Card of the Day! 15/05/2013

Ravenous Dragon, Battlerex
餓竜 バトルレックス Ravenous Dragon, Battlerex
Grade 3/Tachikaze – Dinodragon/11000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):When this unit’s drive check reveals a grade 3 «Tachikaze», choose one of your rear-guards, retire it, and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.
[AUTO](VC):When this unit is boosted by a «Tachikaze», this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.
« How troublesome, you should all be WELL-DONE! »
触れるだけで肉を裂き骨を断つ、鋭い刃の装甲を全身に纏った“たちかぜ”の破壊戦士。 眼前にいる者を裂いて燃やして叩き壊す事しか考えておらず、己の肉体や味方が傷つく事を全く意に介さない。 暴れるだけでも周囲に甚大な被害を及ぼすが、鎧の集熱機構で強化された炎のブレス「ガーボイルド・バスター」はそれまでの痛手が手緩い物に見える程の惨状を作り出す。 鉄の融点である1500度を超える超高熱の炎を直接浴びれば、鎧を着た堅牢な戦士や硬い鱗に覆われたドラゴンであっても塵になるまで焼き尽くされてしまうという。 仁も忠も義も知らない、闘争という飢餓に囚われた暴竜。 彼が帝国に従うのは「戦いの場を常に提供し続ける」という条件があるからである。 世界に平和が訪れる事を、誰もが望んでいる訳では無いのだ。
A destructive warrior from « Tachikaze » who wears sharp bladed armor over his entire body that can slice the beat off of a bone from just touching. He thinks only breaking, beating, burning, tearing everything in front of him, not caring if he hurts himself or his allies. He inflicts tremendous damage from just rampaging, but his flaming breath « GAR Boiled Buster » is the true terror, as it’s powered up by thermal collecting organs in his armor, that allow him to roast everything around him, inflicting massive casualties. If it bathes its victims in its super-hot flames that go in excess of 1500 degrees, which is the melting point of iron, it’s said that even the most heavily armored warrior or even a dragon covered in hard scales will be burned to ash. He is an Tyrannosaur whose senses have been seized by his hunger for battle, knowing hot compassion, loyalty or even honor. The only reason he follows the empire is because there’s an agreement that « He’ll always be allowed to fight ». The truth is, not everyone wants there to be world peace.