Card of the Day! 17/05/2013

Leading Jewel Knight, Salome
導きの宝石騎士[リーディング・ジュエルナイト] サロメ Leading Jewel Knight, Salome
Grade 3/Royal Paladin – Elf/10000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC) Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):When this unit attacks, if the number of rear-guards with « Jewel Knight » in its card name you have is four or more, this unit gets [Power]+2000/[Critical]+1 until end of that battle.
[ACT](VC):[Counter Blast (2) – Cards with « Jewel Knight’ in its card name] Search your deck for up to one card with « Jewel Knight » in its card name, call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck.
RRR: Follow me, my fellows! Praying Flasher!
SP: The unity of those being lead is as firm as a diamond.
“ロイヤルパラディン”の精鋭、「宝石騎士」の副団長。 如何な刃でも傷一つ付かない蒼金剛石の「魔宝石」を持つ。 正統な血を受け継ぐエルフの王族であり、武芸はもちろんの事、政や知略にも秀でる万能の戦士。 若くして大役を任された騎士団長「アシュレイ」の副官を志願し、問題児の捜索等の雑務も率先して行う、厳格だが面倒見の良い女性で、「解放戦争」の最中、騎士王に加担して国家再建を目指し奔走していた忠臣の一人でもある。 「人は皆、誰かに支えられて生きている。だから自分も皆を支えるのだ」と、彼女は言った。 大望を持たない優しい彼女の思想は、上に立つべき者「王族」としては不適切なのかもしれない。 しかし、長きに渡り多くの者との間に築かれた絆は、仲間を、民を、世界を守る為の大いなる力となるだろう。
The sub-commander of the « Jewel Knights », the elite of the « Royal Paladins ». She possesses a Blue Diamond, one of the « Magical Jewels », that is unscratchable by any blade, no matter how sharp. A pure-blooded member of the Elven royal family, she is a master warrior skilled in tactics, law, order and of course the arts of war. She left at an early age, applying for the important job as the aid of the leader of the knights « Ashley », she’d also do the mundane chores of searching for problem children, a clear display of her strict but caring nature. During the War of Liberation, she was one of the nation’s loyal subjects who put all her energy into the King of Knights’ plan to rebuild the nation. She said « Everyone, as long as they live, is supported by someone else. So I’ll support everyone too. ». Her gentle, kind thoughts contain not a hint of ambition, quite in appropriate for one of the « Royal Family », who should be standing at the top of the world. However, the bonds of she’s built with many people over many years is going to be a great power to protect her friends, her nation, and of course, the entire world.
神聖国家第一正規軍“ロイヤルパラディン”の精鋭騎士に与えられる称号の一つ。 選ばれた者は魔力を込めた煌びやかな宝玉、「魔宝石」が埋め込まれた装具を身に着ける為、騎士団一華やかな部隊としても有名。 所属するのは、伝統ある騎士の御業に魔法という超常の力を足した戦いを主流とする者達であり、その装具と戦法から「魔宝騎士」と呼ばれる事もある。
The Jewel Knights
One of the titles handed out to elite knights in the first army of United Sanctuary, « Royal Paladin ». Those chosen wear and use armor and equip that are covered in gorgeous gemstones and jewels containing with magical power known as Magical Jewels, causing them to also be known as the most fabulous and glamorous knights in the army. Those who belong to their numbers combine the traditional style of a knight along with the additional supernatural power of magic, and are nicknamed the « Knights of the Magical Treasures » due to their equipment and the tactics they employ using them.