Cards of the Day! 09/04/2013

Pretty Celebrity, Charlotte
プリティセレブ シャルロット Pretty Celebrity, Charlotte
Grade 2/Bermuda Triangle – Mermaid/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC):[Counter Blast (1)] When this unit’s attack hits a vanguard, if you have a «Bermuda Triangle» vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, return this unit to your hand, choose up to one «Bermuda Triangle» from your hand other than a card named « Pretty Celebrity, Charlotte », and call it to an open (RC).
« She is a beautiful gem tha shines brighter than anything. »
“バミューダ△”初のセレブアイドルとしてデビューした少女。 マーメイドの母と人間の父を持つハーフマーメイドで、数日程度であれば体を人間と同じ作りに変化させる事ができる。 母は女優、父はとある大企業の役員であり、容姿端麗、頭脳明晰な彼女がどちらの道を選ぶのかと誰もが期待していたが、そんな周囲の期待など何処吹く風とでも言うように、彼女は幼少の頃より密かに憧れていたアイドルの道を選んだ。 その昔、スクリーンで見たアイドルの事を、彼女は「キラキラの宝石」と例えたという。 彼女は舞台で輝く宝石たちに憧れ、自分も同じように輝きたいと思った。 輝いて、煌めいて、そして世界中の少女達に夢を届けたいと、今もなお、そう思っている。
A little girl who just debuted as a new celebrity idol of Bermuda△. She’s a half mermaid with a mermaid mother and human father, allowing her to change into a human for several days at a time. Her mother is an actress while her father is an executive in a certain major corporation, which both show in her beautiful figure and brilliant mind, everyone hoped she’d chose the path best for her, so there was a wind blowing with everyone expecting her, but she ultimately chose the path of an idol that she had dreamed of since childhood. It’s said she’s like a glittering jewel of an idol, the sort you saw on the screens back in the day. She yearned to shine like the glittering jewels she saw on the stage. Shining and glittering, even now, that thought is a dream of little girls all over the world.

Story Teller
ストーリー・テラー Story Teller
Grade 2/Dark Irregulars – Human/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](VC/RC):[Counter Blast (2)] When this unit’s attack hits, if you have a «Dark Irregulars» vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card.
« So sad… … It’s a Bad End for you. »
書物に宿る魔神と契約を交わした魔道士。 これといって特筆するべき所の無い平凡な男だったが、封印されていた書物を好奇心から持ち去ってしまい、その後の人生を大きく狂わせてしまう。 本から現れた魔神の姿に初めこそ驚いたものの、自分に危害を加えない彼に、男は心を許していった。 最初は話相手程度だった魔神だが、徐々に男に甘言を囁くようになり、ある日魔神の誘惑という後押しを得て、犬猿の仲であった同僚を消してしまう。 そして狼狽した男の心の隙を突き、魔神は彼の体を乗っ取ってしまった。 肉体を手に入れた魔神は人の皮を被りながら、悪行を重ね続けるだろう。 人の身という、その脆い依代が朽ち果てるまで……。
A mage who made a deal with a devil who exists inside a book. He was just an ordinary man with nothing particularly special about him, but one day he took away a sealed book that caused him to go mad later in life. Although at first, he was surprised by the demon who appeared from the book, since it didn’t harm him, he relaxed. While the demon just talked to him in the beginning, it slowly whispered honeyed words in his ears, and then one day, backed by the temptations of the evil fiend, he began to get rid of his co-workers like they were mere cats and dogs. Then, prodding and poking at the confused man’s heart and soul, the fiend took over his body for his own. The demon, having acquired a body to wear, can now commit one crime after another. Until the weak vessel called the human body rots apart.