Cards of the Day! 10/04/2013

Dandelion Muskeeter, Mirkka
タンポポの銃士 ミルッカ Dandylion Musketeer, Mirkka
Grade 1/Neo Nectar – Bioroid/6000 Power/5000 Shield
[AUTO](RC):When this unit boosts an «Neo Nectar», if you have a «Neo Nectar» vanguard, and your deck is shuffled by any of your card’s effects during this turn, the boosted unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.
« The fluff of life! Dancing in the wind, they are my power. »
様々な花言葉を持つタンポポから生まれた花の銃士。 いつ訓練を行っているのかはわからないが、剣と銃はそこそこ、強化魔法の腕前に関しては並の実力者を凌ぐという天才肌の少女で、毎日色々な場所を飛び回っている為、銃士が一同に会する時などで無い限りはあまり姿を見かけない。 基本的にやりたい事をやりたい時にやるという一歩間違えれば傍迷惑な性格をしているが、根が悪い訳では無い為、周囲も強くは指摘していないらしい。 気まぐれ少女は忙しなく、今日もあちこちを飛び回る。 彼女が辿った道に咲くタンポポもいずれは綿毛となり、主と同じようにこの広い空と大地を旅するのだろう。
A flower musketeer made from Dandylions, which has a variety of meanings in flower language. Although there’s no telling when she was trained, she’s quite adept with both guns and swords, but the real thing to note is she’s a girl genius in terms of using magical buffs, but because she’s flying around places every day, except for the Musketeers, she’s almost never appears. Though she has a personality that is prone to doing things even though they tend to be a pain in the ass for others, since her core isn’t entirely bad, people tend to avoid pointing it out. She’s a whimsical girl who flies around restlessly all the time. The Dandylions that bloom in her wake will eventually become fluff, floating across the vast earth and sky just like their mistress.
緑の国“ネオネクタール”の主と守護竜にのみ仕える練達のバイオロイド。 他のバイオロイド以上に体組織が植物に近く、体から自在に蔓や蔦などを出して戦う事もできる。 忠義の証として、バイオロイドの核、「心華」を主に預け、身命を賭し、生涯を賭けて主の下で戦い抜くことを誓うという。
The Flower Musketeers are…
Skilled Bioroids that serve the guardian dragon that rules the green nation of « Neo Nectar ». Their body tissues are closer to that of a plant than any other Bioroid, allowing them fight by creating vines and ivy straight from their body. As proof of their loyalty, their Core Flower, the nucleus of a Bioroid, is left in the possession of their master. As a result, they’re left risking life and limb on their honor to follow their oaths to their master for the rest of their days.

Peerless Scribe, Ponga
無双祐筆 ポンガ Peerless Scribe, Ponga
Grade 3/Great Nature – Hi-Beast/10000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if your opponent’s [Power] is 12000 or greater, this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of that battle.
[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if you have a «Great Nature» vanguard, this unit gets [Power]+2000 until end of that battle.
« A pen… … no, a writing brush… … is stronger than any superweapon. »
在学中の身でありながらも、名だたる書道家として有名な“グレートネイチャー”の学生。 長さ10尺にもなる巨大な筆から生み出される文字は、今にも飛び出してきそうな程に力強く雄々しい。 また、各地で留学を繰り返していた頃、護身の為に「闘筆法」という戦闘技法を編み出したが、こちらは教えを請おうとする者が少ないらしく、本人も密かに落ち込んでいる。 「筆は剣よりも兵器よりも強し!」 愛用の筆を振り回しながら今日も豪語する彼だが、そもそも筆が強いという訳では無く彼自身が強いだけなのではという事を、未だに誰も突っ込めないでいる。
Even though they’re still in school, this student of « Great Nature » is already famous as a renowned calligrapher. The letters written from their gigantic 10 shaku long Writing brush are so intense that they seem like they’ll jump off the paper at any moment. Also, when they studied abroad in other places, they came up with a form of self defense known as « Fightning Penmanship », but they’re fairly depressed as almost no one seems to be interested in learning it. « The pen is mightier than the sword! » is something they shout brandishing their favorite brush, but the brush is only so strong because they are that strong themselves, which is something no one can question.