Card of the Day! 03/05/2013

Underlay Celestial, Hesediel
礎の守護天使[アンダーレイ・セレスティアル] ハスデヤ Underlay Celestial, Hesediel
Grade 1/Angel Feather – Angel/6000 Power/5000 Shield
[CONT](VC/RC): During your turn, if you have a card named Solidify Celestial, Zerachiel face-up in your damage zone, this unit gets [Power]+3000.
« Feel the might of a caring heart! »
蒼き翼を持つ特殊医療部隊「瑠璃色の守護天使(ラピスラズリ・セレスティアル)」の一員。 隊の中でも特に勤勉且つ責任感の強い女性で、待機中も医学書や剣術指南書を手放さない。 彼女の持つ癒しの剣「セラピストエッジ」は、心で念じた内容によって効果を変える不思議な武器で、「斬る」と念じれば普通の剣のように相手を傷つけ、「癒す」と念じれば相手の傷を癒す事ができる。 が、癒えるとわかっていてもやはり斬られるのは怖いらしく、彼女が傍にいる時には無用なケガをしないよう、隊員一同心がけているという。 この独特の治療法は若干心臓に悪いが、一般的な治癒魔法以上の効能が期待できる為、ぜひ早めに慣れる事をお勧めしたい。
A member of the Special Medical Team « Lapis Lazuli Celestial » whose members are marked by their blue wings. She’s a woman with a strong sense of responsibility and dedication to work hard with her team, and she’s almost never found without Medical and Fencing Textbooks when she has the time. She carries the healing sword « Therapist Edge », a peculiar weapon that can change its actions based on what you have in mind. If you have « killing » in mind, it harms the other person. But if you « healing » in mind, it heals the other person. But, being cut is pretty scary even if you’re cured by it, so the rest of her teammates try to remember to not take pointless damage while she’s by their side. This peculiar treatment is bad for a few hearts, though, but you can trust its effects to be generally superior to common healing spells, so you should use it as soon as possible.
強い献身の志と、それを全うできるだけの能力を持つ者だけが所属を許される“エンジェルフェザー”の特殊医療部隊。 適性審査を通過し、且つ配属を希望する者は、天使長の洗礼を受けることで古き翼を捨て、新たなる翼「瑠璃の翼(ラピスラズリ・ウィング)」を賜る事になる。 その異常なまでの使命感に畏怖と敬意を込めて、「命を救う命知らず達(レックレス・セイバーズ)」と呼ばれる事もある。
The Lapis Lazuli Celestials are…
A Special Medical Team in « Angel Feather » whose members are deeply committed to their work and must have the skills to match that commitment. Those that pass the aptitude test and want to be assigned must discard their old wings during their baptism by the Archangels, gaining new « Lapis Lazuli Wings ». They are sometimes known as the « Reckless Saviors » due to their intense sense of duty that is both inspiring and terrifying.