Card of the Day! 01/05/2013

Witch of Prohibited Book, Cinnamon
禁書の魔女 シナモン Witch of Prohibited Book, Cinnamon
Grade 0/Genesis – Human/5000 Power/10000 Shield
[AUTO]: Pioneer (When another unit of the same clan rides this unit, you may call it to (RC).)
[AUTO](RC):[Put this unit into your soul] When an attack hits a vanguard during the battle that this unit boosted a grade 3 or greater «Genesis», you may pay the cost. If you do, Soul Charge (2).
« This is a magic book. All the answers are written inside. »
あらゆる書物の検品を行う“ジェネシス”の魔女。 見た目は少女だが成人しているらしく、実際の年齢は不詳。 解呪・魔祓いの専門家で、途切れる事無く確保される呪物や禁書の処置に日がな明け暮れている。 至る所につけている鈴や勾玉は、ある女神から賜った聖なる力を秘める依代であり、解呪に失敗した時や、強力な呪いを祓う時などに、自身の身代わりになってくれるのだという。 呪いという不運に見舞われてしまったせいで、時には悪用され、時には誰に読まれる事もなく朽ち果てる、哀しい運命を辿る罪なき書物達。 そんな悲劇がいつか無くなるようにと、禁書の魔女は今日もまた一つ、哀しみを打ち消す。
A witch of « Genesis » who inspects every book. While she looks like a little girl on the verge of adulthood, her real age is unknown. A specialist in exorcisms and disenchanting, she spends all her time making sure to carefully handle forbidden books of magic and various dangerous fetishes with the utmost care and dedication. She carries bells and magatama with her everywhere, because they are Yorishiro full of holy power that a certain goddess gave her, so when she fails to disenchant objects or she needs to break an exceptionally dangerous spell, she uses them as a substitute for herself. Some books, that are sinless on their own, are cursed with a terrible fate, as those who read these kinds of dangerous books have been cursed with bad luck, others used to do terrible things, while some cause those who read them to rot away or fall to ruin. With every day, the Banned Book Witch seeks tries to end that sorrow, and ultimately cause these tragedies to disappear from the face of the earth forever more.