Card of the Day! 20/05/2013

Dragonic Overlord (FC01 SP version)
ドラゴニック・オーバーロード Dragonic Overlord
Grade 3/Kagero – Flame Dragon/11000 Power/No Shield
[CONT](VC/RC): If you do not have another «Kagero» vanguard or rear-guard, this unit gets [Power]-2000.
[ACT](VC/RC):[Counter Blast(3)] Until end of turn, this unit gets [Power]+5000, gets « [AUTO](VC/RC): When this unit’s attack hits an opponent’s rear-guard, [Stand] this unit », and loses « Twin Drive!! ».
« Reduce all to ashes, flame of the apocalypse! »
The Dragon who stands above all dragons, bearing the mantle of « Overlord », he is a commander of the Aerial Assault Unit, « Kagero », of the Militaristic Nation of the « Dragon Empire ». Due to its ability to overwhelm all others in battle, it has earned the title of « The Crimson Reaper » and « The Wind of the Apocalypse ». When it breathes « Eternal Flame » , a breath weapon compared to the eternal fires of damnation, all before him tremble in fear at the unending flames of despair.