Cards of the Day! 26/12/2012
忍竜 マガツゲイル Stealth Dragon, Magatsugale
Grade 2/Murakumo – Abyss Dragon/9000 Power/5000 Shield
[CONT](VC):If you have a card named « Stealth Dragon, Magatsu Breath » in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+1000.
[AUTO]:When a card named « Covert Demonic Dragon, Magatsu Storm » rides this unit, if you have a card named « Stealth Dragon, Magatsu Breath » in your soul, search your deck for up to two cards named « Covert Demonic Dragon, Magatsu Storm », call them to separate (RC), shuffle your deck, and at the beginning of your end phase, put those units on the bottom of your deck in any order.
« Stealth Dragons control the cosmic forces »
代々帝国に仕える忍竜一族「禍(マガツ)」の上忍。 一人で中忍数百人分の働きをする程の猛者であり、使用にリスクが伴うと言われる高位忍術の習得を許されている。 平素は数名が頭領の警護を行い、他は領地の監視を含む任務にあたっている。 また、最も危険な敵地への潜入捜査や要人暗殺を任されるのは上忍のみであり、下忍・中忍には任務の内容すらも知らされない。 如何な大風も平時は涼やかに静まる。 真に強き風は吹き荒れるべき時を選ぶのである。
A Jyounin (ninja chief) of the Stealth Dragon clan « Magatsu » (whose name descends from words meaning calamity or disaster) who have served the empire for countless generations. He is such a veteran that it is said that he can do work of several hundred average ninja on his own, and is allowed to learn high-level, but extremely risky, Ninja Arts. Usually, several people serve as escorts and bodyguards of the client, while several more are in charge of monitoring the surrounding area. As well, he, as a Jyounin, is entrusted with undercover operations, break-ins deep within highly dangerous enemy territory, and the assassinations of important figures, that not even Genin or Chuunin are permitted to know about. In times of peace, a strong wind subsidies into a cool breeze. A truly strong wind picks when to blow.
隠密魔竜 マガツストーム Covert Demonic Dragon, Magatsustorm
Grade 3/Murakumo – Abyss Dragon/10000 Power/No Shield
[ACT](VC): Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):[Counter Blast (2)] Until end of turn, this unit gets [Power]+3000, search your deck for up to two cards named « Covert Demonic Dragon, Magatsu Storm », call them to separate (RC), shuffle your deck, and at the beginning of your end phase, put those units on the bottom of your deck in any order.
[CONT](VC):If you have a card named « Stealth Dragon, Magatsu Gale » in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+1000.
« I’m gonna show you the rage of the falling stars! Now, Meteor Shower! »
代々帝国に仕える忍竜一族「禍(マガツ)」の十三代目頭領。 その名の通り荒れ狂う嵐の如き力で如何な戦局をも覆してきた歴戦の古強者であり、歴代の「禍」の忍の中でも一二を争う実力者。 あらゆる忍術に精通しており、特に分身(わけみ)の術に関しては他の忍では到底辿りつけない高みまで昇華させている。 「流星分身」は異空間から召喚した無数の暗器を呼び出す召喚術と、分身の術を 掛け合わせて生み出した現代の忍術。 忍の術も立場も、時代と共に変わりつつある。 伝統を守り改革を拒むのではなく、合わせ昇華させる。 それが“むらくも”の忍の在り方なのである。
The thirteenth head of the Stealth Dragon clan « Magatsu » (whose name descends from words meaning calamity or disaster) who have served the empire for countless generations. As implied by his name, he’s a battle-tested veteran who can turn the tides of battle like a raging storm, whose talents are comparable with the twelve leaders of the past. He is so well versed in the various forms of the Ninja Arts, but when it comes to the Art of Duplication, he has reached such heights that none of the other ninjas can compare to him. His « Meteor Shower » is a form of modern Ninja Arts created by crossing the art of duplication with a form of summoning magic that calls forth countless dark weapons from an alternate dimension for his clones to use. The Ninja Arts, and where they stand, are changing with the times. Instead of blindly following tradition and refusing reform, he has chosen to improve it by combining them into new and exciting variations.. This is the way of the ninjas of « Murakumo ».