Fire Ring Gryphon
Grade 3/Pale Moon – ???/10000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):When this unit attacks a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle.
[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if you have a «Pale Moon» vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of the battle.
Flying Hippogryph
Grade 2/Pale Moon – ???/8000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](VC/RC):When this unit attacks, if you have a «Pale Moon» vanguard or rear-guard that has Limit Break 4, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.

Cards of the Day! 23/05/2013

23 mai 2013 a 7 h 52 min

Incandescent Lion, Blond Ezel (FC01 SP version)

灼熱の獅子 ブロンドエイゼル Incandescent Lion, Blond Ezel
Grade 3/Gold Paladin – Human/10000 Power/No Shield
[ACT](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (2)] Look at the top card of your deck, search for up to one «Gold Paladin» from among them, call it to an open (RC), put the rest on the bottom of your deck, and increase this unit’s [Power] by the original [Power] of the unit called with this effect until end of turn.
[CONT](VC):During your turn, this unit gets [Power]+1000 for each of your «Gold Paladin» rear-guards.

« Use your explosive flames to lead those in despair to hope! »

燃え盛る闘志をその身に宿す赤獅子の鎧の継承者。 “ゴールドパラディン”赤獅子団を部下に持つ。 聖騎士団所属時より大成者の風格を漂わせており、ともすれば不遜な物言いなども威厳のように感じる。 常に仲間や部下を優先して戦う彼の下に人は自然と集まり、その戦いぶりは人々の心から着実に絶望を払っていった。灼熱の獅子は魂を燃やし己の限界を突き破る。 獅子の咆哮は新たな戦士達が切り拓く時代の序奏となるのである。

The heir entrusted with the Armor of the Red Lion, he has a burning fighting spirit. He commands the Gold Paladin’s Red Lion Corps. He has the personality of someone already quite accomplished from having served in the Royal Paladins, but tends to speak rather arrogantly as if trying to imitate a state of majesty or solemn authority. Naturally, those he’s handpicked to work under him are friends, comrades, and subordinates that he wants to fight with side-by-side, and this way of fighting is able to keep despair from consuming the hearts of people, which remains constant. The Incandescent Lion allows one’s soul and spirit to burn up and ignite, allowing them to pierce and shatter the limits. The roar of the lion becomes the prelude that clears the way to an era of new warriors ready to fight.

聖域の護り手である七聖獣を象徴に掲げる“ゴールドパラディン”7つの部隊の一つ。 赤獅子団は戦闘、特に攻撃面に特化した戦士が所属する団である。 騎士出身の者が最も少なく、気性の荒い団員が多い為に独断先行も多いが、7団中最大の戦果を上げているのも事実である。 団員は現団長である「エイゼル」によって救われた者、負かされた者、理由は違えど彼に惹かれて配属を希望した者ばかりであり、主従の絆は他の団以上に深く強い。

The Red Lion Corps is…
One of the 7 « Gold Paladin » corps who use the symbols of the 7 Sacred Beasts said to protect United Sanctuary. The Red Lions in particular consist of warriors who specialize in combat, especially frontal assaults. Since many of their members were not originally Knights, many in the ranks are prone to having rough personalities and nasty tempers and tend to act on their own, but they also happen to be the group with the most victories out of all 7 Corps. Those who have been saved or defeated by « Ezel », their current leader, while their reasons may vary, they tend to gravitate towards of him, in hopes of an assignment, and as a result the bond between master and servant runs much deeper than in the other Corps.


Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion (FC01 SP version)

ドラゴニック・カイザー・ヴァーミリオン Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion
Grade 3/Narukami – Thunder Dragon/11000 Power/No Shield
[ACT](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (3)] Until end of turn, this unit gets [Power]+2000, and battles every unit in your opponent’s front row in one attack.
[CONT](VC/RC):If you have a non-«Narukami» vanguard or rear-guard, this unit gets [Power]-2000.

« This is the power to shatter all limits! »

第一航空攻撃部隊となった“なるかみ”の指揮官。 古の龍皇の生まれ変わりと言われるほどの実力を持ち「カイザー」の名を冠する。 誰しもが認める部隊最強ランクの戦士であり、その力はかの「ドラゴニック・オーバーロード」に勝るとも劣らずと言われていた。 表舞台での活躍を好まず裏の強襲部隊として動いていた“なるかみ”だが、この異常事態を機に戦場の最前線に立つことになる。 轟く紅き雷「エターナル・サンダーボルト」の暴襲は、千古の昔「クレイ」に降り注いだとされる黙示録の雷を彷彿とさせ、あらゆる意味での絶望を全ての敵に叩き付ける。

The commander of the First Air Strike Division « Narukami ». Bearing the title of « Kaiser », he is said possess the powers that are expected of the reincarnation of the ancient dragon emperor. Everyone admits he is the strongest soldier among the ranks, with power that is equal to, and some say even greater than, that of « Dragonic Overlord » himself. He hates being on center stage and prefers to attack from behind the scenes, but when he became a part of « Narukami », he was put in an unusual situation where he’s now forced to stand out in the front of the battlefield. The violent attack of his roaring red thunder « Vermilion Thunderbolt » is reminiscent of the apocalyptic lightning that rained down upon « Cray » in ancient times long since lost to the sands of history, driving every possible meaning of despair into all enemies who stand before him.

Cards of the Day! 22/05/2013

22 mai 2013 a 8 h 05 min

Asura Kaiser (FC01 SP version)

アシュラ・カイザー Asura Kaiser (Alt. Art)
Grade 3/Nova Grappler – Battleroid/11000 Power/No Shield
[CONT](VC/RC):If you do not have another «Nova Grappler» vanguard or rear-guard, this unit gets [Power] -2000.
[AUTO](VC):When this unit’s drive check reveals a grade 3 «Nova Grappler», choose one of your rear-guards, and [Stand] it.


いわずと知れたノヴァグラップル常勝無敗のファイターにして現チャンピオン。多数対1のマッチングを自ら望む程の屈強な戦士。 多関節の6本腕は変幻自在な動作が可能であり、「カイザー・バスター」は一発一発の攻撃全てが必殺の破壊力を持つ、まさに「百撃必殺」の大技である。 彼は一度刻まれた傷をあえて修復しないのだと言う。 彼にとって無数の傷は頂である自分に挑戦してきた者たちとの戦いの証ということなのだろう。

The reigning champion of the Nova Grappler league who is known as an undefeated, invincible fighter. He’s a mighty warrior who can hold their own in even one-vs-many handicap matches. With its six multi-joined arms, it’s capable of impossible movements, which allows it to perform the « Kaiser Buster », an all-or-nothing attack with insane destructive power that is basically a hundred killing moves in one. It’s said he refuses to have any scars repaired. Those countless scars are proof of the battles against every single person he had to fight to reach the top.



CEO Amaterasu (FC01 SP version)

CEO アマテラス CEO Amaterasu
Grade 3/Oracle Think Tank – Noble/10000 Power/No Shield
[CONT](VC):During your turn, if the number of cards in your hand is four or greater, this unit gets [Power] +4000.
[AUTO](VC):At the beginning of your main phase, Soul Charge (1), look at the top card of your deck, and put that card on the top or the bottom of your deck.
[AUTO](VC/RC):[Soul Blast (8) & Counter Blast (5)] When this unit’s attack hits, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw up to five cards.

« The beautiful Goddess, shining radiantly! »

惑星全土にその名を轟かす超巨大企業“オラクルシンクタンク”のCEOにして太陽の女神。 高位の女神に相応しい威厳・カリスマ性と、部下への感謝と労いの心を決して忘れない優しさを合わせ持ち、社内外問わず周囲から信頼と尊敬の眼差しを向けられている。 あまり表沙汰になっていないが、意気消沈した聖騎士団の面々を保護し、黄金騎士団にも陰ながら支援を行っているという。 闇に呑まれない陽光を放つ神具「八咫鏡(やたのかがみ)」と同じく、彼女の笑顔もまた曇る事は無い。 太陽の化身は、自身が放つ光で救える者がいる事を知っているからである。

The Sun goddess who is also the CEO of the Mega Corp « Oracle Think Tank » whose name is known in every nation across the entire planet. With dignity and charisma appropriate for a goddess of her high rank, she is both gentle and kind, never forgetting a kind heart, always making sure to thank her employees, to the point she receives looks of trust and respect from those around her, whether or not they’re inside the company. Not many in the public know it, but she takes care of every one of the Royal Paladins whose spirits fell, and continues to support even the Gold Paladins. Just like her divine treasure « Yata-no-Kagami » that emits sunlight that the darkness can never swallow, there is nothing in the world that can swallow up her smile. As the embodiment of the sun, you know she’s a savior because of the light she emits from her own body.

[Trial Deck] TD12 • Dimensional Brave Kaiser

21 mai 2013 a 10 h 18 min

Japanese Name:
Translation:Dimensional Brave Kaiser
Release Date:August 9th, 2013 (JP)

Contenu :

– Axé sur « Dimension Police » et l’archétype « Dimension Robo », joué par Mitsudasa « Koutei » Kenji.

– Contient 4 cartes exclusives au Trial Deck (total de 10 exemplaires) et 3 cartes qui seront réimprimées dans le Booster Pack 13 (total de 14 exemplaires)

Decklist :

1 Super Dimensional Robo, Daikaiser
2 Super Dimensional Robo, Daiyusha
4 Electro-star Combination, Cosmogreat
4 Dimensional Robo, Daifighter
1 Dimensional Robo, Daidragon
1 Dimensional Robo, Kaizard
4 Super Dimensional Robo, Dailady
2 Dimensional Robo, Daidriller
4 Karenroid Daisy
4 Dimensional Robo, Daitiger
2 Dimensional Robo, Daibrae
4 Dimensional Robo, Daimariner
1 Dimensional Robo, Goyusha
4 Dimensional Robo, Daibattles
4 Dimensional Robo, Daicrane
4 Dimensional Robo, Goflight
4 Dimensional Robo, Gorescue

Cardlist : Voir la suite de [Trial Deck] TD12 • Dimensional Brave Kaiser

[Extra Booster] EB07 • Mystical Magus

21 mai 2013 a 10 h 14 min

Japanese Name:
Translation:Mystical Magus
Release Date:August 30th, 2013 (JP)

Contenu :

– Proposera 35 cartes dont 14 nouvelles (2 RRR ; 5 RR ; 8 R ; 20 C – +4 SP)

– Mettra en avant la série « Magus » jouée par Misaki dans la version manga

– La Promo Card offerte dans le tome 6 du manga sera en interaction avec les cartes proposées

– Inclut un Break Ride pour « Oracle Think Tank »

Cardlist : Voir la suite de [Extra Booster] EB07 • Mystical Magus

Cards of the Day! 21/05/2013

21 mai 2013 a 7 h 22 min

King of Knights, Alfred (FC01 SP version)

騎士王 アルフレッド King of Knights, Alfred
Grade 3/Royal Paladin – Human/10000 Power/No Shield
[CONT](VC):Your units cannot boost this unit.
[CONT](VC):During your turn, this unit gets [Power]+2000 for each of your «Royal Paladin» rear-guards.
[ACT](VC/RC):[Counter Blast (3)] Search your deck for up to one grade 2 or less «Royal Paladin», call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck.

« Enter the fray, leader of all knights! »

“ロイヤルパラディン”を率いる王にして最強の騎士。 正義の体現者と呼ぶに相応しい、偉大なる騎士団の統率者でもある。 ユナイテッドサンクチュアリに住まうすべての者達のことを第一に考えるため、常に無血の戦いを望んでいる。 「ブラスター・ブレード」が忠誠を誓う存在で、英雄視されている彼の良き理解者。

The strongest knight who personally leads the « Royal Paladin ». He is the leader of the majestic knights who is worthy of being called the embodiment of justice itself. He always hopes that battles will end without bloodshed, as he thinks of the welfare and well-being of everyone in United Sanctuary before anything else. He is a good, understanding man, and is seen as a hero, and to whom « Blaster Blade » is loyal to.




Phantom Blaster Dragon (FC01 SP version)

ファントム・ブラスター・ドラゴン Phantom Blaster Dragon
Grade 3/Shadow Paladin – Abyss Dragon/1000 Power/No Shield
[CONT](VC):If you have a card named « Blaster Dark » in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+1000.
[ACT](VC):[Counter Blast (2) & Choose three of your «Shadow Paladin» rear-guards, and retire them] This unit gets [Power]+10000/[Critical]+1 until end of turn.

« Cursed dragon, come out and muster your dark power! »

聖騎士団の一部に渦巻いていた負の感情を支配し、“シャドウパラディン”を創設した諸悪の根源。 死・絶望・嫉妬・恐怖など、ありとあらゆる負の感情を自らの力へと変えることができる。 また、仲間を計画の為の道具としか考えておらず、用済みになれば容赦なく切り捨てる残忍な性質を持つ。 闇が光を超えた時、「シャドウ・イロージョン」の刃は餓鬼の如く標的へ降り注ぎ、光の残滓を食い尽くすだろう。

The root of all evil who founded the « Shadow Paladins », by influencing the negative feelings swirling inside several among the ranks of the Holy Knights, « Royal Paladin ». He can turn any and every negative emotion including death, despair, envy or even fear into his own power and strength. As well, he regards his fellows and footmen as mere tools for his schemes, and is completely merciless and cruel, as he’ll dispose of anyone working for him once they’ve outlived their usefulness. When the darkness exceeds the light, the blades of his « Shadow Erosion » overtakes their target like a pack of ravenous ghouls, consuming every mote of light in their path.

Card of the Day! 20/05/2013

20 mai 2013 a 10 h 23 min

Dragonic Overlord (FC01 SP version)

ドラゴニック・オーバーロード Dragonic Overlord
Grade 3/Kagero – Flame Dragon/11000 Power/No Shield
[CONT](VC/RC): If you do not have another «Kagero» vanguard or rear-guard, this unit gets [Power]-2000.
[ACT](VC/RC):[Counter Blast(3)] Until end of turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000, gets « [AUTO](VC/RC): When this unit’s attack hits an opponent’s rear-guard, [Stand] this unit », and loses « Twin Drive!! ».

« Reduce all to ashes, flame of the apocalypse! »


The Dragon who stands above all dragons, bearing the mantle of « Overlord », he is a commander of the Aerial Assault Unit, « Kagero », of the Militaristic Nation of the « Dragon Empire ». Due to its ability to overwhelm all others in battle, it has earned the title of « The Crimson Reaper » and « The Wind of the Apocalypse ». When it breathes « Eternal Flame » , a breath weapon compared to the eternal fires of damnation, all before him tremble in fear at the unending flames of despair.

Card of the Day! 17/05/2013

17 mai 2013 a 8 h 07 min

Leading Jewel Knight, Salome

導きの宝石騎士[リーディング・ジュエルナイト] サロメ Leading Jewel Knight, Salome
Grade 3/Royal Paladin – Elf/10000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):When this unit attacks, if the number of rear-guards with « Jewel Knight » in its card name you have is four or more, this unit gets [Power]+2000/[Critical]+1 until end of that battle.
[ACT](VC):[Counter Blast (2) – Cards with « Jewel Knight’ in its card name] Search your deck for up to one card with « Jewel Knight » in its card name, call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck.

RRR: Follow me, my fellows! Praying Flasher!
SP: The unity of those being lead is as firm as a diamond.

“ロイヤルパラディン”の精鋭、「宝石騎士」の副団長。 如何な刃でも傷一つ付かない蒼金剛石の「魔宝石」を持つ。 正統な血を受け継ぐエルフの王族であり、武芸はもちろんの事、政や知略にも秀でる万能の戦士。 若くして大役を任された騎士団長「アシュレイ」の副官を志願し、問題児の捜索等の雑務も率先して行う、厳格だが面倒見の良い女性で、「解放戦争」の最中、騎士王に加担して国家再建を目指し奔走していた忠臣の一人でもある。 「人は皆、誰かに支えられて生きている。だから自分も皆を支えるのだ」と、彼女は言った。 大望を持たない優しい彼女の思想は、上に立つべき者「王族」としては不適切なのかもしれない。 しかし、長きに渡り多くの者との間に築かれた絆は、仲間を、民を、世界を守る為の大いなる力となるだろう。

The sub-commander of the « Jewel Knights », the elite of the « Royal Paladins ». She possesses a Blue Diamond, one of the « Magical Jewels », that is unscratchable by any blade, no matter how sharp. A pure-blooded member of the Elven royal family, she is a master warrior skilled in tactics, law, order and of course the arts of war. She left at an early age, applying for the important job as the aid of the leader of the knights « Ashley », she’d also do the mundane chores of searching for problem children, a clear display of her strict but caring nature. During the War of Liberation, she was one of the nation’s loyal subjects who put all her energy into the King of Knights’ plan to rebuild the nation. She said « Everyone, as long as they live, is supported by someone else. So I’ll support everyone too. ». Her gentle, kind thoughts contain not a hint of ambition, quite in appropriate for one of the « Royal Family », who should be standing at the top of the world. However, the bonds of she’s built with many people over many years is going to be a great power to protect her friends, her nation, and of course, the entire world.

神聖国家第一正規軍“ロイヤルパラディン”の精鋭騎士に与えられる称号の一つ。 選ばれた者は魔力を込めた煌びやかな宝玉、「魔宝石」が埋め込まれた装具を身に着ける為、騎士団一華やかな部隊としても有名。 所属するのは、伝統ある騎士の御業に魔法という超常の力を足した戦いを主流とする者達であり、その装具と戦法から「魔宝騎士」と呼ばれる事もある。

The Jewel Knights
One of the titles handed out to elite knights in the first army of United Sanctuary, « Royal Paladin ». Those chosen wear and use armor and equip that are covered in gorgeous gemstones and jewels containing with magical power known as Magical Jewels, causing them to also be known as the most fabulous and glamorous knights in the army. Those who belong to their numbers combine the traditional style of a knight along with the additional supernatural power of magic, and are nicknamed the « Knights of the Magical Treasures » due to their equipment and the tactics they employ using them.