Card of the Day! 07/05/2013

Eradicator, First Thunder Dracokid
抹消者 ファーストサンダー・ドラコキッド Eradicator, First Thunder Dracokid
Grade 0/Narukami – Thunder Dragon/5000 Power/10000 Shield
[AUTO]: Pioneer (When another unit of the same clan rides this unit, you may call it to (RC))
[AUTO](RC):[Put this unit into your soul] When an opponent’s rear-guard is put in the drop zone by any of your card’s effect, if you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard with « Eradicator » in its card name, you may pay the cost. If you do, look at up to ten cards from the top of your deck, search for up to one card named « Eradicator, Sweep Command Dragon » from among them, ride it, and shuffle your deck.
« I am the thunder of the beginning! The dragon’s roar that announces war! »
実戦を経験してまだ日の浅い小さな竜戦士。 自分が最強の生物と謳われるドラゴンである事で驕り高ぶっていた自意識の強い少年だったが、初陣の際に突出しすぎた所を「スイープコマンド・ドラゴン」に救われ、一命を取り留める。 それからは打って変わって修練に明け暮れるようになり、その努力と将来性、さらに彼を救った「スイープコマンド・ドラゴン」からの強い推挙により、若くして「抹消者」に選ばれた。 あの日、薄れゆく意識の中で見た巨大な戦士の背。 いつかあの背中を追い抜くような戦士と成る為、少年は戦い続ける。 が、まずは形からとでも言うように口上や外見ばかり真似をしている彼に、件の指揮官が頭を悩ませているという話もある……。
A little dragon warrior who is well practiced but has very little field experience. He was a powerful little boy who is incredibly self-conscious and extremely arrogant about being a dragon, due to being taught that dragons are the ultimate life-form, he ended up being saved by « Sweep Commando Dragon » due to overextending himself during his first time in real combat, saving him from death. This completely changed him, causing him to spend all his time training, and as a result of his effort and potential, as well as a strong recommendation from « Sweep Commando Dragon » who saved him, he became a part of the Eradicators at an early age. He saw the back of that gigantic warrior as he slipped into unconsciousness. This boy continues to fight, wishing to become like that warrior and pass « that back ». But, for right now, he’s completely imitating the appearance and repeating that guy’s words word-for-word, to the point that his commander expresses concern… …
ドラゴンエンパイア二大柱軍が一つ“なるかみ”の戦士達の中でも、特に帝国に忠実な者達で構成された特殊部隊。 帝国に仇為す者を文字通り「抹消」する事を目的としており、平時が如何に平和的な者であっても、任務中は非情な選択が取れるよう特別な訓練を受けている。 なお、任命された者は自身が「抹消者」の称号を持っている事を、上層部と同部隊の者以外に知られてはならない。
The Eradicators
The Special Forces consisting of the most faithful and loyal in all the empire, made up of warriors from one of the two major military pillars of the « Dragon Empire », Narukami. Their mission is to literally « eradicate » any who would cross the empire, and no matter how peaceful things get, they are specially trained to be as cruel and ruthless as needed to get things done. As well, those appointed with the title « Eradicator », only their superiors and other Eradicators know who they are, with their fellow troops unaware as to their true rank.