[Sneak Preview] BT09EN « Clash of the Knights & Dragons »
Comme nous vous l’annoncions il y a quelques jours, Bushiroad lance sa campagne pour la Sneak Preview du Booster 09 : Clash of the Knights & Dragons. Aujourd’hui, nous découvrons ce qui nous sera possible de récupérer à l’issue de cet évènement !
As we said some days earlier, Bushiroad is currently taking care about its Clash of the Knights & Dragons’ Sneak Preview campaign. Today we are discovering what we will be able to get through this event !
Premièrement, une carte promotionnelle ! / First, a promo card :

Crimson Lightning Dragon
Crimson Lightning Dragon
Grade 3/Narukami – Thunder Dragon/10000 Power/No Shield
[AUTO](VC):[Choose a «Narukami» from your hand, and discard it] When this unit attacks, you may pay the cost. If you do, this unit gets [Power]+6000 until end of that battle.
[AUTO](RC):[Choose a «Narukami» from your hand, and discard it] When this unit attacks, you may pay the cost. If you do, this unit gets [Power]+3000 until end of that battle.
« That battle style leaves an afterimage that resembles lightning. »
Et un tapis de jeu, mettant en scène « Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion – THE BLOOD » ! / And a playmat, featuring « Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion – THE BLOOD » !

The BT09’s Sneak Preview playmat features the Crossride of Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion : « THE BLOOD »