Card of the Day! 08/04/2013

Wisdom Guardian, Metis
英知の守り手 メーティス Wisdom Guardian, Metis
Grade 3/Genesis – Noble/11000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO] Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (1)] When a «Genesis» rides this unit, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card, Soul Charge (3), choose one of your vanguards, and that unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.
[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, Soul Charge (1), and this unit gets [Power]+1000 until end of turn.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit that doesn’t belong to the same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
« Be protected by the divine mysteries… … Deep Embrace! »
星空と見紛う程に美しい煌めく藍色の髪を持つ女神。 占い師や魔女の多い“ジェネシス”では珍しい生粋の学者。 専門は魔法学であり、主に魔法と科学を組み合わせた新たな道具の研究を行っている。 高位女神という肩書に見合うだけの高い魔力とそれを操る技術を持ち、「深愛の抱擁」をはじめとする強力な祝福(ブレス)も習得しているが、日がな研究に没頭している為、その力が披露される事はあまり無い。 また、彼女が普段籠っている大書斎は数百万冊の蔵書に加え、数億冊を超える書物のデータを保管している迷宮のような地下施設であり、彼女に用がある場合は数日かけて捜索を行わなければならないと専らの噂である。
A Goddess with sparkling indigo hair that is often mistaken for the starry sky. She’s a rare genuine scholar in « Genesis », which is made up mostly of fortune-tellers and witches. Her area of expertise is in the knowledge of magic, and mostly proposes new tools and devices that combine magic and science. Armed with technology capable of manipulating high-level magic, she is worthy of her title of a high-ranking Goddess. But she has learned strong blessings such as Deep Embrace. But because she’s so busy studying, she rarely shows off her powers. Also, the massive study she usually stays in is a library of over a million books, while she also has an underground labyrinthine facility that stores the data of more than several hundreds of millions of books, and there are rumors that when she goes searching for information, she might be gone for several days.