Card of the Day! 05/04/2013

Liberator of Rigid Spear, Bleoberis
剛槍の解放者 ブレオベリス Liberator of the Rigid Spear, Bleoberis
Grade 3/Gold Paladin – Human/11000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (1)] When a «Gold Paladin» rides this unit, you may pay the cost. If you do, look at up to two cards from the top of your deck, search for up to two «Gold Paladin» from among them, call them to separate open (RC), put the rest on the bottom of your deck in any order, and choose one of your vanguards, and unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.
[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit that doesn’t belong to the same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
かつて赤獅子団に所属していた“ゴールドパラディン”の騎士にして「解放者」。 騎士となる前は国境付近の街の兵士だった。 国境を越えて暴れていた巨大竜をたった一人で打ち倒した豪傑であり、鎧と槍は町民たちを安心させる為に倒した竜の角から造りだしたのだという。 “ゴールドパラディン”が正規軍となった後は「解放者」に任命されたが、新たな武具の授与を断り、赤獅子団の証である鎧を使い続けた。 「解放戦争」最大の功労者である「エイゼル」に心酔する彼は、自身が赤獅子団の一員であった事を人一倍誇りに思っている。 獅子を頂くその鎧は、彼にとってただの武具では無い。 若き日の英傑と共に戦場を駆けた証なのである。
A Liberator of the Gold Paladins who once belonged to the Red Lon Corps. Before becoming a knight, he was just a soldier living in a border town. He was a hero who single-handedly took down a gigantic rampaging dragon that crossed the border, and it’s said that he created his armor and spear from the horn of the dragon he slayed as a way of reassuring the townspeople. After the Gold Paladins became part of the standing military, he was appointed to the Liberators, but he refused the conferment of new equipment, and continued to use the armor that was a vestige of his time in the Red Lion Corps. He idolized Ezel who was the biggest contributor to the War of Liberation, and was proud of being a part of the Red Lion Corps, more so than most. The armor he got while with the Lion isn’t just some suit of armor to him. It is a symbol of his younger days as a hero who charged across the battlefield.
神聖国家第二正規軍“ゴールドパラディン”の中から選ばれた、国と星を守る使命を騎士王より託された者達の総称。 悪しき者の手から全てを解き放つという意を込めて「解放者」と名付けられた。 称された者は周囲から新時代の導き手と呼ばれている。 “ゴールドパラディン”の若き戦士達が構成の中心だが、歴戦の勇士である“ロイヤルパラディン”の戦士からもある程度抜擢されているという。
The Liberators
The general term for those chosen from the second standing army of United Sanctuary, « The Gold Paladins », they are the few that the King of Knights has entrusted with the mission of protecting not only the Sanctuary, but the entire world of Cray. They were named the « Liberators » because they liberate all who have been ensnared by the schemes of the wicked. Those with the title are said to be the guiding hand of the new era. At the center of the group are the young warriors who saved the day, known as the « Gold Paladins », but some of their number are battle-scarred veterans who were handpicked for the job.