Card of the Day! 06/05/2013

Ancient Dragon, Tyrannolegend
古代竜 ティラノレジェンド Ancient Dragon, Tyrannolegend
Grade 3/Tachikaze – Dinodragon/11000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Choose three of your rear-guards with « Ancient Dragon » in its card name, and retire them] When this unit attacks a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, this unit gets [Power]+10000/[Critical]+1 until end of that battle.
[ACT](VC):[Counter Blast (2) – Cards with « Ancient Dragon » in its card name] This unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit that doesn’t belong to the same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
« It’s a legendary tyrannosaur. from ages long long ago, that is known to devour everything in its path. »
有史以前の時代に繁栄を極めた「古代竜」と呼ばれるディノドラゴン。 無尽蔵の食欲と破壊衝動に支配された、無機物・有機物問わず、目の前にある物すべてを食い荒らしていたと言われる暴竜。 覚醒後は食欲が減退した代わりに破壊衝動が増し、より一層危険な生物へと変化を遂げている。 減退したとはいえ旺盛な食欲はいまだ健在であり、捕食した生物や物質の一部ないし全部を吸収して、一時的にさらに強大な力を得るという固有の技能を持つ。 武装以外の外見が休眠以前の状態とあまり変わってないが、それは当時、彼より強い者がほとんどいなかったという事の表れでもある。 しかし、この時代には彼がまだ見たこ事も無い強者があふれている。 強者に会い、強者と戦い、強者を超える。 古代竜の進化は、まだ止まらない。
A Dino Dragon known as an « Ancient Dragon », one of many that flourished in pre-historic times. A Tyrannosaur said to have consumed everything in its path, regardless of being organic or inorganic, all due to its inexhaustible appetite and destructive impulses. While its appetite diminished since it re-awoke, its destructive impulses have increased, turning it into an even more dangerous beast. Despite a decline in its appetite, it’s still going strong, as it has a peculiar skill that allows it absorb whatever creature or substance it consumes, making it stronger, even if temporarily. Its body hasn’t changed since it went dormant, except for the various weapons equipped to it, which is mostly because very few creatures have grown stronger than him since that time. However, he has not met all of the strongest in this era. He will meet the strong, fight the strong and surpass the strong. The evolution of the Ancient Dragons has not yet finished.
有史以前の時代、クレイの大地で覇権を勝ち取った最初のディノドラゴン達。 天変地異によって他の種族が次々と死滅していく中、彼らは大地の底で長い眠りにつき、この猛威を耐え抜いた。 また、地の底でもその異常な生命力は如何なく発揮され、休眠中にも関わらず進化を続けていたという。 “リンクジョーカー”が侵略の過程で行う大気・大地汚染の影響で目覚めたのではないかと推測されている。
The Ancient Dragons are…
The Dino Dragons that conquered the continents of Cray in ancient times. While other species were killed one after another by the fury of natural disasters, they decided to enter a deep hibernation, surviving at the bottom of the planet. As well, their abnormal life force somehow exerted itself, causing them to continue to evolve, even as they slept. It is theorized they awoke due to contamination to the planet’s continents and atmosphere, due to the invasion of Link Joker.