Card of the Day! 16/05/2013

Seal Dragon, Hunger Hell Dragon
封竜 ハンガーヘル・ドラゴン Seal Dragon, Hunger Hell Dragon
Grade 2/Kagero – Flame Dragon/10000 Power/5000 Shield
« An accursed tribe feared by the Dragon Emperor. The Seal Dragons are the strongest berserkers erased from the history of the Dragon Empire. »
侵略者への対抗手段を一つでも増やすべく、一時的に地上への帰還を許された「封竜」の一人。 不死身に近い驚異の生命力を持ち、本能の赴くままに殺戮を繰り返した凶悪な竜。 かつて幾度も討伐の命が下ったが、何度打ち倒しても完全に滅ぼす事が適わず、止む無く戦の場となった大洞穴ごと強力な封印を施された。 従って、彼は「マグナ・プリズン」に収容されていない数少ない「封竜」という事になる。 力の大半を奪い去る呪符の上から更に魔封楔という封印用の魔具を打ち込まれ、彼はようやく忌まわしき洞からの解放を許された。 悪魔をして悪魔と言わしめる邪悪な竜は、無機質な侵略者共に掛け値なしの感謝の意を込めて教示する。 「恐怖」の意味を、「地獄」とは如何なる処なのかを。
One of the « Seal Dragons » allowed to return to the surface to fight back against the invaders. An atrocious dragon that caused multiple massacres due to its killing instincts, it has a miraculous life force that makes it practically invulnerable and immortal. Though its life force has been suppressed and it has been killed over and over, it has never been able to be completely kiled or destroyed no matter what’s been done, and despite even severely strong seals, almost every large cavern has become a reluctant battlefield. As a result, he is one of the few « Seal Dragons » not imprisoned in Magma Prison. He was finally released from his foul den when the Amulet that robbed most of his magic was placed on him along with a magical device called a Magic Sealing Wedge that keeps the seals upon him going. He is a diabolic dragon so awful that even demons call him a devil, but he was taught to throw all of his aggression on the inorganic invaders. What is the meaning of « fear »? What kind of place is « hell »?
様々な理由から皇帝直々の命令で封印・幽閉されている竜達の総称。 封魔神竜とは封印の度合いや経緯が異なる。 地下深くに設けられた大監獄「マグナ・プリズン」に、他の重犯罪者より厳重な封印と監視の下、収監されている。 現在は“リンクジョーカー”の侵攻に対抗するべく、一部の戦士が一時的に出所しており、封印の段階を引き下げた上で戦闘を許可されている。 なお、封印の段階は対象により異なる。
Seal Dragons is…
The generic term for the dragons who have been sealed and imprisoned by the direct order of the Emperor for various reasons. The degree and means of sealing are different than that of Dungaree. They are housed and imprisoned in a vast prison deep underground called the « Magma Prison », under direct supervision, with twice as many locks and seals as normal criminals. However, in order to counter the invasion of « Link Joker », several warriors were discharged from the prison temporarily and allowed to fight, with some of their seals weakened. As well, the stage of the seal is different which each convict.