Card of the Day! 11/04/2013

Armor Break Dragon
アーマーブレイク・ドラゴン Armor Break Dragon
Grade 3/Narukami – Thunder Dragon/11000 Power/No Shield
[ACT](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (3) & Choose three cards from your hand, and discard them] Retire all fighter’s rear-guards in the front row, and this unit gets [Power]+10000/[Critical]+2 until end of turn.
[CONT](VC/RC): Lord (If you have a unit that doesn’t belong to the same clan as this unit, this unit cannot attack)
« I seek only victory! I’ll throw everything away to defeat you! »
凄まじい腕力を誇る“なるかみ”の戦士。 壊す事だけに命を賭ける危険な「壊し屋」。 「ガントレッドバスター・ドラゴン」が自分と同じように「壊し屋」と呼ばれている事が気に食わず、幾度か矛を交えた事もあるという。 実力だけ見れば間違いなく「将」と呼べる戦士だが、強すぎる破壊衝動を危惧した上層部から危険生物に指定される可能性があると噂されている。 彼の中に「防御」という言葉は存在せず、鎧は煩わしい拘束具でしかない。 ただ破壊を繰り返し、壊す物が尽きた時を勝利と呼ぶ。 その無差別な暴力を止めるのは強き外界の戦士か、それとも「上層部の決定」という同胞からの洗礼か。 いずれにしろ、破壊の化身が自らその衝動を抑える事は永久に無いだろう。
A warrior of Narukami who possesses incredible physical strength. He is a dangerous « wrecker » who risks his life on breaking things. Like « Gauntlet Buster Dragon », who is also known as a wreckler, as evidenced by the mixture of lance-like blades covering him. Based on his strength alone, many soldiers mistakenly call him « commander » or « boss », but there’s rumors that he’s considered a dangerous creature by the upper echelons of the military due to his destructive impulses. The word « defend » does not exist to him, and armor is just a troublesome restraint. He considers something won when he repeatedly breaks and smashes the target he wishes to destroy into the ground. Will this reckless mayhem be stopped by a mighty warrior from outside the empire or is it merely a baptism for his fellow soldiers approved by the upper echelons? In any case, he is unable to permanently suppress his urges as he is the incarnation of destruction.