Card of the Day! 02/04/2013

Champion Brave Shooter
先陣のブレイブ・シューター Champion Brave Shooter
Grade 0/Aqua Force – Aquaroid/5000 Power/10000 Shield
[AUTO]: Pioneer (When another unit from the same clan rides this unit, you may call this card to RC)
[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts, if you have a «Aqua Force» vanguard, and the number of rear-guards you have as [Rest] is two or less, the boosted unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.
« In particular… when given the choice… he will chose to fight on the frontline. »
“アクアフォース”の決死隊ともいうべき部隊の一員であり、如何な敵が相手でも躊躇わずに先陣をきる勇敢な戦士。 先陣を務める事を義務付けられた「ブレイブ・シューター」は、階級を上等兵とし、最新式の小型ハイドロエンジンを搭載した武器を支給される。 彼らは“アクアフォース”が現代に復活してから製造された新型のアクアロイドであり、恐怖心が鈍くなるよう特別な調整を施されているという。 なお、3シリーズの「ブレイブ・シューター」の中で最も新しい彼は、前2体の反省を生かし、元の人格に影響が出ない程度の感情・感覚抑制に成功している。
A brave warrior who fights as a part of the vanguard, no matter the enemy, he is a member of the suicide squad of « Aqua Force ». Brave Shooters are obligated to fight on the front line, ranked at Seaman, and are supplied with the latest state-of-the-art small-scale Hydro Engines. They are new model of Aquaroid built after Aqua Force revived in the modern age, and it is said special adjustments were made so their sense of fear is blunted. As a note, he is one of the latest of the 3rd Gen « Brave Shooters », who based on the previous two generations, has been designed so that their feelings and senses are suppressed but without compromising their original personality.